Monday, October 3, 2011

Reg Doctrine and Covenants 84:61-120, 121:34-46

I was having a horrible day, a horrible day. Too little sleep, too little food, too much homework, too much to do, too much stress, and I was walking home thinking how the world was so horrible. I wanted everything right then right now, and it was not coming how I wanted it. I tried all of the tricks to make me happy. I tried running my hand down the rail, I tried to list some of my favorite things, I tried to eat something that I enjoy, I even tried to read a book. In the end I took a nap.
When I woke up the world seemed a little brighter, and the sun was shining. I was still a little on edge. I went out to dinner with my mom, and we just talked. It was good and that started to lift up my day. I then took some time to study in the library and the day started to go normal. I was just about to turn it in, and then I remembered that I needed to do my reading.
It was one of my favorite verses about Many are called but few are chosen. These words struck me and woke me up. I was being so unfaithful this morning, and such a little brat. How could I forget all that God has promised me, all that he has given me thus far in my life and will continue to give me until the end of time. He has promised me worlds without end if I remain faithful this His spirit, and I need to have faith in that promise. I need to have faith that there are good things out there for me in my life. I need to not only believe that "one day" but know and have faith that all of these "one days" are connected to this day to this time, and to how I am today. I want to have faith in these promises, Lord please give me more faith!
I am greatful that these were the verses I read today, and I do not feel like it was a coinsidence that I read these versus today, because I needed a reminder that my faith in my Lord and Savior should be strong through all of my bad days.