Joy Prior
Book Report: A Book of a 1,000 Days
Author: Shannon Hale
Professor Young
“Like I what? Like I what, Douggo? Do you ever wonder what it’s like to be so angry that you… And then something happens, and after that, everyone figures that’s what you’re like, and that’s what you’re always going to be, and so you just decide to be it? But the whole time your thinking, Am I going to be like him? Or am I already like him? And then you get angrier, because maybe you are, and you want to…”
He stopped. He wiped at his eyes. I’m not lying. My bother wiped at his eyes.
Page 180
But maybe you can understand a little when I tell you that when the So-Called Gym Teacher hollered at me during Volleyball that I should to after those balls and not act like a Mama’s Baby, you can understand why I got the volleyball and was about to throw it as hard as I could into his sneering face, but I held back- and I’m not lying, it wasn’t easy- and I told him to shut up, just shut up, and he sneered some more and said I would never throw the volleyball because I knew what would happen to me, and my mother would be all upset, wouldn’t she?
I almost threw it.
I almost did.
But I didn’t.
I smiled- the way Lil Spicer likes. Then I took off my shirt and threw it onto the bleachers. I went back and served the stupid ball over the stupid net. Overhand."
Page 214
Golden Quotes
“When you find something that’s whole, you do what you can to keep it that way.”
Page 176
“Creativity is a god who comes only when he pleases, and it isn’t very often. But when he does come, he sits beside my desk and folds his wings and I offer him whatever he wants and in exchange he lets me type all sorts of things that get turned into plays for which people who own New York stages are waiting. And right now, he is sitting by my desk, and he is being very kind.”
Page 47
What was Mr. Ferris’s childhood like? What makes him so willing to identify with Doug?
How did the kind-a small town low financed library get ahold of such a famous book?
Alternative Book Report