Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SFL 210 outline

Experience one:
It was a good thing I was wearing a long sleeve shirt the first time I tripped over a track hurdle while running. The second time I was not so lucky, and by the fourth and fifth time I had perfected running into hurdles with no improvement in actually getting over them. To my ever embracement I actually raced the hurdles in High School; if you can call what I did racing. I tried hurdles because I came in last in every other track event and it seemed like hurdles were a good excuse to run slowly. With a new respect for people who can run in circles I carried my duffle bag and spiked shoes to practice every day, and I ran. There was never a significant improvement in my times. I never came in any place but last, and I yet I was better for it.

Dominion Physical
analyses of how events impacted development
Outcome 1:
I began to build up my cardio and endurance in track and I found that it helped me to be able to enjoy other things.
I still run today mostly on an elliptical to maintain cardio
Outcome 2:
Unable to drink soda pop
I became aware of how food affects my body and physical performance immediately and currently I do not drink pop
Outcome 3:
Eating too much of a milk shake
Aware that all food I put into my body has an affect and that I should monitor my portions
Outcome 4:
Weight lifting
I go weight lifting at least once a week, and I know how to lift the weights properly to prevent injury
Outcome 5:
Built muscle strength particularly upper body and abdomen
Easy transition into yoga
Today I consider myself physically fit. The transition from having someone plan out a five-day-a-week-two-hours-a-day-workout schedule to organizing your own exercises in between writing an essay, going to work, and reading a text book but track changed my physical dominion to the point that I want to be physically active not only now but throughout my entire life.
Dominion cultural awareness
I learned the culture of team and individual athletics
Outcome 1:
PR lingo for runners split times, long distance, short distance, long track meets
Talking to someone in the car about their marathon run
Outcome 2:
Talented track team and untalented football team the media attention
Olympic runners who don’t get to take home the gold
Outcome 3:
Injured athletes
When my friend Shelby told me about her broken foot preventing her from preforming her senior year I remembered when Shari got injured and was unable to perform her senior year and how our team mourned
Outcome 4:
Spirit of competition, and cheering on teammates during meets
During basketball game and I was so embarrassed for the boys shouting behind me wondering all the while how they could expect to have respect for t
Person I am today
Dominion social/friendships
analyses of how events impacted development
Connection between events and outcome
Outcome 1:
Brother was on track team and every day we drove to school together
Currently my brother is serving a LDS mission and I write him once a week
Outcome 2:
Finding a friend’s other talent; Mallory taking me all around the track field and me trying high jump, long jump, hurdles, and even javelin
Discovering a major; the fear to not try out a class; fail a class and try another area of study
Outcome 3:
Making posters and asking Becky about her cooking experiments
Outcome 4:
Find out who your friends are when you are absolutely awful at something and they still like you because you are who you are
Marlina not getting into the dance number
Outcome 5:
Time awareness: I had to get myself to practice after classes and could not mess around with friends, because I had to be changed and on the field by such a time
How to politely leave when it is mid-night at Sharona’s house
Person I am today
Dominion Self
Analyses of how events impacted development
Connection between events and outcome
Outcome 1:
I could not live with myself if I was not getting any better and blame it on never coming to practice
Commitment; I need to try hard to get the grades that I want and to put forth the effort to obtain the results that I would like to get
Outcome 2:
Focus; in the weight room was the muscle that built up; I wanted to run and not through different muscle build up
Custom fit focus of thoughts; I need to think about child development now, I need to now focus on biology, and then the art of combining the two
Outcome 3:
Enjoy the personal growth; PR
When I feel like I am doing poorly in a class (biology) I like to walk out of the class and list off all of the things that I did not know before I took that class and that I understand now
Outcome 4:
Determination; Reggie time and not knowing when it would be over
Walk into the testing center, sitting through a lecture
Person I am today
Experience 2
My freshman year my roommate Liv came to our apartment smelling like fry bread and holding a flyer about Native American hoop dance practice on campus that night. We both showed up in sweats, expecting free Little Creaser pizza, a brief dance lesson, followed by a short walk home, and then I personally never thought I would think about it again. When we walked into the room they asked us if we were lost. Liv blended in with her dark hair, but I looked like blue eyed deer in the headlights. Everyone knew everyone, and their brothers, and their aunt, and their second cousin twice removed and I do not even think Liv and I knew why we were there. That night I remember curling up next to the cinderblock wall next to my bed wishing that I could be absorbed in the mortar; I felt like my body was in big-white-blond monster of some sort. In that instant - for only a split second- I had glimpse of what it feels like to look different. I was determined to go to practice the next week, and the next, because I wanted to understand. It was a flyer (4 ¼ inches by 5 ½ inches) with a domino effect so strong I doubt that I would recognize myself if that flyer had never been printed.
Dominion Physical
Outcome 1:
Learned how to dance hoop
I will be preforming with a hoop dancing group in November
Outcome 2:
Physically enjoyed dancing hoop and being on a group team
Joined Remembering our Culture
Outcome 3:
Body language is literally body language and just like any language it has to be learned; my body was not speaking the same langue
Awareness of how I want to express what my thoughts, sprit is feeling in my body. Does this require big arm movements or little ones?
Outcome 4:
Sprained ankle
Injury prevention
Person I am today
Dominion cultural awareness
Outcome 1:
It was the first time that I had talked to someone who was Native American
Moving in to live with Shelby Willie before she leaves for her LDS mission
Outcome 2:
Visit to the Navajo Nations reservation
Going on a field study to the Navajo Nations reservation this summer
Outcome 3:
Wanting to change our culture
Ask questions to better understand culture differences and why someone would feel inclined to protest; Columbus Day
Outcome 4:
Christmas is a European holiday, Easter
How dominate my culture is in the society I live in and enjoying Pow Wow
Outcome 5:
Had to make a presentation of my Irish heritage and share my heritage
St. Patrick day party and inviting hoop class to join
Person I am today
Dominion social/friendships
analyses of how events impacted development
Connection between events and outcome
Outcome 1:
I started to make friends with everyone in the group
Moving in to live with Shelby, went to Janie’s bridal shower
Outcome 2:
Insults- they act white-
Race is not an insult
Outcome 3:
Playing music in Hawaiian
Relationships with people; find things that are dear but not personal; ask people about how their music, dance, or food is different and then be willing to try it; Dancing in remembering our culture and learning every dance
Outcome 4:
Playing Uno at Sharona’s birthday party
Letting yourself shine through is how to make the best friends
Person I am today
Dominion spiritual
Analyses of how events impacted development
Connection between events and outcome
Outcome 1:
My body does not have the same value as my soul
The worth of souls is great in the sight of God
Outcome 2:
In Remembering Our Culture we are expected to dance and bear our testimony
Missionary work can be done through the art of dance
Outcome 3:
Devotional every day after practice is sometimes in Spanish
Pat; you bear your testimony in the language you feel comfortable and the gift of tongues helps to understand
Outcome 4:
God wants all of his children to hear the gospel; sitting in the temple
There is no man made boarder or manmade label that matters to God; and I want support tithing to help missionaries go out to all the world and preach the gospel
Person I am today
Dominion cognitive
Analyses of how events impacted development
Connection between events and outcome
Outcome 1:
History is written by the winners; the story of the Native American (trail of tears)
Get several perspectives on a historical event
Outcome 2:
Wanted to go into interior design
Changed my major to early child education
Outcome 3:
Not understanding my Spanish home work
Study with Freddy who is from Mexico and speaks perfect Spanish
Outcome 4:
Sacrifices made to get into school lecture
Respect my education and that opportunity by working hard so that I can help those around me in the future
Person I am today
Dominion Language/communication
Analyses of how events impacted development
Connection between events and outcome
Outcome 1:
Word choice; calling an outfit a costume
I no longer call outfits costumes
Outcome 2:
Sensitive topics; skin walkers
I don’t bring them up, and find myself scared of them in the dark
Outcome 3:
If you speak something wrong in Navajo you offend people
Learning to appreciate an interperitator
Outcome 4:
Shelby Willies Dad speaks perfect Navajo, but he is not very talented at expressing himself in English
Not to measure intellect by the limits of my language; or writing; African history
Person I am today
I like my blog spot