Joy Prior
Geog 120H
Geography 120 H Benua
Benua# is a hypothetical continent (assume there are no other continents or countries) with geographical characteristics similar to those found throughout this world. Your assignment is to analyze and synthesize all of the available data in order that you can then use that information in making valid geo-political analysis. You are encouraged to work together in groups to analyze the material but you must write and submit your own answers.
A. Go to
B. Analyze the various maps and tables. Try different combinations. For example: combine the resource and ethnicities map to see what minority groups might be sitting atop precious resources.
Answer the following questions. Typed responses are encouraged. Be sure to use correct geographic terminology!
1. Which country is most likely to experience balkanization? Why?
I believe that the country most likely to experience balkanization is Kome. Geographically Kome is a fragmented country. It is composed of three different islands near each other. Each island has a dominate ethnicity although on the most northern island there are a few areas were the other two minority ethnicities are present, but not dominate. The southern island has a more tropical agriculture than the rest of the country while the northern two islands share a subtropical agriculture. These islands also have large mountain ranges that make convenient trade more difficult. There are no major transportation roads or canals or rivers that cross between the three islands. The islands population is concentrated on the coastal regions. There is one major city on each island and all of the cities are facing away from each other and towards other countries.
2. Which countries are landlocked. What could these countries do to have access to the sea.
Sopka and Timah are both landlocked. To gain access to the sea Timah could travel on the exotic river that runs through Pula. Timah could also travel on the river that crosses Oro and Nagy. Both Oro and Nagy have more rivers and consequently water would not be as dramatic of a natural resource to the Nagy and Oro people as water would be a dramatic natural resource for the people in Pula, because Pula only has one river and the rest of the country is a desert. This would make is so that Timah would probably have an easier time traveling through Nagy than through Pula. After looking at the Timah cities it would also seem wise to use the river that runs through Oro and Nagy because there are multiple cities along the river route that the Timah people could trade with before reaching the sea port. The country of Sopka could also travel along rivers to reach the sea. There is a river that originates in Sopka that goes through Nagy that Sopka could travel across.
3. Assuming that the wind over Benua flows from east to west, explain why Pula is mostly desert.
Pula is mostly desert because the rain falls on the east side of the mountain range. It would then be a rain shadow desert because the mountain range in Oro and Timah create a barricade for the rain clouds. After looking at a map of the major rivers it appears that the runoff for these mountain ranges is also on the east side, because besides the one exotic river in Pula the remaining rivers from the mountain runoff are one the eastern side of the mountains in Timah and Oro.
4. Based on the transportation layer, which countries are likely to form an economic union? Why?
The three countries Zeit, Lale, and Weizen will form an economic union. Although the country Lale is an island it is just off the coast of Weizen, and Zeit. There are major roads in all three of these countries. One of the major roads travels near the boarder of Zeit and Weizen. Along this road there are several major cities. There is a concentration of people for all three of these countries at the point were all three of the countries boarders. The countries have unique natural resources that would benefit each other. Zeit has an abundance of petroleum, a little Iron, and some coal. Weizen has an abundance of coal, some tin, a little gold, iron, and also bauxite. While Lale has coal and petroleum. Each of the three countries has unique agriculture. Weizen has a prairie, and Lale has Dairy, while Zeit is mostly nomadic herding. Because Lale and Weizen have more agricultural benefits, but they are depended on the natural recourses of petroleum in Zeit the countries can trade food and livestock for petroleum between one another.
5. What country is involved for mono-crop production?
Mangkut is a island to the south. This island has only tropical agriculture, and no other agriculture. It’s boundaries do not spread far south or high north and so the longitude and latitude is relatively condensed so the island does not have that as variation. Although there are a few higher areas in Mangkut there the island is not overwhelmed by mountain ranges and attitude variation giving most of the island the same climate. According to the climate legend the climate on Mangkut is completely Tropical Rainforest, and there would be mono-crop production due to the single climate, agriculture, and relatively limited latitude and longitude variation.
6. Calculate the agricultural density of Nagy. What does this agricultural density mean for Nagy?
The agricultural density of Nagy is rather high. According to the agricultural of Benua download data is 43%. The fertilizer amount is 19,773,802 is the second highest, in the continent of Benua. It also has 45,970 of sq. miles of irrigation. The urban population in Nagy is 73% which is exceptionally high. The agricultural density is about the number of farms in a given area over the amount of agricultural land within that area. That means that just under ¾ of the population is living on just about 2/5 of the land. This high of an agricultural density could be devastation for the nation of Nagy, because most of the population lives on a limited area and they are using up the natural resources as the farm and harvest yearly. The entire population of Nagy is 226,701 and fortunately the country is rather large with 6,320,021 square km of land. The population density is 28 people per sp. Km. Compared to the other countries this population density is not drastically high, but sense most of the population lives in urban and farm land that means that a lot of land is needed to support the farmers of the country. The entire northern part is covered in mountains, and the little arable land the nation has for farming is filled with just under ¾ of the nation’s population. The country is running the risk of over expending their soil and agricultural ruin.
7. Which country most likely has swidden agriculturalists? Why?
Swidden or slash and burn is practiced mainly in tropical regions. Reen, Mangkut, Agni, and parts large parts of Oro, Carvao and Kome are tropical climate regions. According to the agricultural chart all of these countries have a few areas for tropical agriculture, but agni and mangkut are entirely depended on tropical agriculture. Mangkut has a much higher population to support than Agni. More so the agricultural download data sates that Mangkut has 207,000 sq miles of irrigation and 1,660,863 fertilizers despite the fact that only 27% of the land is arable. Roughly 33% of the population of Mangkut lives in urban. That is a lot of people trying to live in a tropical climate, and farm a small area of land. With the large amount of fertilizers and extensive sq miles of irrigation I assume that this country has no fear of imposing the influence of humans on their farms and would be the most likely country to use swidden or slash and burn.
8. What country has an exotic river running through it?
Pula has only one river running through it, and this is an exotic river that originates in the mountain ranges surrounding the country. It has head waters in North in Zeit, a head waters towards the east in Timah, and at the southern end a head water in Oro. This is an ideal example of an exotic river.
9. Which river basin would be most contentious? Why?
Something that would contribute to a contentious river basin is a valuable river. Although there are lots of rivers there are only a few that are considered Navigatable Rivers. One of these major rivers runs along the boarder of Oro and Carvao. This river runs into a direct sea port, and at the sea port there is a major network of cities and road ways for both countries. According to the politics of Benua download data the political corruption index of Carvao is 6.7 and Oro is 7.2 which puts both countries in the top five highest corrupted countries in Benua. The political stability of Carvao is -.35 and for Oro -.04 which puts both countries in the lowest 7 most stable countries in Benua. Both countries have distinct ethnicities Oro major ethnicity O and Carvao being C, but in the city 107 which is in the river basin I am describing there is a mixture of the two ethnicities. With Oro’s O population being the dominate and Carvao’s C population being the minority. Along this river there is the high population. The ethnic, political unrest, possible use of trade and transportation along the river, mixed with large amount of people living in the area makes this river basin a possible contentious river basin.
10. Weizen troops have just invaded Pula. Why is there a war between the two countries? Who else might get involved? Who will be victorious? What does Weizen hope the outcome of the war will be?
Up until this point Zeit and Weizen have been political friend in their own form of the UN. The relationship between Zeit and Weizen has been developed Weizen’s need for oil. As the country of Weizen has developed so has their need for oil. Currently though the country of Zeit has been having an increase in their political unrest and the country is on the edge of civil war. Zeit has been experiencing unrest because of the two different emerging cultures. The first being the ethnic Z which lives mostly in the densely populated coastal region and the second group the minority population in the east with the ethnicity I in that practices nomadic herding lifestyles. In short this two groups are have been causing political unrest in the country Zeit. Due to the political unrest in Zeit the amount of petroleum being shipped to the country of Weizen has dramatically decreased. Weizen still exports a large amount of its supplies to the country of Zeit and does not want to decrease economic relations with this country, but the country does need oil. Due to Weizen’s need for oil the country has decided to invade the country of Pula in an attempt to obtain more petroleum.
Lale is also a part of Weizen’s economic and political organization and because of these connections this country is sending financial support as well as technology to help Weizen with the war.
Wiezen will win the war. Weizen has a larger population than Pula by over 10,000 pc which means more troops and more people to support those troops. Weizen also has a greater economic stability over Pula’s because Weizen has %15.40 imports and %17.2 exports compared to Pula’s %1.3 imports and %1.6 exports. This not only means more economical power, but it means that there are more countries depending on Weizen’s imports and exports than Pula’s imports or exports.
The country that will be victorious will Weizen, and the country will get what they wanted, petroleum. This was the country Weizen’s intent when attaching the country. In short the country of Pula will turn over cities 78, 5, and 93 and their surrounding areas to the country of Weizen. Although Weizen want’s the petroleum they do not want to take the population of Pula on as a “burden,” because most of the country of Pula’s population is on the far eastern side of the country Weizen would like to avoid taking on as many of Pula’s citizens as possible. In short the country of Weizen will only try to obtain these cities mentioned (which are close to the petroleum) and avoid taking responsibility for the other cities.
11. Which country is a likely candidate to have been colonized? Who would have colonized it? Why?
The country of Reen colonized an area that was once apart of the country of Mangkut. The island shared between Reen and Mangkut was once owned entirely by Mangkut. The main population of Mangkut is M and the main population of Reen is R. On the island shared between these two countries both of these ethnicities are present, but the R ethnicity does not cover the majority of the population and remains a minority in the western side of the island. There is also one major city on this island which is next to a copper resource. The Reen people needed copper and so they began to colonize the island that once belonged to Mangkut in order to obtain the copper in this particular area. As the Reen people began to colonize the island for copper the R ethnicity began to move into the island and after some political disputes half of this island is now a part of the country of Reen.
12. If there were a Cold War in Benua, what two countries would be the superpowers and what countries would be on each side? Why?
The cold war would be between Nagy and Weizen. These populations have high exports and imports; which would give both countries great international and economic power. Weizen’s imports %15.4 and exports %17.2; it is also in an economical agreement with Lale with exports %15.8 and imports %15.6; and despite Zeit’s current political unrest Weizen is one of the countries economical allies. The country of Zeit imports %7.3 and exports %8. In contrast the country of Nagy imports %46.5 and exports 38.70.56 (I am not sure what typing error occurred here) The two countries of Nagy and Weizen both have substantial economic control in Benua.
The Weizen and Nagy countries both have distinctly different ethnicities, and that would contribute to cultural practice and ideal beliefs. Although there are two distinct ethnicities that run along the countries boarder there is no geographical reason. For example there is not a large mountain range that divides the two countries. Infect the countries share a boarder that is mostly flat, and has the same agricultural crops. Usually when there is not a large physical barrier between countries the two ethnicities will merge. Yet, the two ethnicities of Weizen and NAgy have not merged and remain along the political boarder indicating to me that there is a political reason or turmoil that keeps the two ethnicities from merging together.
Both countries have relatively equal natural resources. The arable land for Weizen is 48% while the arable land for Nagy is 43%. Weizen Oil 776, Nagy oil 585. Iron-ore weizen 40,579, Nagy Iron-ore 74,017; coal Weizen 431,455, coal Nagy 88,295; Bauxite Weizen 10,398, Bauxite Nagy 0. This abundance of natural resources has lead both countries to have higher populations Weizen over 180,000 and Nagy has over 226,000. Not to mention technological growth and infrastructure. Weizen is in the top ten for the trans/comm. index with 40,826 rail; 565,140 roads, 2,812 waterways, airports 85, and specifically at .30 trans/comm. index. While the country Nagy 240,000 rail, 3,732,747 roads, 41,009 waterways, 5174 airports, and the highest trans/comm. index of .48.
Both of these countries have economical power, they are distinctly different ethnicities despite their physiological similarities, and they are highly populated and developed making them the two powers in the cold war.
13. Name three countries in the early stages of demographic transition. Name three countries in the late stages of the demographic transition. Choose one of these countries and describe what their current demographics might mean during the next twenty years.
first stages of demographical change (a large young population, and each mother has many children)
Timah because of the exceptional high TFR of 6.43 and the %<15 from '75 at 50 and %< from '95 at a still very high 43
Agni because of the high TFR of 4.6 and the %<15 from '75 at 45 and %< from '95 at a still high 40
Oro because of the TFR of 3.13 and the %<15 from '75 at 41 and %< from '95 at a constantly high 36
last stages of demographical change (these three countries have the lowest %<15 for both '75 and '95, not to mention the lowest TFR as well)
Weizen low TFR 1.302 and the %<15 from '75 at 24 and %< from '95 at a still lower to 18
Valkea low TFR 1.531 and the %<15 from '75 at 22 and %< from '95 at a still lower to 19
Lale low TFR 1.72 and the %<15 from '75 at 23 and %< from '95 at a still lower to 20
In the next twenty years the country of Lale will have an even greater decrease in the percent of people under the age of 15, and there will also be a minimal decrease in the TFR. Although the death rate will probably decrease, or remain relatively the same. The economy will probably evolve into a post modern economy passed on service and technology which will decrease the amount of factories in the country resulting in a decrease in the amount of exports.
14. Give an example of each of the following types of states.
a. Fragmented: Agni
b. Elongated: Reen (although made of islands the main land mass is long and thin)
c. Prorupt: Zeit (there is a small part near Lale which is the same ethnicities as Lale, and relatively isolated from the remainder of the Zeit country)
d. Compact: Timah
15. Click the checkboxes next to cities and population density.
a. Which Country is most highly urbanized? Why?
The country of Lale is most highly urbanized because as I look at the population of Lale I can see that over half of the countries land mass is dark purple which indicates that there is 200-1500 people/sq. miles. Not only that but the remaining half of the country is rich purple which means that 50-200 people/sq. mile. There are large cities across the entire country, and there is not a single space that is light pink which would indicate a low population density. This country is the most urbanized.
b. Where is an example of a Primate City?
An example of a Primate City is city number 19 in Reen. This city is just off the coast of Carvao, and is surrounded by the dark purple color indicating that it has a densely populated area of 200-1500 people/sq. mile. Although there are other cities in Reen this city is larger then the others, and has more people living in the surrounding areas.
c. Where is an example of a Megalopolis?
There is a Megalopolis in along the boarders of Lale, Weizen, and Zeit. This area is entirely covered in dark purple. There are so many large cities in this space that the large pink dots overlap each other in some places. From the top of Weizen city number 56 to the middle of Zeit city number 18 ( I believe it is number 18 or 78) there is constant swirls of rich and dark purple to indicate that this is a densely populated area. Not only is this megalopolis highly populated, but to the surrounding areas have road ways into and out of this area. From Valkea to Pula there is a road way that stretches along the Megalopolis.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
SFL notes
Chapter 11: Self and Social Understanding
Perspective taking: Selman’s five-stage sequence
Level 0 undifferentiated perspective taking (3-6)
Dad want’s this teddy bear for Christmas, teddy bear makes me happy it must make dad happy too
Level 1 social-informational perspective taking (4-9)
You like baseball because you play baseball, but I like soccer because I play soccer
Level 2 self-reflective perspective taking (7-12)
Step into another person’s shoes- you are sad when I laugh at you and I should stop
Level 3 third-party perspective taking (10-15)
When Caleb and I fight it hurt our mother’s feelings
Level 4 Societal perspective taking (14- adult)
Understanding that slavery hurt the slaves (not present during slavery though)
Characteristics of friendships for children (type of play not amount that changes over time)
Preschool: increasingly self-aware, engage in joint, interactive play
Middle childhood: introduction that others have different perspective than their own
Rough-and-tumble: friendly chasing and play-fighting
Wrestling with dad
Dominance hierarchy: level to the group members; predicts who will win
Dad is going to win the fight
Adolescence social interactions increase into peer interactions
Like soccer interact with the soccer team (learned from rough-and-tumble hierarchic players)
Damon’s stage sequence of friendship
Functional play: simple repetitive motor movements rolling same car back and forth
Constructive play: creating or constructing something (3-6) making a road for the car to go on
Make-believe play: acting out everyday/imaginary roles (2-6) our cars are race cars going down this track
Games with rules: following the rules of the game our cars can only go when I say go
Social competence; know definition given in class and examples of socially competent behaviors
Social problem solving skills applied strategies that prevent or resolve disagreements
Teaching these skills: peer relations
Knowledge of social rules
Representations of past social experiences
Social expectations
Effects and benefits of possessing these skills
Better grades in school
Chapter 12: Moral Development (page 509-517)
Instrumental vs. hostile
Instrumental/Proactive aggression: children act to fulfill a need or desire (head but another child to get a toy)
Decreases in preschool as children learn delayed gratification
Hostile/Reactive aggression: angry, meaningful hurt another person (hit brother with hammer)
Rises in verbal form as age increases
Relational vs. Overt aggression
Overt/Physical aggression; harms others through physical injury; punching
Noticeably more often in boys, yet controlled (it is a crime to murder)
Verbal aggression: harms others through threats; name calling, teasing
Relational aggression: harms others through peer relationships; you cannot come to my birthday party
Noticeably more often in girls; at age two
General characteristics of aggressive children
Direct: hitting; I won’t be your friend
Indirect: destroying property; spreading a rumor
Chapter 14: The Family
Authoritarian: low acceptance and involvement, high in coercive control, low in autonomy granting
Psychological control: behaviors that manipulate attachment to parents
Permissive: warm and accepting but uninvolved with little control
You can go to that sleepover with no parents even though you are five
Uninvolved:… duh
Authoritative: the ideal parent with autonomy granting
Over solicitous: over protective parenting
Oh! Let me do that for you
Sibling interaction
Siblings who are close in age: relate to one another on a more equal footing than parents and children
Caleb and I growing up together; strong emotional connections
Family/parental factors predict positive sibling interaction
Good marriage is linked to preschool siblings’ capacity to cope adaptively with jealousy and conflict
“mom! He needs you,” development of understanding of other’s needs
Size now vs. 1960s
3.1 in 1960
1.8 in 2000s
Outcomes for children of never-married parents
10% of American children 8% of Canadian live with a single parent who has never married w/o partner
85-90% are mothers
10-15% fathers
Engage in crime, experience homelessness
Spousal support needed in dual-income families
Father’s willingness to share child-care responsibilities is a crucial factor
Approximate proportion of marriages ending up in divorce
45% in America
30% in Canada
Major change without both parents
Experience single parent homes
2/3 marry again and experience remarriage
Proportion of children living in a single-parent household- 1/3 of childhood with single parent
Consequences of joint custody
Tend to be better adjusted due to parents fighting less, although creates high stress levels when changing
Parenting characteristics of fathers who only occasionally see their children after divorce
Are less likely to pay child support
Blending or Reconstituted family
What is it: parent, stepparent, and children from different previous marriages form
60% of divorced parents remarry a few years latter
What are certain problems associated with these
Boys tend to adjust quickly to stepfather who is warm, but refrain from exerting authority too quickly
Girls: react with sulking and resistant behavior (father just took away best friend-mom)
Impact of emotional and physical child abuse
Central nervous system damage, and abnormal brain waves
Attempts to suicide
Chapter 15: Peers, Media and Schooling
Levels of social play
Nonsocial activity: unoccupied, onlooker on own playing blocks
Parallel play: plays near other children with similar materials two children play with blocks
Associative play: separate activates but comment/share divided blocks into colors for A and B
Cooperative play: play together with a common goal We will build the biggest block tower
Sociodramatic play: support each other’s pretend feelings block tower A is evil king B is good king
Make believe play
Act out and respond to one another’s pretend feelings;
explore/gain control of fear arousing experiences; enables self-regulation
Search for monsters in magical forest
Resolve disputes through compromises
You be the king, no I want to be the prince you can be the king, I will be the king this time you next
Be able to identify
Solitary-passive withdrawal
Solitary-active withdrawal
What the peer group provides versus what friends provide
Peer groups: cooperation, leadership, followership, and collectivism
Friendship: development of trust sensitivity, intimacy
Peer acceptance (characteristics and outcomes) liability of child from group of age-mates as a accepted playmate
Goniometric techniques: self-reports researchers use to measure social preferences
Example: Nominate several classmates they like or dislike
Popular children: many positive votes
Pro social: combine academic and social competence
Neglected children: seldom mentioned
Well-adjusted, not less socially skilled, want to play, but just break out of the side on own
Rejected-withdrawn: negative votes
smaller subgroup of socially awkward children; watch other children play oddly
Rejected-aggressive: many negative votes
Severe conduct problems high
Popular-antisocial children: emerges in late childhood and early adolescence
The tough boys: athletically skilled but poor students with little social skills with adults
Controversial children: large number of positive and negative votes
Queen bee of the playground; notorious for using relational aggression
Difference between a clique and a crowd and what function a clique serves
Clique: small group who are friends, resemble one another in family background, attitudes, values, and interests
Important for place to express emotions, ideas, and girl talk; movie nights
Crowd: several cliques with similar values from a larger more loosely organized
linked to self concepts; and placement of self into a system (were my values fit in world)
Dominance hierarchy: the popular, the jocks, the burnouts all resemble a placement in the society
Peer reinforcement: wear the right shoes, kissing up to the teacher, run on the track team builds up identity
Conformity: discourage antisocial acts; act towards desirable ends
Influence day to day choices: clothing, music, hair cut
Parents influence education plans, drug intake, moral standing
Effects of television on children, children TV programs (e.g. example Sesame Street)
1 understand that television is describing something
2-3 bowl of popcorn in the television would spill if the television was tipped over
4 television is symbolic; but the cartoons were real people some were in the world
5 news is real, but not understand that they have a script; people live like they do in sesame street
7 unreality of TV is discovered
8 fail still to detect motives/consequences and judgment
Preschool and young elementary school children’s incomplete grasp of televised information and inability to critically evaluate it increase the chances that they will believe and imitate what they see; yet educational programs that have slow followable story plots are shown to increase literacy and math skills
Average time American children spend watching television each week is 24 hours
Effects of television in relation to violence, ethnic and gender stereotyping, and pro social behavior
violence increase the likelihood of hostile thoughts and emotional
All ages are susceptible
Lasting negative consequences: IQ, parent education, family income
Aggressive children have a great appetite for TV in general
Effects of heavy home internet use
High parent-child conflict; delinquency; internet use
Benefits of small schools and classrooms
Scored higher in reading and math achievements each year
Greater likelihood or graduation from high school
Children and transitions within the school system
Kindergarten: with more preschool experience scored higher on positive attitude towards school
Transition to adolescence: grades decline; tighter academic standards, less personal attention/participation
Less favorable jr high experiences than in elementary school
Children with higher adjustment rates stabilized eventually
Children with low adjustment rates decreased steadily
Effects of special class placing versus mainstreaming
Homogeneous groups: single grade
Low-SES, minority, males are not social dumb because they can see…
Drill basic facts and skills
Engage in less discussion
Progress at a slower pace
Eventually view themselves as not being smart
Heterogeneity combining two or three adjacent grades into multi grade classrooms
More successful
Grouping in High School
Lower-level classes substantially put forth less effort because they are less stimulating
Inclusive classrooms: put children in mainstream to prepare them for the social real world
How the USA does in terms of cross-national academic achievement
Below average and just above low-performing nations
Cultural valuing of academic achievement: not valued
High-quality education for all: not work with students as much; low standards
More time devoted to instruction: all day in play, television, play time
Emphasis on effort: Americans focus on natural ability, not the effort put forth
Risks involved with adolescents who work more than 15 hours during high school
Peruse of spending money rather than saving money
Outcomes for high school graduates who do not go to college
20% are unemployed
Most are low-paid, unskilled jobs
Other readings
Differences of marital satisfaction
Planner (Let’s have a baby) small decrease through out pregnancy
Acceptance of fate (if we get pregnant we get pregnant) increase when pregnant, but equal to planner at 18 mon.
Ambivalent (We did not want to but we are) significant decrease
Yes/no (one wanted a baby, but the other did not) dramatic decrease
Transition to parenthood
Marital satisfaction before vs. after baby
Decrease in marital satisfaction
Marriage stressors after the birth of a child
Remedies to these stressors
Husband: understand that child birth is a surgery
6 weeks before healed
Hire a 2nd person to clean house
Set up dinners with the visiting teachers/family
Wife: Don’t critique
Give appreciation
Trust husband with the baby
This is not the time to fix all of those things you have been wanting him to do
Don’t ask for a new project
Division of household labors between husband and wire before and after the birth of a child
Realistically it is hard after having a baby
Financially: if mother had an income before it will not be there
No such thing as women’s work
Not 50/50 because face it the women is at home all day and the husband is at his job making $
Marital structure
Marriage = a presidency
Benefits of fathers who play with their children and who are involved with their children’s lives is massive
The family, a Proclamation to the world
Duties of a parent love and raise children in a loving home
Human Development (our course covers only from conception to parenting themselves
An interdisciplinary field of study devoted to understanding all changes that human beings experience throughout life span
To much stimulation for a baby
Spoil baby? Can not spoil an infant
Basic issues
Theory: orderly, integrated set of statements that describes, explains and predicts behavior
Continuous development: counting, adding, multiplying, dividing,
Discontinuous development: one night child goes to bed and does not know the next they do understand (has stages)
The individual: certain genetics stuck: stable, open to change
Children follow same development: head up, arms up, crawl, walk (all children: Asian, Peru, American)
Context: home school vs. public school
Nature vs. Nurture:
Nature: genetic, anything physiological
Nurture: environmental factor determine development
Historical foundation : effect how people treat children: children little adults- 1800s children spoiled- 2000
Nativist perspective
Language Acquistion Devise: LAD, there is a switch in the brain that turns on at birth and off at puberty, and as long as you are around the language you have the ability to learn the language.
Behaviorist perspective: operant conditioning and imitation
Interactions perspective: brain and environment interaction
Prelinguistic development
1st speech: all speech sounds in variously languages
2nd joint attention: mom- “do you see that dog? Look,” mom- “do you see that balloon? Look,”
3rd phonology: sequences of sounds “TV” is “didi”
4th semantics: words/combinations have meaning (influenced by gender, cultural, ex.)
Referential style: label objects (boys) “I truck” about his toy truck
Expressive style: talk about feelings (girls) “She sad” about her little doll
Overextension: word applied to widely, anything with wheels is a car
Under extension: applied to narrow, believes that their teddy bear is the only real teddy bear
Word coinage/metaphors: stapler becomes “paper puncher together”
Fast mapping- taking a familiar word and applying it to the new experience
Last year remembered going sledding and saying wee, fast mapped word wee with snow
When saw the snow, “Now we can go weeing!”
context of sentence language “me hungry,” “you ball”
Over-regularization: regular grammar rule to exception “two lose tooths,” “runed”
Parent and child interaction:
Expansions: elaborate no utterance to increase complex: child- dink
Parent- would you like a drink in a cup
Recast: repeat word normally until child learns: child- dink
Parent- a drink
Progmatic development: appropriate communication with others, important to develop on receiving and giving perspectives
Turnabout: coments on what was said and replies with a question- dating
“what is your major” “elementary education; have you chosen a major yet?”
Shading: change of topec gradually by modifying focus
“I like basketball… I enjoy baseball more… there is a baseball field next to here… we should play baseball”
Illocutionary intent: beating around the bush/implying by the matched tone, facial, and wording
“the garbage smells,” means take out the garbage
Referential communication skills: verbally clear
Social cognition: self, other people, relationships
Self: soul, unique, worth “I am” humility comes from not thinking less of self but less about self
Young women theme: “I am…”
Goal in life: never forget who I am, discover divine and true self/worth, help others relize their worth
Emergence of self/development or of self-concept
Many adults are unable to recognize self because of abuse, retardation, or lack of concern for the self
“I” self: cognitive, recognition of personal actions/body/mind
Can not see self- and unable to realize self is real
We take children to a mirror and point at them and say, “look, who is that? Who is that?” because the child truly does not know that they have a physical body and it must be taught to the to recognize themselves
Awareness: individual who’s thought are not acceptable by others, children are out to believe that Santa knows what they are thinking because they believe that their thoughts are open to everyone including you, children need privacy sometimes so they make secret forts with signs that say “no parents allowed” to get it
Continuity: same in the morning and evening
Coherence: single body
Agency: control thoughts
Recognition: separate people, not the only one who feels this way, and yet my feelings are unique to me
“Me” self: reflective observer (schema of self) An attempt to answer the question of who I am
Self-concept: how Joy Prior views herself with the understanding of the “I” self or that she is an individual
Symbolic integrationists: though language/interaction with others I can imagine what people think of me
Generalized other (George Herbert Mead) what we imagine other people think of us
She did not call me so she must dislike me
Looking glass self (Charles Horton Cooley) the mirror is the social mirror around us
When I walk into the house and mom hugs me when I get home- I am huggable
social give off: simply the ones that we are given verbally, body language, facials
You are so pretty
Internal vies: the social interactions that we accept, not simply the ones that we are given
You are so pretty No, I am not that pretty. You are just saying that
So protective of ourself image that we are drawn to mirrors that reflect positive
- you are good at music to the five year old practicing cords
They say I am good at music I will add that to my “Me” self image
- you are talented at music to the twelve year old playing hymns at church
They say I am talented at music I will add that to my “Me” self image
- you are a person who truly enjoys music to the senior in high school playing the piano for the choir
They say I am person who truly enjoys music I will add that to my “Me” self image
- you are musical to the university student graduating in music
They say I am musical I will add that to my “Me” self image
-add clapping, concerts, the repeated positive social experiences connected with music and you have a musician
Wisdom in the mirror/who does the “I” self allow to define the “Me” self
Enemies: the devil
Friends: church leaders
Family: Mothers and Fathers
Heavenly Father, Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ are external mirrors
No matter what we have to develop yourself perspective from the surroundings; the “I” has the ability to actively chose the things that we surround ourselves with; chose truthful things to surround self with: God is all truth: God has the clearest picture of who the “Me” self is
1st recognition of self: “I” did it
2nd sorrow: and it was bad
… reconstruct self image into one that is acceptable before GOD, not one that is acceptable before man
Most damming is to compare ourselves to others
Skills in basketball: the “I” self can make 5 three pointers out of 10
Compare self to John Stockton: 9 three pointers out of 10
He plays better than I do therefore I am bad at basketball
Compare self to 64-year-old-man: 0 three pointers out of 10
He plays worse than I do therefore I am good at basketball
There was no progression for the “I” self, and therefore comparisons are damming or stop progression
Hostile behaviors to feel ‘good” you must come out on the positive end of the comparison:
Insult, gossip, to make the “me” self perspective above another and the “I” self be better
Attitude to not help others out of fear that they will become better
Worth of the “I” self
Worth is determined by what someone else is willing to pay for it
Jesus Christ paid his life for Joy Marie Prior
God gave his only Begotten for Joy Marie Prior
Nothing we DO increases our worth
Ability to look at other people as the same worth
Ability to look at ourselves with the same worth not matter what we have done
Other people rely on Joy Marie Prior to develop their self perspective
I am a positive and truthful mirror for others to see their true self in
Children development of self
Self perceptions: competence in skill level
Self image: what you believe you are
I am a talented soccer player
2-4 years: me is developed on see, touch, smell, taste, hear- “I am a boy. I have a dog. I have a mom.”
4-7 years: perception of self- “I am a good jumper. I can count really high.” tend to be inaccurate and over exaggerated but very positive
Walk into a preschool and ask, “Who is the fastest runner here?”
Entire class, “I am!”
Have a race with all of the children and time them with a winner and loser
Ask again, “who is the fastest runner here?”
Entire class, “I am!”
Children with abusive parents: negative image developed by this point
Children with over protective parents: negative image developed by this point
8-12 years: domains become more abstract; “I am smart”
12 years and on
Self-worth: how valuable you believe you are is a very abstract idea and developed with cognitive
“I am bad at school, I am ugly, I am fat, and I suck at sports, but I am a good person so I am of worth.”
Multiple domain self image:
“I am outgoing when I am with my friends, but sometimes I feel shy and just walk to class
Theory (probably interaction of the ideas)
A: good performance results in self esteem that self is of high worth
Has high eating disorders, suicidal thoughts
B: self esteem that self is of high worth results in good performance
More stable self-esteem
C: good performance in area that is important results in self esteem that self is of high worth (William James)
I am good at soccer and I am on the team and I like being on the team, but I suck at math who needs math anyway
Pre-conventional level: moral understanding; important to understand WHY people make the choices to be “good”
Justification/rationalization: knows the principle but misses the faith in the principle or action
Stage Description reasoning Pay tithing because…
Base: focused on self
Stage 1 punishment and obedience fear of the punishment I pay because it is the rule
Stage 2 Instrumental purpose satisfy a self need I need the blessings
Conventional Level: proper social order
Stage 3 seek for approval from others maintain social image I will have to tell the bishop at the end
Stage 4 maintain social order guidelines for society I pay to contribute to temple
Post-conventional level: abstract set principles
Stage 5 social-contract reasoning behind actions I pay tithing to help build God’s kingdom
(understanding of rule)
Stage 6 self chosen ethical pattern principle applied I pay because I want to give all back to God
(no need for rule) A law about tithing? Only 10% what? I give all I can?
Moral domain (Elliot Turiel) morals are sectioned into domains to protect welfare/rights of others
Problem with this theory is that there is ample gray matter such as gay marriage, abortions, modesty
Moral imperatives domain: Protect welfare and rights of others
Killing someone
Social conventional domain: set by the society we live in but truly not harmful
Belching: context A it is rude context B it is a complement
Matters of personal choice domain: what we have as personal ideas
If my bed room is dirty it does not affect anyone else
Needs a key understanding of were people have placed the issue and why abortion disturbs some and does not phase others
Teenager: room clean is a PERSONAL domain
Parents: room clean is a MORAL domain
Visiting cousins: room clean is a SOCIAL domain
Distribution of Justice: how to divided wealth
Ask children to divided a pizza
Socialism: 8 children; pizza becomes 8 even slices despite age, weight, or appetite
Democratic: 8 children; pizza becomes 8 slices based on a voted need bases
Republic: 8 children; pizza becomes 8 slices based on the labor given for that pizza
Dictator: 8 children; pizza is given to the biggest child who takes it
Self-control: resistance to temptation
Compliance: voluntary obedience to request/command
Wear modest clothing on Brigham Young University campus because I willing signed honor code
Delay of gratification:
Clarify with child that if they do not eat marshmallow while you are gone when you get back they can have two more
Child weighs if the instant gratification is worth more than the reward
Moral self-regulating: monitor one’s own self conduct
Go to bed early when I am not at my parent’s house but in my apartment
Emotions: are believed to be inborn even according to behaviorists
Professor screamed in the middle of class and established a level of fear
Description of fear
Heart beat quickens, blood rushes, eyes widen, neck muscles intense,
There is the need of a physical body to experience the emotion of fear fully!
Physical reactions occur in the body during emotions: flight=fear fight=anger
It was not until men might be that men are that they might have joy
Adam feel to enable the emotion of joy
They might have is an implication that there was no emotion prior to the fall because no one had it
Satan is in a state of misery and he does not have a body
Wants a body so badly! That he would get inside a snake and tempt eve, or climb inside a pig, and even get into the hearts of men to experience emotions. He does not have his own body though, and can not experience these emotions himself
Job: the angles shouted for Joy not with joy
Besides job was not a real story most scholars believe that job was a descriptive parable
Important to note though that it was for or the shouting was at joy the emotion
Instead of with joy the emotion
The plan of salvation is also called the great plan of happiness
Christ’s Atonement was based on the laws of mercy and justice and he had to come to earth to fulfill it, because it could not be fulfilled if he was in heaven; We came to earth to have a body, but why did we need a body? So that we could be perfect like God what is it that a body gives us that we could not have before, power to procreate. If Jesus Christ was already a God who was perfect why did he need a body to fulfill his mission?
Law of justice requires emotions
Obey - action - disobey
Blessing -reward- punishment
Joy -emotion- misery
Law of Mercy
Sin (debt)
If will to pay for our debts If will to pay Christ’s set debts
Christ Us
If able, is able because If able, we are able
Savior: called broken heart
Sinless: no debts himself contrite spirit
Son of God: divine heritage
Forgiveness/laws of justice fulfilled
On earth we even label irrational actions, imagine if in the pre-mortal world there was emotions involved for this eternal choice
It was in the heat of the emotion
It was an emotional choice
If Emotions are like physical reflexes
Orphans in Rowena have reflexes to someone entering a room is to stair into space
Orphans in Rowena scream when they climb into the bathtub because it is fearful; touch, water, bearskin
Primary emotions are evoked by an event or a response
Love is not a primary emotion because you learn to love and it is not a reaction to an event, but a conscious choice; which makes the contrast between love and lust (stimulated raw emotion) that much greater
Commanded to put of the natural man, because the natural man is an enemy to God
the natural man or our earthly ‘tendencies’
The Almighty created our spirits
bodies came from our mother, and father who are in a fallen state
physical imperfections
Nature argument
when God is saying to put off the natural man is he talking about putting off your runny nose, lip walk, or diabetic physical deformities, no he is talking about our wicked tendencies, which must have been something that is consequential of our fallen state: not being in his presence and our physical fallen bodies
Emotional self-regulation
Some people have bodies that help control emotion better
Go to a scary movie, some walk out with the same heart beat, others walk out physical with an increased heart beat; it was the same move, but a physically different reaction
Receive a fullness of Joy when we are resorted with our bodies are reunited with our spirits!
Unable to have the emotion of joy without a physical body
Perspective taking: Selman’s five-stage sequence
Level 0 undifferentiated perspective taking (3-6)
Dad want’s this teddy bear for Christmas, teddy bear makes me happy it must make dad happy too
Level 1 social-informational perspective taking (4-9)
You like baseball because you play baseball, but I like soccer because I play soccer
Level 2 self-reflective perspective taking (7-12)
Step into another person’s shoes- you are sad when I laugh at you and I should stop
Level 3 third-party perspective taking (10-15)
When Caleb and I fight it hurt our mother’s feelings
Level 4 Societal perspective taking (14- adult)
Understanding that slavery hurt the slaves (not present during slavery though)
Characteristics of friendships for children (type of play not amount that changes over time)
Preschool: increasingly self-aware, engage in joint, interactive play
Middle childhood: introduction that others have different perspective than their own
Rough-and-tumble: friendly chasing and play-fighting
Wrestling with dad
Dominance hierarchy: level to the group members; predicts who will win
Dad is going to win the fight
Adolescence social interactions increase into peer interactions
Like soccer interact with the soccer team (learned from rough-and-tumble hierarchic players)
Damon’s stage sequence of friendship
Functional play: simple repetitive motor movements rolling same car back and forth
Constructive play: creating or constructing something (3-6) making a road for the car to go on
Make-believe play: acting out everyday/imaginary roles (2-6) our cars are race cars going down this track
Games with rules: following the rules of the game our cars can only go when I say go
Social competence; know definition given in class and examples of socially competent behaviors
Social problem solving skills applied strategies that prevent or resolve disagreements
Teaching these skills: peer relations
Knowledge of social rules
Representations of past social experiences
Social expectations
Effects and benefits of possessing these skills
Better grades in school
Chapter 12: Moral Development (page 509-517)
Instrumental vs. hostile
Instrumental/Proactive aggression: children act to fulfill a need or desire (head but another child to get a toy)
Decreases in preschool as children learn delayed gratification
Hostile/Reactive aggression: angry, meaningful hurt another person (hit brother with hammer)
Rises in verbal form as age increases
Relational vs. Overt aggression
Overt/Physical aggression; harms others through physical injury; punching
Noticeably more often in boys, yet controlled (it is a crime to murder)
Verbal aggression: harms others through threats; name calling, teasing
Relational aggression: harms others through peer relationships; you cannot come to my birthday party
Noticeably more often in girls; at age two
General characteristics of aggressive children
Direct: hitting; I won’t be your friend
Indirect: destroying property; spreading a rumor
Chapter 14: The Family
Authoritarian: low acceptance and involvement, high in coercive control, low in autonomy granting
Psychological control: behaviors that manipulate attachment to parents
Permissive: warm and accepting but uninvolved with little control
You can go to that sleepover with no parents even though you are five
Uninvolved:… duh
Authoritative: the ideal parent with autonomy granting
Over solicitous: over protective parenting
Oh! Let me do that for you
Sibling interaction
Siblings who are close in age: relate to one another on a more equal footing than parents and children
Caleb and I growing up together; strong emotional connections
Family/parental factors predict positive sibling interaction
Good marriage is linked to preschool siblings’ capacity to cope adaptively with jealousy and conflict
“mom! He needs you,” development of understanding of other’s needs
Size now vs. 1960s
3.1 in 1960
1.8 in 2000s
Outcomes for children of never-married parents
10% of American children 8% of Canadian live with a single parent who has never married w/o partner
85-90% are mothers
10-15% fathers
Engage in crime, experience homelessness
Spousal support needed in dual-income families
Father’s willingness to share child-care responsibilities is a crucial factor
Approximate proportion of marriages ending up in divorce
45% in America
30% in Canada
Major change without both parents
Experience single parent homes
2/3 marry again and experience remarriage
Proportion of children living in a single-parent household- 1/3 of childhood with single parent
Consequences of joint custody
Tend to be better adjusted due to parents fighting less, although creates high stress levels when changing
Parenting characteristics of fathers who only occasionally see their children after divorce
Are less likely to pay child support
Blending or Reconstituted family
What is it: parent, stepparent, and children from different previous marriages form
60% of divorced parents remarry a few years latter
What are certain problems associated with these
Boys tend to adjust quickly to stepfather who is warm, but refrain from exerting authority too quickly
Girls: react with sulking and resistant behavior (father just took away best friend-mom)
Impact of emotional and physical child abuse
Central nervous system damage, and abnormal brain waves
Attempts to suicide
Chapter 15: Peers, Media and Schooling
Levels of social play
Nonsocial activity: unoccupied, onlooker on own playing blocks
Parallel play: plays near other children with similar materials two children play with blocks
Associative play: separate activates but comment/share divided blocks into colors for A and B
Cooperative play: play together with a common goal We will build the biggest block tower
Sociodramatic play: support each other’s pretend feelings block tower A is evil king B is good king
Make believe play
Act out and respond to one another’s pretend feelings;
explore/gain control of fear arousing experiences; enables self-regulation
Search for monsters in magical forest
Resolve disputes through compromises
You be the king, no I want to be the prince you can be the king, I will be the king this time you next
Be able to identify
Solitary-passive withdrawal
Solitary-active withdrawal
What the peer group provides versus what friends provide
Peer groups: cooperation, leadership, followership, and collectivism
Friendship: development of trust sensitivity, intimacy
Peer acceptance (characteristics and outcomes) liability of child from group of age-mates as a accepted playmate
Goniometric techniques: self-reports researchers use to measure social preferences
Example: Nominate several classmates they like or dislike
Popular children: many positive votes
Pro social: combine academic and social competence
Neglected children: seldom mentioned
Well-adjusted, not less socially skilled, want to play, but just break out of the side on own
Rejected-withdrawn: negative votes
smaller subgroup of socially awkward children; watch other children play oddly
Rejected-aggressive: many negative votes
Severe conduct problems high
Popular-antisocial children: emerges in late childhood and early adolescence
The tough boys: athletically skilled but poor students with little social skills with adults
Controversial children: large number of positive and negative votes
Queen bee of the playground; notorious for using relational aggression
Difference between a clique and a crowd and what function a clique serves
Clique: small group who are friends, resemble one another in family background, attitudes, values, and interests
Important for place to express emotions, ideas, and girl talk; movie nights
Crowd: several cliques with similar values from a larger more loosely organized
linked to self concepts; and placement of self into a system (were my values fit in world)
Dominance hierarchy: the popular, the jocks, the burnouts all resemble a placement in the society
Peer reinforcement: wear the right shoes, kissing up to the teacher, run on the track team builds up identity
Conformity: discourage antisocial acts; act towards desirable ends
Influence day to day choices: clothing, music, hair cut
Parents influence education plans, drug intake, moral standing
Effects of television on children, children TV programs (e.g. example Sesame Street)
1 understand that television is describing something
2-3 bowl of popcorn in the television would spill if the television was tipped over
4 television is symbolic; but the cartoons were real people some were in the world
5 news is real, but not understand that they have a script; people live like they do in sesame street
7 unreality of TV is discovered
8 fail still to detect motives/consequences and judgment
Preschool and young elementary school children’s incomplete grasp of televised information and inability to critically evaluate it increase the chances that they will believe and imitate what they see; yet educational programs that have slow followable story plots are shown to increase literacy and math skills
Average time American children spend watching television each week is 24 hours
Effects of television in relation to violence, ethnic and gender stereotyping, and pro social behavior
violence increase the likelihood of hostile thoughts and emotional
All ages are susceptible
Lasting negative consequences: IQ, parent education, family income
Aggressive children have a great appetite for TV in general
Effects of heavy home internet use
High parent-child conflict; delinquency; internet use
Benefits of small schools and classrooms
Scored higher in reading and math achievements each year
Greater likelihood or graduation from high school
Children and transitions within the school system
Kindergarten: with more preschool experience scored higher on positive attitude towards school
Transition to adolescence: grades decline; tighter academic standards, less personal attention/participation
Less favorable jr high experiences than in elementary school
Children with higher adjustment rates stabilized eventually
Children with low adjustment rates decreased steadily
Effects of special class placing versus mainstreaming
Homogeneous groups: single grade
Low-SES, minority, males are not social dumb because they can see…
Drill basic facts and skills
Engage in less discussion
Progress at a slower pace
Eventually view themselves as not being smart
Heterogeneity combining two or three adjacent grades into multi grade classrooms
More successful
Grouping in High School
Lower-level classes substantially put forth less effort because they are less stimulating
Inclusive classrooms: put children in mainstream to prepare them for the social real world
How the USA does in terms of cross-national academic achievement
Below average and just above low-performing nations
Cultural valuing of academic achievement: not valued
High-quality education for all: not work with students as much; low standards
More time devoted to instruction: all day in play, television, play time
Emphasis on effort: Americans focus on natural ability, not the effort put forth
Risks involved with adolescents who work more than 15 hours during high school
Peruse of spending money rather than saving money
Outcomes for high school graduates who do not go to college
20% are unemployed
Most are low-paid, unskilled jobs
Other readings
Differences of marital satisfaction
Planner (Let’s have a baby) small decrease through out pregnancy
Acceptance of fate (if we get pregnant we get pregnant) increase when pregnant, but equal to planner at 18 mon.
Ambivalent (We did not want to but we are) significant decrease
Yes/no (one wanted a baby, but the other did not) dramatic decrease
Transition to parenthood
Marital satisfaction before vs. after baby
Decrease in marital satisfaction
Marriage stressors after the birth of a child
Remedies to these stressors
Husband: understand that child birth is a surgery
6 weeks before healed
Hire a 2nd person to clean house
Set up dinners with the visiting teachers/family
Wife: Don’t critique
Give appreciation
Trust husband with the baby
This is not the time to fix all of those things you have been wanting him to do
Don’t ask for a new project
Division of household labors between husband and wire before and after the birth of a child
Realistically it is hard after having a baby
Financially: if mother had an income before it will not be there
No such thing as women’s work
Not 50/50 because face it the women is at home all day and the husband is at his job making $
Marital structure
Marriage = a presidency
Benefits of fathers who play with their children and who are involved with their children’s lives is massive
The family, a Proclamation to the world
Duties of a parent love and raise children in a loving home
Human Development (our course covers only from conception to parenting themselves
An interdisciplinary field of study devoted to understanding all changes that human beings experience throughout life span
To much stimulation for a baby
Spoil baby? Can not spoil an infant
Basic issues
Theory: orderly, integrated set of statements that describes, explains and predicts behavior
Continuous development: counting, adding, multiplying, dividing,
Discontinuous development: one night child goes to bed and does not know the next they do understand (has stages)
The individual: certain genetics stuck: stable, open to change
Children follow same development: head up, arms up, crawl, walk (all children: Asian, Peru, American)
Context: home school vs. public school
Nature vs. Nurture:
Nature: genetic, anything physiological
Nurture: environmental factor determine development
Historical foundation : effect how people treat children: children little adults- 1800s children spoiled- 2000
Nativist perspective
Language Acquistion Devise: LAD, there is a switch in the brain that turns on at birth and off at puberty, and as long as you are around the language you have the ability to learn the language.
Behaviorist perspective: operant conditioning and imitation
Interactions perspective: brain and environment interaction
Prelinguistic development
1st speech: all speech sounds in variously languages
2nd joint attention: mom- “do you see that dog? Look,” mom- “do you see that balloon? Look,”
3rd phonology: sequences of sounds “TV” is “didi”
4th semantics: words/combinations have meaning (influenced by gender, cultural, ex.)
Referential style: label objects (boys) “I truck” about his toy truck
Expressive style: talk about feelings (girls) “She sad” about her little doll
Overextension: word applied to widely, anything with wheels is a car
Under extension: applied to narrow, believes that their teddy bear is the only real teddy bear
Word coinage/metaphors: stapler becomes “paper puncher together”
Fast mapping- taking a familiar word and applying it to the new experience
Last year remembered going sledding and saying wee, fast mapped word wee with snow
When saw the snow, “Now we can go weeing!”
context of sentence language “me hungry,” “you ball”
Over-regularization: regular grammar rule to exception “two lose tooths,” “runed”
Parent and child interaction:
Expansions: elaborate no utterance to increase complex: child- dink
Parent- would you like a drink in a cup
Recast: repeat word normally until child learns: child- dink
Parent- a drink
Progmatic development: appropriate communication with others, important to develop on receiving and giving perspectives
Turnabout: coments on what was said and replies with a question- dating
“what is your major” “elementary education; have you chosen a major yet?”
Shading: change of topec gradually by modifying focus
“I like basketball… I enjoy baseball more… there is a baseball field next to here… we should play baseball”
Illocutionary intent: beating around the bush/implying by the matched tone, facial, and wording
“the garbage smells,” means take out the garbage
Referential communication skills: verbally clear
Social cognition: self, other people, relationships
Self: soul, unique, worth “I am” humility comes from not thinking less of self but less about self
Young women theme: “I am…”
Goal in life: never forget who I am, discover divine and true self/worth, help others relize their worth
Emergence of self/development or of self-concept
Many adults are unable to recognize self because of abuse, retardation, or lack of concern for the self
“I” self: cognitive, recognition of personal actions/body/mind
Can not see self- and unable to realize self is real
We take children to a mirror and point at them and say, “look, who is that? Who is that?” because the child truly does not know that they have a physical body and it must be taught to the to recognize themselves
Awareness: individual who’s thought are not acceptable by others, children are out to believe that Santa knows what they are thinking because they believe that their thoughts are open to everyone including you, children need privacy sometimes so they make secret forts with signs that say “no parents allowed” to get it
Continuity: same in the morning and evening
Coherence: single body
Agency: control thoughts
Recognition: separate people, not the only one who feels this way, and yet my feelings are unique to me
“Me” self: reflective observer (schema of self) An attempt to answer the question of who I am
Self-concept: how Joy Prior views herself with the understanding of the “I” self or that she is an individual
Symbolic integrationists: though language/interaction with others I can imagine what people think of me
Generalized other (George Herbert Mead) what we imagine other people think of us
She did not call me so she must dislike me
Looking glass self (Charles Horton Cooley) the mirror is the social mirror around us
When I walk into the house and mom hugs me when I get home- I am huggable
social give off: simply the ones that we are given verbally, body language, facials
You are so pretty
Internal vies: the social interactions that we accept, not simply the ones that we are given
You are so pretty No, I am not that pretty. You are just saying that
So protective of ourself image that we are drawn to mirrors that reflect positive
- you are good at music to the five year old practicing cords
They say I am good at music I will add that to my “Me” self image
- you are talented at music to the twelve year old playing hymns at church
They say I am talented at music I will add that to my “Me” self image
- you are a person who truly enjoys music to the senior in high school playing the piano for the choir
They say I am person who truly enjoys music I will add that to my “Me” self image
- you are musical to the university student graduating in music
They say I am musical I will add that to my “Me” self image
-add clapping, concerts, the repeated positive social experiences connected with music and you have a musician
Wisdom in the mirror/who does the “I” self allow to define the “Me” self
Enemies: the devil
Friends: church leaders
Family: Mothers and Fathers
Heavenly Father, Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ are external mirrors
No matter what we have to develop yourself perspective from the surroundings; the “I” has the ability to actively chose the things that we surround ourselves with; chose truthful things to surround self with: God is all truth: God has the clearest picture of who the “Me” self is
1st recognition of self: “I” did it
2nd sorrow: and it was bad
… reconstruct self image into one that is acceptable before GOD, not one that is acceptable before man
Most damming is to compare ourselves to others
Skills in basketball: the “I” self can make 5 three pointers out of 10
Compare self to John Stockton: 9 three pointers out of 10
He plays better than I do therefore I am bad at basketball
Compare self to 64-year-old-man: 0 three pointers out of 10
He plays worse than I do therefore I am good at basketball
There was no progression for the “I” self, and therefore comparisons are damming or stop progression
Hostile behaviors to feel ‘good” you must come out on the positive end of the comparison:
Insult, gossip, to make the “me” self perspective above another and the “I” self be better
Attitude to not help others out of fear that they will become better
Worth of the “I” self
Worth is determined by what someone else is willing to pay for it
Jesus Christ paid his life for Joy Marie Prior
God gave his only Begotten for Joy Marie Prior
Nothing we DO increases our worth
Ability to look at other people as the same worth
Ability to look at ourselves with the same worth not matter what we have done
Other people rely on Joy Marie Prior to develop their self perspective
I am a positive and truthful mirror for others to see their true self in
Children development of self
Self perceptions: competence in skill level
Self image: what you believe you are
I am a talented soccer player
2-4 years: me is developed on see, touch, smell, taste, hear- “I am a boy. I have a dog. I have a mom.”
4-7 years: perception of self- “I am a good jumper. I can count really high.” tend to be inaccurate and over exaggerated but very positive
Walk into a preschool and ask, “Who is the fastest runner here?”
Entire class, “I am!”
Have a race with all of the children and time them with a winner and loser
Ask again, “who is the fastest runner here?”
Entire class, “I am!”
Children with abusive parents: negative image developed by this point
Children with over protective parents: negative image developed by this point
8-12 years: domains become more abstract; “I am smart”
12 years and on
Self-worth: how valuable you believe you are is a very abstract idea and developed with cognitive
“I am bad at school, I am ugly, I am fat, and I suck at sports, but I am a good person so I am of worth.”
Multiple domain self image:
“I am outgoing when I am with my friends, but sometimes I feel shy and just walk to class
Theory (probably interaction of the ideas)
A: good performance results in self esteem that self is of high worth
Has high eating disorders, suicidal thoughts
B: self esteem that self is of high worth results in good performance
More stable self-esteem
C: good performance in area that is important results in self esteem that self is of high worth (William James)
I am good at soccer and I am on the team and I like being on the team, but I suck at math who needs math anyway
Pre-conventional level: moral understanding; important to understand WHY people make the choices to be “good”
Justification/rationalization: knows the principle but misses the faith in the principle or action
Stage Description reasoning Pay tithing because…
Base: focused on self
Stage 1 punishment and obedience fear of the punishment I pay because it is the rule
Stage 2 Instrumental purpose satisfy a self need I need the blessings
Conventional Level: proper social order
Stage 3 seek for approval from others maintain social image I will have to tell the bishop at the end
Stage 4 maintain social order guidelines for society I pay to contribute to temple
Post-conventional level: abstract set principles
Stage 5 social-contract reasoning behind actions I pay tithing to help build God’s kingdom
(understanding of rule)
Stage 6 self chosen ethical pattern principle applied I pay because I want to give all back to God
(no need for rule) A law about tithing? Only 10% what? I give all I can?
Moral domain (Elliot Turiel) morals are sectioned into domains to protect welfare/rights of others
Problem with this theory is that there is ample gray matter such as gay marriage, abortions, modesty
Moral imperatives domain: Protect welfare and rights of others
Killing someone
Social conventional domain: set by the society we live in but truly not harmful
Belching: context A it is rude context B it is a complement
Matters of personal choice domain: what we have as personal ideas
If my bed room is dirty it does not affect anyone else
Needs a key understanding of were people have placed the issue and why abortion disturbs some and does not phase others
Teenager: room clean is a PERSONAL domain
Parents: room clean is a MORAL domain
Visiting cousins: room clean is a SOCIAL domain
Distribution of Justice: how to divided wealth
Ask children to divided a pizza
Socialism: 8 children; pizza becomes 8 even slices despite age, weight, or appetite
Democratic: 8 children; pizza becomes 8 slices based on a voted need bases
Republic: 8 children; pizza becomes 8 slices based on the labor given for that pizza
Dictator: 8 children; pizza is given to the biggest child who takes it
Self-control: resistance to temptation
Compliance: voluntary obedience to request/command
Wear modest clothing on Brigham Young University campus because I willing signed honor code
Delay of gratification:
Clarify with child that if they do not eat marshmallow while you are gone when you get back they can have two more
Child weighs if the instant gratification is worth more than the reward
Moral self-regulating: monitor one’s own self conduct
Go to bed early when I am not at my parent’s house but in my apartment
Emotions: are believed to be inborn even according to behaviorists
Professor screamed in the middle of class and established a level of fear
Description of fear
Heart beat quickens, blood rushes, eyes widen, neck muscles intense,
There is the need of a physical body to experience the emotion of fear fully!
Physical reactions occur in the body during emotions: flight=fear fight=anger
It was not until men might be that men are that they might have joy
Adam feel to enable the emotion of joy
They might have is an implication that there was no emotion prior to the fall because no one had it
Satan is in a state of misery and he does not have a body
Wants a body so badly! That he would get inside a snake and tempt eve, or climb inside a pig, and even get into the hearts of men to experience emotions. He does not have his own body though, and can not experience these emotions himself
Job: the angles shouted for Joy not with joy
Besides job was not a real story most scholars believe that job was a descriptive parable
Important to note though that it was for or the shouting was at joy the emotion
Instead of with joy the emotion
The plan of salvation is also called the great plan of happiness
Christ’s Atonement was based on the laws of mercy and justice and he had to come to earth to fulfill it, because it could not be fulfilled if he was in heaven; We came to earth to have a body, but why did we need a body? So that we could be perfect like God what is it that a body gives us that we could not have before, power to procreate. If Jesus Christ was already a God who was perfect why did he need a body to fulfill his mission?
Law of justice requires emotions
Obey - action - disobey
Blessing -reward- punishment
Joy -emotion- misery
Law of Mercy
Sin (debt)
If will to pay for our debts If will to pay Christ’s set debts
Christ Us
If able, is able because If able, we are able
Savior: called broken heart
Sinless: no debts himself contrite spirit
Son of God: divine heritage
Forgiveness/laws of justice fulfilled
On earth we even label irrational actions, imagine if in the pre-mortal world there was emotions involved for this eternal choice
It was in the heat of the emotion
It was an emotional choice
If Emotions are like physical reflexes
Orphans in Rowena have reflexes to someone entering a room is to stair into space
Orphans in Rowena scream when they climb into the bathtub because it is fearful; touch, water, bearskin
Primary emotions are evoked by an event or a response
Love is not a primary emotion because you learn to love and it is not a reaction to an event, but a conscious choice; which makes the contrast between love and lust (stimulated raw emotion) that much greater
Commanded to put of the natural man, because the natural man is an enemy to God
the natural man or our earthly ‘tendencies’
The Almighty created our spirits
bodies came from our mother, and father who are in a fallen state
physical imperfections
Nature argument
when God is saying to put off the natural man is he talking about putting off your runny nose, lip walk, or diabetic physical deformities, no he is talking about our wicked tendencies, which must have been something that is consequential of our fallen state: not being in his presence and our physical fallen bodies
Emotional self-regulation
Some people have bodies that help control emotion better
Go to a scary movie, some walk out with the same heart beat, others walk out physical with an increased heart beat; it was the same move, but a physically different reaction
Receive a fullness of Joy when we are resorted with our bodies are reunited with our spirits!
Unable to have the emotion of joy without a physical body
GEog #5
Joy Prior
February 11, 2011
Geog 120 H
Section 001
#5- Hunger & Disease
Rondeau, Mark E. Interfaith Community Plans Food Distribution Center on Gage. Bennington Banner. VT. Web. February 9, 2011.
The article was about a new food distribution center as a solution to hunger rising in Vermont. On average 88,000 Vermonters are food insecure. This information did not shock me, but I realized that starvation is starvation no matter who or were it is. After reading the article I was struck by how the physical geography was evident in the purposed solution to the rising hunger in the state.
The food bank is funded by the First Baptist Church in Bennington working closely together with the Vermont Food Bank. It will be opening up this spring. The building (an old tanning salon) has to been remodeled and the shelves have been filled. This was so interesting to me because it got me thinking about poverty in the United States. The United States has a counter urbanization morphology, and many of the poor live in the heart of the city. The new food distribution center will be located on Main Street, the heart of the city. The next nearest food bank is a three hour drive away. In another major city.
The other example of geography was how the locals were being used to solve the hunger problem. Andrews (one of the women working to get the program) is really trying to get healthy fresh food to the people who need it. She is trying to solve the hunger by focusing on a local scale. She would like to start a community garden in North Bennington, but another thing she intends to pursue is U.S. and Canada project called “Grow a Row.” In this program locals grow an extra row of vegetables to donate to the distribution center on a regular basis. Not to mention that all of the people working and helping at the food distribution center will be volunteers, and most likely members of the local First Baptist Church.
Joy Prior
February 22, 2011
Geog 120 H
Section 001
#6- Conflict
Green, Roy. Roy Green: Let’s Hope the Separatists Don’t Learn Any Lessons From Cairo. Full Comment. National Post. Web. February 9, 2011.
Approximately 40% of Quebec citizens constantly want to secced from the rest of Canada. I have always known that Quebec was a little, well different than the remainder of Canada. Countless times I have heard that Quebec speaks French the rest of Canada speaks English. The providence requires that signs be posted in French, not English. I just had never realized that Quebec residing from the rest of the Canada was a possibility, and not just a few Quebecians turning up their noses.
Historically Quebec has been considered different than the remaining parts of Canada. During the Columbian Exchange there were two major countries competing for control of Canada, the English, and the French. The two different Ethnicities with their different cultures, languages, and religions began to settle the area. For the most part the French settlements flourished in the area called Quebec today. Over time the English language and culture influenced the remaining area.
Quebec receding from Canada is a contemporary issue. Less then two decades ago over 100,000 Canadians paraded through Montreal’s Dominion Square pleading with the Quebeckers to vote against secession. In 1995 the referendum which would establish Quebec as a separate country than Canada was voted down only by a small percentage. Many Quebecians do not want to be associated with Canada any longer. A few of the Politicians the article mentioned were Rene Levesque, Jacques Parizeau, Bernard Landry, Lucien Bouchard, Gilles Duceppe, and Pauline Marois all of who openly have supported the secession for years.
The Parti Quebecois (a political organization) held a strategy convention just the week after the revolts in Cairo. So far the party has tried to vote Quebec out of Canada, talk Quebec out of Canada, and make laws out of Canadian culture, but they have not tried to march their way out of Canada. The author jokes that maybe “taking it to the streets” was discussed at this meeting. I had just never realized what a hot topic Quebec secession is; the culture, language, and historical settlement of Quebec impacts the politics today.
February 11, 2011
Geog 120 H
Section 001
#5- Hunger & Disease
Rondeau, Mark E. Interfaith Community Plans Food Distribution Center on Gage. Bennington Banner. VT. Web. February 9, 2011.
The article was about a new food distribution center as a solution to hunger rising in Vermont. On average 88,000 Vermonters are food insecure. This information did not shock me, but I realized that starvation is starvation no matter who or were it is. After reading the article I was struck by how the physical geography was evident in the purposed solution to the rising hunger in the state.
The food bank is funded by the First Baptist Church in Bennington working closely together with the Vermont Food Bank. It will be opening up this spring. The building (an old tanning salon) has to been remodeled and the shelves have been filled. This was so interesting to me because it got me thinking about poverty in the United States. The United States has a counter urbanization morphology, and many of the poor live in the heart of the city. The new food distribution center will be located on Main Street, the heart of the city. The next nearest food bank is a three hour drive away. In another major city.
The other example of geography was how the locals were being used to solve the hunger problem. Andrews (one of the women working to get the program) is really trying to get healthy fresh food to the people who need it. She is trying to solve the hunger by focusing on a local scale. She would like to start a community garden in North Bennington, but another thing she intends to pursue is U.S. and Canada project called “Grow a Row.” In this program locals grow an extra row of vegetables to donate to the distribution center on a regular basis. Not to mention that all of the people working and helping at the food distribution center will be volunteers, and most likely members of the local First Baptist Church.
Joy Prior
February 22, 2011
Geog 120 H
Section 001
#6- Conflict
Green, Roy. Roy Green: Let’s Hope the Separatists Don’t Learn Any Lessons From Cairo. Full Comment. National Post. Web. February 9, 2011.
Approximately 40% of Quebec citizens constantly want to secced from the rest of Canada. I have always known that Quebec was a little, well different than the remainder of Canada. Countless times I have heard that Quebec speaks French the rest of Canada speaks English. The providence requires that signs be posted in French, not English. I just had never realized that Quebec residing from the rest of the Canada was a possibility, and not just a few Quebecians turning up their noses.
Historically Quebec has been considered different than the remaining parts of Canada. During the Columbian Exchange there were two major countries competing for control of Canada, the English, and the French. The two different Ethnicities with their different cultures, languages, and religions began to settle the area. For the most part the French settlements flourished in the area called Quebec today. Over time the English language and culture influenced the remaining area.
Quebec receding from Canada is a contemporary issue. Less then two decades ago over 100,000 Canadians paraded through Montreal’s Dominion Square pleading with the Quebeckers to vote against secession. In 1995 the referendum which would establish Quebec as a separate country than Canada was voted down only by a small percentage. Many Quebecians do not want to be associated with Canada any longer. A few of the Politicians the article mentioned were Rene Levesque, Jacques Parizeau, Bernard Landry, Lucien Bouchard, Gilles Duceppe, and Pauline Marois all of who openly have supported the secession for years.
The Parti Quebecois (a political organization) held a strategy convention just the week after the revolts in Cairo. So far the party has tried to vote Quebec out of Canada, talk Quebec out of Canada, and make laws out of Canadian culture, but they have not tried to march their way out of Canada. The author jokes that maybe “taking it to the streets” was discussed at this meeting. I had just never realized what a hot topic Quebec secession is; the culture, language, and historical settlement of Quebec impacts the politics today.
Tops program
The first few month of college were like visiting the biggest candy store in the world and being told that I could walk out with as much candy as I could carry. I took everything in: biology, history, and Spanish. In a few months I was sitting in a stiff chair across from my advisor. I forgot about my annotated edition of the Origin of Species and my sketchbooks. Instead, I remembered the candy-eyed students I worked with at my internship. I wanted to be a tearcher.
My first internship was in High School at the special needs preschool. It was imperative to create a safe environment, because the students were physically mature. One day someone ripped the dresser drawer off it’s hinges. Everyday I learned something new as scaffolds students to sort plastic fruit with teeth marks. My patient mentors knew each student so well. When we reviewed our records of each student’s improvements in ecclesiastical, speech, and social interactions they altered lesson plans to better cater to the needs of the classroom. My job was not just about playing with play dough, and that is what I loved about it.
The next preschool I internship at was my Senior year of High School. One day I looked out the window at the sprouting wheat fields and realized that I was completely happy. My knees were in my chest because the chair I was sitting in was for someone half my size. Yet, this was happiness. In that moment I realized that in a classroom happiness could be shared as easily as colored pencils; from student to teacher. Instead of sharing reds and blues we were sharing ideas about numbers, letters, and morals like kindness and respect. It was there that I developed my philosophy of teaching; I believe that teaching and learning are inseparably joined because they are the ability to share knowledge in a joint effort to discover.
Currently I volunteer every week with the local TOPS program to work in a local preschool. My job is to work with kindergarteners at the writing table. It no longer shocks me when I have a student ask me how to spell words like calligraphy or explain to me how trees help us breath. The students are undeniably real, really interested, really energetic, really soaking up everything. This time I can draw off ideas from Pigate and the DAP texts.
The opportunity to work in Washington D.C. for a summer would be more than memorable; it would be influential. I want to help with the program, and work with the students. While I was thinking about applying I realized that most of what I know about the world is from images trapped in pictures and magazines. This is not enough to prepare me to be the best teacher that I can be; I need experience and examples. I believe that this program would provided both, and I would be overjoyed if I was accepted into the program.
My first internship was in High School at the special needs preschool. It was imperative to create a safe environment, because the students were physically mature. One day someone ripped the dresser drawer off it’s hinges. Everyday I learned something new as scaffolds students to sort plastic fruit with teeth marks. My patient mentors knew each student so well. When we reviewed our records of each student’s improvements in ecclesiastical, speech, and social interactions they altered lesson plans to better cater to the needs of the classroom. My job was not just about playing with play dough, and that is what I loved about it.
The next preschool I internship at was my Senior year of High School. One day I looked out the window at the sprouting wheat fields and realized that I was completely happy. My knees were in my chest because the chair I was sitting in was for someone half my size. Yet, this was happiness. In that moment I realized that in a classroom happiness could be shared as easily as colored pencils; from student to teacher. Instead of sharing reds and blues we were sharing ideas about numbers, letters, and morals like kindness and respect. It was there that I developed my philosophy of teaching; I believe that teaching and learning are inseparably joined because they are the ability to share knowledge in a joint effort to discover.
Currently I volunteer every week with the local TOPS program to work in a local preschool. My job is to work with kindergarteners at the writing table. It no longer shocks me when I have a student ask me how to spell words like calligraphy or explain to me how trees help us breath. The students are undeniably real, really interested, really energetic, really soaking up everything. This time I can draw off ideas from Pigate and the DAP texts.
The opportunity to work in Washington D.C. for a summer would be more than memorable; it would be influential. I want to help with the program, and work with the students. While I was thinking about applying I realized that most of what I know about the world is from images trapped in pictures and magazines. This is not enough to prepare me to be the best teacher that I can be; I need experience and examples. I believe that this program would provided both, and I would be overjoyed if I was accepted into the program.
Reg Prodigal Son
Thought Paper on “The Prodigal Son”
(by one of Bro. Ogden’s students some years ago)
For five years my own selfish pride and stubbornness couldn’t allow my heart to learn an extremely important eternal principle. I look back now and I just want to kick myself for wasting these past five years by nursing a wound that I thought greater than anyone else’s.
Five years ago, my oldest brother to whom I looked up and idolized so much made some very serious mistakes in his life. My family was devastated and I was definitely no exception. It’s hard to describe how heavy my heart felt, how disappointed I was in him. “How could he do such a thing after all Dad and Mom did for him?” The thought wouldn’t let my mind rest. It seemed like he just went further down hill after his first serious mistake, but it looked to me like his life when on while we were left in the dust, attempting to glue the pieces back together again. I had to live with a constant reminder of the grief my brother caused my parents. I still lived with them while they struggled financially after taking responsibility of debts my brother couldn’t pay off from his first marriage. The whole time I kept asking myself, “Where was that courageous and valiant oldest brother I had followed everywhere when I was younger?”
Those thoughts were the grains of salt I kept throwing into my disappointed heart. I wouldn’t let it heal. What about my brother? Did I ever stop to think of the pain and suffering through which he was going? Yes – often, but I wouldn’t open my eyes; I refused to look past my own grief to see his. . . .
“And Jesus answering said unto them; They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick” (Luke 5:31). . . .
I love my brother. I never stopped loving him. The Savior loves him too. I know this, but I only wish that my brother could know this also. Somehow I need to tell him that it’s never too late and that the Lord does not have exceptions when He gives his love. It may be a crowded doctor’s office, but a personal appointment with him need only be a matter of kneeling and pouring out the heart. The doctor’s bill? Payment is a humble heart. It is not too late for my brother and maybe I can be the nurse that helps the Physician!”
(by one of Bro. Ogden’s students some years ago)
For five years my own selfish pride and stubbornness couldn’t allow my heart to learn an extremely important eternal principle. I look back now and I just want to kick myself for wasting these past five years by nursing a wound that I thought greater than anyone else’s.
Five years ago, my oldest brother to whom I looked up and idolized so much made some very serious mistakes in his life. My family was devastated and I was definitely no exception. It’s hard to describe how heavy my heart felt, how disappointed I was in him. “How could he do such a thing after all Dad and Mom did for him?” The thought wouldn’t let my mind rest. It seemed like he just went further down hill after his first serious mistake, but it looked to me like his life when on while we were left in the dust, attempting to glue the pieces back together again. I had to live with a constant reminder of the grief my brother caused my parents. I still lived with them while they struggled financially after taking responsibility of debts my brother couldn’t pay off from his first marriage. The whole time I kept asking myself, “Where was that courageous and valiant oldest brother I had followed everywhere when I was younger?”
Those thoughts were the grains of salt I kept throwing into my disappointed heart. I wouldn’t let it heal. What about my brother? Did I ever stop to think of the pain and suffering through which he was going? Yes – often, but I wouldn’t open my eyes; I refused to look past my own grief to see his. . . .
“And Jesus answering said unto them; They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick” (Luke 5:31). . . .
I love my brother. I never stopped loving him. The Savior loves him too. I know this, but I only wish that my brother could know this also. Somehow I need to tell him that it’s never too late and that the Lord does not have exceptions when He gives his love. It may be a crowded doctor’s office, but a personal appointment with him need only be a matter of kneeling and pouring out the heart. The doctor’s bill? Payment is a humble heart. It is not too late for my brother and maybe I can be the nurse that helps the Physician!”
Reg reading modern good samaritian
A Modern Good Samaritan
Buck McKeon (student in Fall '96 Isaiah class):
At times I struggle in putting others before myself. I feel like the priest in the Good Samaritan parable. Last Thursday, I didn't go to class. I woke up and wasn't feeling well, but went to my nine o'clock class anyway. As I returned home, I was thinking of the joys of a half-hour nap, and how that would help me be ready for my two afternoon classes and for work that evening.
My plans were soon interrupted. I saw a young man on the sidewalk who was shaking uncontrollably and a girl who had her arms around him trying to calm the sick boy. I passed them up, trying to justify that I had my two religion classes to go to and that I wouldn't be able to go if I helped. Besides, I might even have gotten sicker. About thirty feet after I had passed them, I felt a deep pain inside, thinking that I was going to leave one of Heavenly Father's children suffering so I could "more effectively" study Christ's life! What a hypocrite!
I quickly turned around and helped the poor boy for a couple of hours. I missed both religion classes, but that day I learned a lesson that I would not forget. The Lord refines us through trials, if we will put the kingdom of God first in our lives. That day the kingdom of God was Matt, the poor boy who was suffering seizures and needed the comfort of friends. As the priests, I had important business to do in my own life, but like the Samaritan, I learned that stopping and giving of myself was more important.
Those thirty feet greatly disturbed me this weekend. I wondered how many times I have continued in my will rather that turning around to do the Lord's.
Buck McKeon (student in Fall '96 Isaiah class):
At times I struggle in putting others before myself. I feel like the priest in the Good Samaritan parable. Last Thursday, I didn't go to class. I woke up and wasn't feeling well, but went to my nine o'clock class anyway. As I returned home, I was thinking of the joys of a half-hour nap, and how that would help me be ready for my two afternoon classes and for work that evening.
My plans were soon interrupted. I saw a young man on the sidewalk who was shaking uncontrollably and a girl who had her arms around him trying to calm the sick boy. I passed them up, trying to justify that I had my two religion classes to go to and that I wouldn't be able to go if I helped. Besides, I might even have gotten sicker. About thirty feet after I had passed them, I felt a deep pain inside, thinking that I was going to leave one of Heavenly Father's children suffering so I could "more effectively" study Christ's life! What a hypocrite!
I quickly turned around and helped the poor boy for a couple of hours. I missed both religion classes, but that day I learned a lesson that I would not forget. The Lord refines us through trials, if we will put the kingdom of God first in our lives. That day the kingdom of God was Matt, the poor boy who was suffering seizures and needed the comfort of friends. As the priests, I had important business to do in my own life, but like the Samaritan, I learned that stopping and giving of myself was more important.
Those thirty feet greatly disturbed me this weekend. I wondered how many times I have continued in my will rather that turning around to do the Lord's.
Reg readings
On Pride, from C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity, pp. 108-110:
There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which every one in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else; and of which hardly any people . . . ever imagine that they are guilty themselves. I have heard people admit that they are bad-tempered, or that they cannot keep their heads about girls or drink, or even that they are cowards. I do not think I have ever heard anyone . . . accuse himself of this vice. And at the same time I have very seldom met anyone . . . who showed the slightest mercy to it in others. There is no fault which makes a man more unpopular, and no fault which we are more unconscious of in ourselves. And the more we have it ourselves, the more we dislike it in others.
The vice I am talking of is Pride or Self-Conceit: and the virtue opposite to it . . . is called Humility. You may remember, when I was talking about sexual morality, I warned you that the centre of Christian morals did not lie there. Well, now, we have come to the centre. According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.
Does this seem to you exaggerated? If so, think it over. I pointed out a moment ago that the more pride one had, the more one disliked pride in others. In fact, if you want to find out how proud you are the easiest way is to ask yourself, "How much do I dislike it when other people snub me, or refuse to take any notice of me . . . or patronise me, or show off?" The point is that each person's pride is in competition with every one else's pride. It is because I wanted to be the big noise at the party that I am so annoyed at someone else being the big noise. Two of a trade never agree. Now what you want to get clear is that Pride is essentially competitive—is competitive by its very nature—while the other vices are competitive only, so to speak, be accident. Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good-looking, but they are not. They are proud of being richer, or cleverer, or better-looking than others. If every one else became equally rich, or clever, or good-looking there would be nothing to be proud about. It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition has gone, pride has gone. . . . Nearly all those evils in the world which people put down to greed or selfishness are really far more the result of Pride." (emphasis added)
* Old Chinese proverb: "Man wrapped up in self make mighty small package."
* "There is no room for God in a man who is full of himself!"
There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which every one in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else; and of which hardly any people . . . ever imagine that they are guilty themselves. I have heard people admit that they are bad-tempered, or that they cannot keep their heads about girls or drink, or even that they are cowards. I do not think I have ever heard anyone . . . accuse himself of this vice. And at the same time I have very seldom met anyone . . . who showed the slightest mercy to it in others. There is no fault which makes a man more unpopular, and no fault which we are more unconscious of in ourselves. And the more we have it ourselves, the more we dislike it in others.
The vice I am talking of is Pride or Self-Conceit: and the virtue opposite to it . . . is called Humility. You may remember, when I was talking about sexual morality, I warned you that the centre of Christian morals did not lie there. Well, now, we have come to the centre. According to Christian teachers, the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.
Does this seem to you exaggerated? If so, think it over. I pointed out a moment ago that the more pride one had, the more one disliked pride in others. In fact, if you want to find out how proud you are the easiest way is to ask yourself, "How much do I dislike it when other people snub me, or refuse to take any notice of me . . . or patronise me, or show off?" The point is that each person's pride is in competition with every one else's pride. It is because I wanted to be the big noise at the party that I am so annoyed at someone else being the big noise. Two of a trade never agree. Now what you want to get clear is that Pride is essentially competitive—is competitive by its very nature—while the other vices are competitive only, so to speak, be accident. Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good-looking, but they are not. They are proud of being richer, or cleverer, or better-looking than others. If every one else became equally rich, or clever, or good-looking there would be nothing to be proud about. It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition has gone, pride has gone. . . . Nearly all those evils in the world which people put down to greed or selfishness are really far more the result of Pride." (emphasis added)
* Old Chinese proverb: "Man wrapped up in self make mighty small package."
* "There is no room for God in a man who is full of himself!"
Geog study guide
Geography 120 Place Name List for Map Quizzes
EUROPE (Excluding Russia and Ukraine)
On the map of Europe be able to label the following features:
All countries Po River Thames River Seine River Rhine (Rhein) River Danube River Rhone River Pyrenees Alps Dinaric Alps
Carpathian Mtns Baltic Sea North Sea Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Sea
Black Sea London Paris Berlin Madrid
Rome Budapest Vienna Stockholm Prague
On the map of the former USSR be able to label the following features:
All countries created from the former Soviet Union
Kiev Caspian Sea Moscow Lake Baikal St. Petersburg
Amur River Ob River Volga River Yenisey River Samara
Caucasus Mts. Aral Sea Vladivostok Black Sea Dnepr River
Odessa Chernobyl Baku Sakhalin Island
On the map of North America be able to label the following features:
All Canadian Provinces and Territories
Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lake Huron
Mississippi River Ohio River Rio Grande River Toronto
Ottawa Vancouver, B.C. Montreal Chicago
Atlanta Washington, D.C. Miami Seattle
St. Lawrence River Mackenzie River Colorado River Los Angeles
Ozark Plateau Lake Ontario Lake Erie Lake Michigan
Hudson Bay Gulf of Mexico Lake Superior
On the map of Africa be able to label the following features:
All countries Namib Desert Lake Victoria Congo River Niger River
Zambezi River Mt. Kilimanjaro Kigali Lagos Kinshasa
Nairobi Johannesburg Cape Town Nile River Sahara
Abidjan Khartoum
On the map of the Middle East be able to label the following features:
All countries Tigris River Euphrates River Red Sea Persian Gulf
Mediterranean Sea Straits of Hormuz Gaza Strip West Bank Golan Heights
Zagros Mts. Damascus Baghdad Istanbul Tehran
Ankara Jerusalem Mecca Cairo Suez Canal
Riyadh Beirut
On the maps of Southeast Asia and South and East Asia be able to label the following features:
All countries (including Singapore, Brunei, Solomon Islands, Palau, Micronesia, and Northern Mariana Islands) Indus River Ganges River Brahmaputra Yangtze (Chang)
Huang He (Yellow R.) Bay of Bengal Yellow Sea Himalaya Mts. Plateau of Tibet
Deccan Plateau Gobi Desert Hokkaido Honshu Karachi
Delhi Bombay Calcutta Taipei Hong Kong
Shanghai Beijing Seoul Tokyo Dhaka
Spratley Islands Timor Port Moresby Darwin, Australia Luzon
Mekong River Strait of Malacca Mindanao Sumatra Borneo
Java Hanoi Bangkok Jakarta Manila
Kuala Lumpur South China Sea
On the map of Middle and South America be able to label the following features:
All countries (except those of the Lesser Antilles)
Amazon River Parana River Orinoco River Caribbean Sea Gulf of Mexico
Lake Maracaibo Lake Titicaca Yucatan Hispaniola Lesser Antilles
Andes Mts Brazilian Highlands Pampas Patagonia Falkland Islands Buenos Aires Montevideo Brasilia Rio de Janeiro Santiago
Lima Quito Bogota Caracas Managua
Guatemala City Mexico City Havana Port-au-Prince Puerto Rico
EUROPE (Excluding Russia and Ukraine)
On the map of Europe be able to label the following features:
All countries Po River Thames River Seine River Rhine (Rhein) River Danube River Rhone River Pyrenees Alps Dinaric Alps
Carpathian Mtns Baltic Sea North Sea Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Sea
Black Sea London Paris Berlin Madrid
Rome Budapest Vienna Stockholm Prague
On the map of the former USSR be able to label the following features:
All countries created from the former Soviet Union
Kiev Caspian Sea Moscow Lake Baikal St. Petersburg
Amur River Ob River Volga River Yenisey River Samara
Caucasus Mts. Aral Sea Vladivostok Black Sea Dnepr River
Odessa Chernobyl Baku Sakhalin Island
On the map of North America be able to label the following features:
All Canadian Provinces and Territories
Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lake Huron
Mississippi River Ohio River Rio Grande River Toronto
Ottawa Vancouver, B.C. Montreal Chicago
Atlanta Washington, D.C. Miami Seattle
St. Lawrence River Mackenzie River Colorado River Los Angeles
Ozark Plateau Lake Ontario Lake Erie Lake Michigan
Hudson Bay Gulf of Mexico Lake Superior
On the map of Africa be able to label the following features:
All countries Namib Desert Lake Victoria Congo River Niger River
Zambezi River Mt. Kilimanjaro Kigali Lagos Kinshasa
Nairobi Johannesburg Cape Town Nile River Sahara
Abidjan Khartoum
On the map of the Middle East be able to label the following features:
All countries Tigris River Euphrates River Red Sea Persian Gulf
Mediterranean Sea Straits of Hormuz Gaza Strip West Bank Golan Heights
Zagros Mts. Damascus Baghdad Istanbul Tehran
Ankara Jerusalem Mecca Cairo Suez Canal
Riyadh Beirut
On the maps of Southeast Asia and South and East Asia be able to label the following features:
All countries (including Singapore, Brunei, Solomon Islands, Palau, Micronesia, and Northern Mariana Islands) Indus River Ganges River Brahmaputra Yangtze (Chang)
Huang He (Yellow R.) Bay of Bengal Yellow Sea Himalaya Mts. Plateau of Tibet
Deccan Plateau Gobi Desert Hokkaido Honshu Karachi
Delhi Bombay Calcutta Taipei Hong Kong
Shanghai Beijing Seoul Tokyo Dhaka
Spratley Islands Timor Port Moresby Darwin, Australia Luzon
Mekong River Strait of Malacca Mindanao Sumatra Borneo
Java Hanoi Bangkok Jakarta Manila
Kuala Lumpur South China Sea
On the map of Middle and South America be able to label the following features:
All countries (except those of the Lesser Antilles)
Amazon River Parana River Orinoco River Caribbean Sea Gulf of Mexico
Lake Maracaibo Lake Titicaca Yucatan Hispaniola Lesser Antilles
Andes Mts Brazilian Highlands Pampas Patagonia Falkland Islands Buenos Aires Montevideo Brasilia Rio de Janeiro Santiago
Lima Quito Bogota Caracas Managua
Guatemala City Mexico City Havana Port-au-Prince Puerto Rico
Aaron Fielding
Abraham Thomas
Adam Guppy Keele
Adam Michael Gonzales
Alana Howlett
ALbert L Prior
Alexa Kaye Johnson
Alexandria Greenwood
Alexis Munoa Dyer
Alfredo Carrera
Alina Haycock Stone
Alisha Betts
Alisha Talk
Alissa Anderson
Alissa Anderson
Allen Foster
Allison Isaac
Allissa Huffaker
Ally Cuneo
Ally Perkins
Allyson Gordon
Alyssa Stones
Amanda Barlow
Amanda Goodman
Amanda O'Grady
Amber Prior
Amberly Ann Larsen
Amy Addington
Amy Camille Connelly
Amy Freeman
Amy Ieremia
Amy Jennings
Amy Lambert
Ana Paula Chavarri
Andi Smiley
Andrea Michele Taylor
Andrew Alvarado
Andrew Hinton
Andrew Prior
Angel Saddleback
Angelita Fernanda Pereira Pereira
Anna Marie Jensen
Anna Streibel
Annie Mein
Annie Wustemann
Anthony Frahm
April Schaefer
Aracely Rodriguez
Ariana Lilly
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah
Ariel Hanson
Spanish Fork High · West Valley City, Utah
Ashkia Benallie
San Juan High · Weber
Ashlee Head
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High
Ashlee Nicole Bowen
Spanish Fork High · Salem, Utah
Ashley Baadsgaard Worthen
Spanish Fork High
Ashley Calder
Ashley Chappel
Spanish Fork, Utah
Ashley Christensen
Salem Hills High School · Ephraim, Utah
Ashley Jarvis
Ashley Rothermel
Ashley Shelley
Fullerton, California
Ashley Sorensen
Springville High · Logan, Utah
Ashley Susan Phelps
Spanish Fork High

Ashley Williams
Mountain View High · Orem, Utah

Aubs Palfreyman
Spanish Fork, Utah

Becky Boucher
Provo, Utah

Becky Boucher
Provo, Utah

Becky Lucas
BYU · Provo, Utah

Ben Cummins
Provo, Utah

Ben Quackenbush
Spanish Fork High · Snow College

Ben Wilson
Spanish Fork High

Benjamin Aaron Besendorfer
Spanish Fork High

Benjamin Arce

Benji Christensen
Provo, Utah

Bert Good
Provo, Utah

Bethany Anne Cherry
Timpview High School · Provo, Utah

Bethany Carson
Spanish Fork High

Bette Burton Popa
Logan, Utah

Betty Thomas
Spanish Fork High · Utah

Blake Denning
Spanish Fork High

Bob Kindmark

Bonny Dowling

Brady Olsen
Spanish Fork High · Snow College

Brandon Benally
BYU · Provo, Utah

Brandon Davis
Provo, Utah

Brandon Poulter

Brandon Soelberg
BYU · Provo, Utah

Brandy Foy
Payson, Utah

Brenda Findlay
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Brent Wesson
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Brian Urry
Viewmont High · Salt Lake City, Utah

Briana Crook
Provo, Utah

Brianna Hatch
BYU · Provo, Utah

Brianne Burraston
BYU · Lone Peak High School

Brianne Marie Marble
Salem, Utah

Britney Tourangeau
Paris, France

Britni Wing
Spanish Fork High

Brittney Karl
Madison Senior High School

Brooke Barbee

Brooke Comstock

Bruce Henriksen

Bryce Frost
BYU · Allen High School
Bryce Perkins
Americas High School
Bryce Prior
Caitlin Boden
Caitlin Morrison
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah
Caleb Prior
Provo, Utah
Cameron Fullmer
panish Fork High
Cameron Porcaro
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High
Cami Godfrey
BYU · Provo, Utah
Camille Christensen
rovo, Utah
Camille Sine
Utah Valley University
Cammy Watt
Camrie George
Candace Wride
Carl Prior
ark City, Utah
Carson Lindley
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High
Casey Kidman
Cassidy Darling

Catherine Kirk

Catie Nuckols

Celeste Lee
Rexburg, Idaho

Celina Cortez

Chad Losser
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Charles Denny
Orem, Utah

Charlotte Peterson Twitchell

Chase Hutchings
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Chase Michaelis
Payson, Utah

Chelsea Hatch
Spanish Fork High
Chelsea Kate Walker
Springville High
Chelsey Jensen
Spanish Fork High
Chelsey Rae Searl
Chris Brockbank
Provo, Utah
Chris Chevrier
Provo, Utah
Christie Anderson
Christina Heywood
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah
Christina Williams
Provo, Utah
Christopher Lawson
Christy Pray Ivie
Salem Hills High School · Ephraim, Utah
Claudia Milena Sandoval
Clayton Avery
BYU · Salt Lake City, Utah
Cody Anderson
Cody Austin Pike
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah
Cole Hunter
Spanish Fork, Utah
Collin Brown
BYU · Palm Desert High School
Conroy Saddleback
Courtney Wagner
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High
Dallan Brindley
Spanish Fork, Utah
Dallin Jack
Dana Kendall
Warren High · Provo, Utah
Dani Jones
Spanish Fork High
Dani Veatch
Draper, Utah
Danica Andersen
Daniel Arce
Provo, Utah
Danielle Jones
Danny Parker
BYU · Houston, Texas
Darin Warren
Ephraim, Utah
David Clare
David Howard
Henrico, Virginia
David Nester
Delanie Law
Delite Ful Orton
Salem Hills High School · Salem, Utah
Denna Lawrence
BYU · Wright Junior Senior High School
Derek Lemon
Salem, Utah
Devin Cope
Diallcy Rivera
Provo, Utah

Diana James
Springville High

Dolly Donovan
BYU · Forest Park Senior High School

Dom Bills
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Douglas Wirthlin
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

D-pac Malmgren
Centennial High School · Boise, Idaho

Earl Carlisle

Eden Demre Moss
BYU · Arlington High School

Eileen Luther
BYU · Provo, Utah

Eileen Prior
Salt Lake City, Utah

Elder B. Mitchell
Spanish Fork High

Elder Bryson Thomas Carrick

Elder Chase Kiracofe
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Elder Dallin Kimball
Columbus, Indiana
Elder Ethan Kalua'u
Spanish Fork High
Elder Hayden Christianson
Spanish Fork High · Havelu, Tongatapu, Tonga
Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
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Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
Search Friends
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All Friends
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Recently Added
Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
Search by Current City
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Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Elder Jacob Ray Banks
BahÃa Blanca, Buenos Aires

Elder Jared Forsyth
BYU · Westford Academy

Elder M. Blake Fisher
BYU · Allen High School

Elder Matt Sanchez
Rock Canyon High School · Managua, Managua

Elder Max Scott Livingston

Elder Rafael Belo Durtschi
Provo, Utah

Elder Ryan Hofstrand
Winters High · San Pedro Sula, Cortes

Elder Steven Yesel Rodriguez
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Elder Tanner Snow

Elder Thomas Jace Brown
Spanish Fork High

Elder Zachary Williams
Orem, Utah

Elizabeth Meinhart Warby
Spanish Fork High

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University · Provo, Utah

Elyse Leinani Oldroyd
BYU · Provo, Utah

Emily Baer
Springville High

Emily Cookson

Emily Culp
Bothell Senior High School · Provo, Utah

Emily Hawkins

Emily Lloyd
BYU · Provo, Utah

Emily McDonald
BYU · Bothell Senior High School

Emily Smith

Emily Stoehr
BYU · Ralston Valley High School

Enos Ledezma
BYU · Utah Valley University

Eric John
Provo, Utah

Eric Nelson
Orem, Utah

Erica Mecham
Springville High

Erika Bird
Spanish Fork High

Erika Paice
Spanish Fork High

Erin Elizabeth MacPherson
Spanish Fork High

Erin Kendrick
El Paso, Texas

Ethan Taylor Marston
BYU · Macarthur High School

Eva Bighorse

Eva Joyce Burton
Fresno, California

Eva Marie Miller
Provo, Utah

Evan Anderson
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Eve Rackleff
BYU · Provo, Utah

Felicia Castillo
American Fork High

Ferry Fleurimond

Gabe Roberts
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Gabriel Roca
BYU · Provo, Utah

Georgi Reginato

Georgia Marie Lamb
Payson, Utah

Ginelle Jack
Provo, Utah

Ginger Christopher
Salt Lake City, Utah

Girish Giri
Kathmandu, Nepal

Greg Brooks
Spanish Fork High

Greg Forbush

Hadyn Richardson
Salem, Utah

Haley Richardson

Halie Augustus
BYU · Springville High

Hannah Carson
Spanish Fork High

Hannah Potter Harris

Hayden Jack Johnson
Spanish Fork High · Cedar City, Utah

Heather Bright
BYU · Benton Junior - Senior High

Heather Pepperdine

Heather Rowley
Spanish Fork High · Orlando, Florida

Helen Purser
Springville, Utah

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hey this is joy
the list

Houston Hiskey

Irene Lopez
Pearblossom, California

Isaac Potter
Rexburg, Idaho
181-240 of 630 friends
Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
Sponsored Story

Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
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All Friends
Recently Interacted
Recently Added
Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
Search by Current City
Search by Hometown
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Search by Workplace
Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Ivy Hazlett
Moab, Utah

Jacob Bracken
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Jacqui Bird
Madison Senior High School

Jamie Watchman
Utah Valley University · Lehi, Utah

Janae Miller
Pleasant Grove, Utah

JaNae Orton
Spanish Fork High

Janice Adams Lowe
Provo, Utah

Janice Kirk
Provo, Utah

Janie Endemano

Jared Frost
Mountain View High

Jared John Tuckett
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Jason Davies
Springville High · Provo, Utah

Jayden Griffiths
Spanish Fork High

Jayne Preciado
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jaysi Jorgensen

Jayson Shane Jorgensen

Jazlyn Unbedacht

Jeanne Pinegar Johnson
Moapa, Nevada

Jeannie Lynn Hawks
San Juan High · Provo, Utah

Jeff Compton
Salem Hills High School

Jeffrey Hammond
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jelly Otis
Provo, Utah

Jenessa Heckel
Wasatch High · Provo, Utah

Jenna Meryl Perry
BYU · Moon Valley High School

Jennifer Christine Mills
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah

Jennifer Lowe
Spanish Fork High

Jennifer Sepulveda-Folau
Provo, Utah

Jennifer Sivertsen Christensen

Jennifer Smith
Provo, Utah

Jennifer Stone Ainge
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Jennifer Tourangeau

Jennilyn Prior Jorgensen

Jerad Ernest Todacheenie
Provo, Utah

Jess Kimball
Spanish Fork High

Jesse Galovich
Spanish Fork High

Jesse Kelley
Provo, Utah

Jessica Bartlett
BYU · Franklin High School

Jessica Crandall
Spanish Fork, Utah

Jessica Dildine
Mountain View High School

Jessica Hoag
Kahuku High School · Provo, Utah

Jessica Hoffman
Spanish Fork High · Woodland Hills, Utah

Jessica Riley
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jessica Rose

Jessica Shea Allman
Salem Hills High School

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Jessica Stokes
Spanish Fork High

Jessica W Smith
Orem, Utah

Jessica Wright
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Jessie Gifford
BYU · Sidney High School

Jessie Pruden
Orem, Utah

Jitayma B. Alderete
Orem, Utah

Joanna McLaren Pace
BYU · SHAPE American High School

Jocelyn Waite
Spanish Fork High · Orem, Utah

Joe Denker

Johnny Christiansen
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Jolene Kirk

Jon Goddard
Springville High · Springville, Utah

Jon Neves
Spanish Fork, Utah

Jonathan Alan George
BYU · Yarmouth High School
Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
Sponsored Story

Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
Search Friends
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All Friends
Recently Interacted
Recently Added
Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
Search by Current City
Search by Hometown
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Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Ivy Hazlett
Moab, Utah

Jacob Bracken
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Jacqui Bird
Madison Senior High School

Jamie Watchman
Utah Valley University · Lehi, Utah

Janae Miller
Pleasant Grove, Utah

JaNae Orton
Spanish Fork High

Janice Adams Lowe
Provo, Utah

Janice Kirk
Provo, Utah

Janie Endemano

Jared Frost
Mountain View High

Jared John Tuckett
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Jason Davies
Springville High · Provo, Utah

Jayden Griffiths
Spanish Fork High

Jayne Preciado
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jaysi Jorgensen

Jayson Shane Jorgensen

Jazlyn Unbedacht

Jeanne Pinegar Johnson
Moapa, Nevada

Jeannie Lynn Hawks
San Juan High · Provo, Utah

Jeff Compton
Salem Hills High School

Jeffrey Hammond
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jelly Otis
Provo, Utah

Jenessa Heckel
Wasatch High · Provo, Utah

Jenna Meryl Perry
BYU · Moon Valley High School

Jennifer Christine Mills
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah

Jennifer Lowe
Spanish Fork High

Jennifer Sepulveda-Folau
Provo, Utah

Jennifer Sivertsen Christensen

Jennifer Smith
Provo, Utah

Jennifer Stone Ainge
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Jennifer Tourangeau

Jennilyn Prior Jorgensen

Jerad Ernest Todacheenie
Provo, Utah

Jess Kimball
Spanish Fork High

Jesse Galovich
Spanish Fork High

Jesse Kelley
Provo, Utah

Jessica Bartlett
BYU · Franklin High School

Jessica Crandall
Spanish Fork, Utah

Jessica Dildine
Mountain View High School

Jessica Hoag
Kahuku High School · Provo, Utah

Jessica Hoffman
Spanish Fork High · Woodland Hills, Utah

Jessica Riley
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jessica Rose

Jessica Shea Allman
Salem Hills High School

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Jessica Stokes
Spanish Fork High

Jessica W Smith
Orem, Utah

Jessica Wright
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Jessie Gifford
BYU · Sidney High School

Jessie Pruden
Orem, Utah

Jitayma B. Alderete
Orem, Utah

Joanna McLaren Pace
BYU · SHAPE American High School

Jocelyn Waite
Spanish Fork High · Orem, Utah

Joe Denker

Johnny Christiansen
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Jolene Kirk

Jon Goddard
Springville High · Springville, Utah

Jon Neves
Spanish Fork, Utah

Jonathan Alan George
BYU · Yarmouth High School
Jonathan Brubaker
Academy for Math, Engineering & Science · LDSBC
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Winter 2011 Closing social Dear All, Its been a great year! Come help us celebrate the close of this ac...
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Update Hello everyone! We are just a few weeks out from the wedding!!! To be exact,...
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(no subject) We are playing a game. Someone proposed that we GIRLS do something special on...
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Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
Sponsored Story

Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
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Recently Added
Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
Search by Current City
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Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Edit Lists
hey this is joy
the list

Jonathan Goodman
Salem, Utah

Jono Suave
Valencia High School

Jordan D. Johnson
Provo, Utah

Jory Christian Brown
Spanish Fork, Utah

Josett Weinert
BYU · Provo, Utah

Josh Kamuela Roberts

Josie Osborn
Southern Utah · Cedar City, Utah

Joy Dutosme Repaja
Mandaue City

Julia Helen Lowe
Springville High · Provo, Utah

Julia Kovacikova
Spanish Fork High

Juliana Reynolds
Provo, Utah

Julie Elizabeth Lee
Springville, Utah

Julienne Weight

Justin H. Crandall
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Justin Ryan
BYU · CSU San Bernardino

Justin Sly
Salem Hills High School · Cedar City, Utah

Kai Hansen

Kailey Taylor
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah

Kaitlin Shepherd

Kalama Kaluhiokalani

Kaley Cook

Kaley Jo Thomas
Spanish Fork High

Kaloni Taylor
Provo High · Provo, Utah

Kamryn Spendlove

Kanani Roberts
Provo, Utah

Karalyn Prestwich
BYU · Lassiter High School

Karen Marie Shaw
BYU · Springville High

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah

Kassidi Johnson
Spanish Fork, Utah

Kassie Crook
Spanish Fork High

Kat Stoutsenberger

Katie Cable
Cedar City, Utah

Katie Clove
Desert Hills High School

Katie Shields
BYU - ID · Hudson High School

Katt Malloy
Valencia, California

Kawehi Kaa
Kamehameha Schools Maui

Kaydee O'Brien
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Kaye Neves
Spanish Fork, Utah

Kayla Jo Spurlock
E. Kentucky

Kayla Neves
Spanish Fork, Utah

Kaylee Elquist
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Kayleen Kidman

Kaylie Houseman

Kaylie Marchbanks Packard
Springville High

Kayson Spendlove
Phoenix, Arizona

Kela Bello
BYU · Provo, Utah

Kelcie Curlee
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Kelli Waite
BYU · Provo, Utah

Kelsi Lambourne
Ephraim, Utah

Ken Frei
BYU · Provo, Utah

Kendra Creer Hill
Spanish Fork High · Springville, Utah

Kenna Christensen

Kennadi Prior
Park City, Utah

Kenneth Dunn
BYU · Provo, Utah

Keoki Leong
BYU · Provo, Utah

Kevin Cope
Utah State · Logan, Utah

Kevin Pooley

Kevin-Nikole Kirk

Kiera Cook
Provo, Utah

Kiersta Spendlove
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Edit Lists
hey this is joy
the list

Kimberly Anne Myler
Liahona Academy

Kimberly Mullins

Kimmer Tourangeau

Kirsten Kay Wiscombe
American Leadership Academy · United States Air Force

Kirsten Sly-Bradford

Kori Pritchett
Spanish Fork High · Orem, Utah

Krista McEntire
Kristen Blunck
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Kristi Putnam Prior
North Las Vegas, Nevada

Krysta Temple
Layton, Utah

Kyle Jesse Crotts
Spanish Fork High

Kyle Tuft
BYU · Springville High

Kyle Weight
Salem, Utah
Kyler Gilstrap
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah
Kylie Annah Smith
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah
La Blonde
Lacey Long
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah
Lara Nelson
Gooding High School · Provo, Utah
Laura Davis
Provo, Utah
Laura Hutchings
Spanish Fork, Utah
Lauren Barney
Salem Hills High School
Leann Arce
Spanish Fork, Utah
Leilani Roberts
BYU · Elandslaagte, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah
Lexi Page Marble
BYU · Salem Hills High School
Lexy Lou Who
Spanish Fork High
Linda Moulton Andrus
Lake Shore, Utah
Lindsay Soderberg Voelkl
Lindsay Tuckett
Spanish Fork High
Lindsey Maine Paradis
hite River High School · Salt Lake City, Utah

Lindsey McMurdie
BYU · Provo, Utah

Linnea Maria Torriente
Lone Peak High School · Provo, Utah

Lisa Christine Anderson

Lisa Rose

Lisa Schafer
BYU · Overland High School

Liz Flores
BYU · Timpview High School

Logan Ashkii Miller

Loni Spendlove
Spanish Fork, Utah

Loren Paul Begay
BYU · Provo, Utah

Loren Roundy
Houston, Texas

Lori Poulsen
Salem Hills High School · Woodland Hills, Utah

Lucia Moeun Jeong

Luke Besendorfer
Spanish Fork High

Lynzi Kidman Coffey
Spanish Fork, Utah

Maele Sue Porter
Aalborg, Denmark

Mallory Denning

Mandy Elsmore

Marcie'n'joe Potter

Marcus Hunt
Salem, Utah

Maren Clayton
Kelly Walsh High School · Provo, Utah

Maria Anderson

Marie Olsen
BYU · Mountain View High

Maris Colorado Arce

Mark Adam Keele
Spanish Fork, Utah

Marlen Craig Rice
Provo, Utah

Marlena Marie Smith
BYU · Eastlake High

Martha Bachler Prior
Springville, Utah

Martha Guerrero

Mary Jacobson
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Matt Lawson
Matt Moon
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Matt Smith
Provo, Utah

Matthew Anderson

Matthew Cole
Spanish Fork High

Matthew Vance
Logan, Utah

Max Speed

McKenna Lauren Lawson
Chandler, Arizona

Megan Fisher
Spanish Fork High · Hettlingen, Switzerland

Megan Nuttall
BYU · Highland High School

Megan Schmidt
Springville High · Utah State

Meggen Smith
Spanish Fork High · Salem, Utah

Meggie Holden

Melinda Kidman McBride

Melissa Crandall Neary

Melissa Henrie

MeMe Vallett

Mercy Johnson

Micaela Ericka Rubio
Utah Valley University · Grand Forks, North Dakota

Michael J. Crane
Spanish Fork, Utah

Michael Murdock

Michele Waite
Spanish Fork, Utah

Michelle Applegate Olsen
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Michelle Jayne Clare

Mike Scott
Pinkerton Academy · Chester, New Hampshire

Miranda Littleton
Springville High

Mitchell Cobb
BYU · Provo, Utah

Molly Corinne Miner
BYU - ID · Springville High

Monica Alvarez

Monica Aubrie Anderson
Salem, Utah

Monica Hawkes
BYU · Viewmont High

Morgan Hales
Spanish Fork High · Salem, Utah

Morgan Hansen
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Morgan Homan
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Nachelle Stewart Mackie

Nana Pereyra
Provo, Utah

NaRhea Juchau
American Leadership Academy · Provo, Utah

Natalie Anderson
Spanish Fork High · Salem, Utah

Natalie Eliza
Provo, Utah

Natalie M. Hall
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Natalie McVey
Spanish Fork High · Provo

Natalie Stewart
Spanish Fork High

Nataly Arce
Spanish Fork High

Natesa Stephens
Provo, Utah

Nathan Anderson
Spanish Fork High

Nathan Kimball
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Nathanael Sackett
American Leadership Academy

Nelson Jared Orton
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Nicholas Devin Ricky Skinner
Riverton High School · Fort Drum, New York

Nichole Schofield
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Nick Sales
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Nicole Egan
Greater Latrobe Senior High School · Provo, Utah

Nicollette Dedrickson Anderson
Spanish Fork High

Nora Camille Wilmarth
Highland High School · Seattle, Washington

Nyssa Silvester
BYU · Oak Ridge High

Olivia Darling Nielsen
BYU - ID · Spanish Fork High

Olivia Lee Lessard
Provo, Utah

Palmer Christensen

Pamela Tyler Tuft
Provo, Utah

Pamella Ann McConnell
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Parker Davis
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Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
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Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
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All Friends
Recently Interacted
Recently Added
Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
Search by Current City
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Search by Workplace
Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Edit Lists
the list
hey this is joy
the list

Patrese Atine
BYU · Washington, District of Columbia

Patrick N' Jewels Parsons
Pleasant Grove, Utah

Praja Yuda

Rachael Mach
Proctorville, Ohio

Rachael Morley
BYU · Victor Senior High School

Rachel Bair
BYU · Los Angeles, California

Rachel Leishman

Rachel Lyn Button
Spanish Fork, Utah

Rachel Mae Shively
Ephraim, Utah

Rachel Marie Kimball
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Rachel Moake
Cedar City, Utah
Rachel Tourangeau
Orem, Utah
Rachel Wood
Provo, Utah
Raj Sitaula

Rebecca Abbott
Provo, Utah

Rebecca Engebretsen

Rebecca Kaspar
BYU · Pacific Collegiate School
Renee Dillman
Lake Shore, Utah
Rhett Nance
BYU · Salem Hills High School
Rick Stone
BYU · Provo, Utah
Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State
Rob Miller
Robby Reid
BYU · Alpharetta High School
Robyn Davis
Provo, Utah
Roman Cortez
Utah Valley University
Ronald Guevara
Spanish Fork, Utah
Ronnie Harward
Orem, Utah
Ryan Barker
Viewmont High · Provo, Utah
Ryan Heywood
Wasatch High · Heber City, Utah
Ryan Hyatt
Provo, Utah
Sadie Fielding
Utah State · Provo, Utah
Saeko Yamashita Logsdon
Sam Raleigh
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah
Sam Riddle
Sam Roberts
Lake Shore, Utah
Sami Gardner
Samuel Broomhead
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah
Samuel Egbert
Salem Hills High School · Provo, Utah
Sandra Macias
Orem, Utah
Sara Ashley Peterson
Lone Peak High School · Provo, Utah
Sara Chronister
BYU · Catalina Foothills High School
Sara Williams
Sarah AndJeremy
BYU · Springville High
Sarah Ann Alanis
Salem Hills High School · Larchmont, New York
Sarah Anne Hakes
Provo, Utah
Sarah Callison
Provo, Utah
Sarah Clark
Provo, Utah
Sarah Johnson
Sarah Kay Benson
Springville High · Provo, Utah
Sarah Snow
BYU · Collierville High School
Sarahanne Prior Lawson
Chandler, Arizona
Scot LeFevre
Spanish Fork High
Sean Allsop
Springville High
Se'epa Ete
Spanish Fork High
Seth Jenson
Provo, Utah
Seth Potter
Lindon, Utah
Shadley LeFevere
Spanish Fork High
Shaela Willie Avery
Shannon Obrigawitch
Provo, Utah
Shantel Rindlisbacher Flores
Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School
Andrew Prior
Bob Kindmark
Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University
Ferry Fleurimond
Irene Lopez
Jessica Spencer
Kaley Cook
Karina Russon
Kiersta Spendlove
Kimmer Tourangeau
Leisl Cope
Linda Moulton Andrus
Patrese Atine
Rob Lowe
Sandra Macias
Sarahanne Prior Lawson
Shaela Willie Avery
Shauny Talk
Sharisa Nay
Sharona Eskeets
Sharyn Lyn Eaves
Sharyti Doril Henriksen
Shauny Talk
Shawna Fincher
Shayla Johnson
Shaylene Prior
Sheii K. Lindley
Shelbie Lynn Hone
Shelby Cardoza
Shelby Jackson
Shelby Morgan Thurgood
Shelby Randquist
Shelby Willie
Sheridan Merkley
Shiloh Potter
Shirsten Larsen
Sidney Boman
Silvie Santos
Since Yesterday
Skjelse Smith
Skylar Call
Skylar Neilson
Skyler Hardman
Sonja Ponis LeFevre
Sonnett Davies Anderson
Sophie Crowley
Spanish Fork High Choir
Spencer Keele
Stephanie Griffiths
Stephanie Nelson
Stephen Hoffman
Stevanie Anderson
Steven Douglas McVey
Stevie Crook
Summer Giles
Susana Ete
Swen Prior
Sydnee Anderson
Sydney Renner
Sydnie Landeen
Taalin Rasmussen
Tamara Carter
Tamara Hansen
Tanner Ivan Snow
Tanner Mahoney Holt
Tara Peck
Tasha Newman
Tava Reid
Taylor Anderson
Taylor Baker
Taylor Reed Thompson
Tenika Dennis
Teressa Davies Murie
Tess Kelly
Tessa Kaiulani Roberts
Thomas G Plummer
Tiffany Webb
Timothy Langlois
Andrew Prior
Bob Kindmark
Elizabeth Tinti
Ferry Fleurimond
Irene Lopez
Jessica Spencer
Kaley Cook
Karina Russon
Kiersta Spendlove
Kimmer Tourangeau
Leisl Cope
Linda Moulton Andrus
Patrese Atine
Rob Lowe
Sandra Macias
Sarahanne Prior Lawson
Shaela Willie Avery
Shauny Talk
Shelby Willie
Tishna Lynn Campbell
Toph Knutson
Tori Linde
Tori Snow
Tori Vinson
Torie Redshirt
Trent N. Taylor
Trenton Argyle
Tressa Betts
Trever Jorgensen Kreutzer
Trevor Anderson
Troy Cressman
Tucker Pinder
Tyler Brinkerhoff
Tyler Gebert
Tyler Nicosia
Tyler Toronto
Tyson Galovich
Tyson Smith
Unpc Voa
Val Cope
Vic Pereyra
Whitney Dixon
Whitney Nicole Dawe
Whitney Sanders
Whitney Shuman
Willis Virginia Burton
Witney Wilson
Zachary Pratt Gunderson
Zackary Stewart
Abraham Thomas
Adam Guppy Keele
Adam Michael Gonzales
Alana Howlett
ALbert L Prior
Alexa Kaye Johnson
Alexandria Greenwood
Alexis Munoa Dyer
Alfredo Carrera
Alina Haycock Stone
Alisha Betts
Alisha Talk
Alissa Anderson
Alissa Anderson
Allen Foster
Allison Isaac
Allissa Huffaker
Ally Cuneo
Ally Perkins
Allyson Gordon
Alyssa Stones
Amanda Barlow
Amanda Goodman
Amanda O'Grady
Amber Prior
Amberly Ann Larsen
Amy Addington
Amy Camille Connelly
Amy Freeman
Amy Ieremia
Amy Jennings
Amy Lambert
Ana Paula Chavarri
Andi Smiley
Andrea Michele Taylor
Andrew Alvarado
Andrew Hinton
Andrew Prior
Angel Saddleback
Angelita Fernanda Pereira Pereira
Anna Marie Jensen
Anna Streibel
Annie Mein
Annie Wustemann
Anthony Frahm
April Schaefer
Aracely Rodriguez
Ariana Lilly
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah
Ariel Hanson
Spanish Fork High · West Valley City, Utah
Ashkia Benallie
San Juan High · Weber
Ashlee Head
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High
Ashlee Nicole Bowen
Spanish Fork High · Salem, Utah
Ashley Baadsgaard Worthen
Spanish Fork High
Ashley Calder
Ashley Chappel
Spanish Fork, Utah
Ashley Christensen
Salem Hills High School · Ephraim, Utah
Ashley Jarvis
Ashley Rothermel
Ashley Shelley
Fullerton, California
Ashley Sorensen
Springville High · Logan, Utah
Ashley Susan Phelps
Spanish Fork High

Ashley Williams
Mountain View High · Orem, Utah

Aubs Palfreyman
Spanish Fork, Utah

Becky Boucher
Provo, Utah

Becky Boucher
Provo, Utah

Becky Lucas
BYU · Provo, Utah

Ben Cummins
Provo, Utah

Ben Quackenbush
Spanish Fork High · Snow College

Ben Wilson
Spanish Fork High

Benjamin Aaron Besendorfer
Spanish Fork High

Benjamin Arce

Benji Christensen
Provo, Utah

Bert Good
Provo, Utah

Bethany Anne Cherry
Timpview High School · Provo, Utah

Bethany Carson
Spanish Fork High

Bette Burton Popa
Logan, Utah

Betty Thomas
Spanish Fork High · Utah

Blake Denning
Spanish Fork High

Bob Kindmark

Bonny Dowling

Brady Olsen
Spanish Fork High · Snow College

Brandon Benally
BYU · Provo, Utah

Brandon Davis
Provo, Utah

Brandon Poulter

Brandon Soelberg
BYU · Provo, Utah

Brandy Foy
Payson, Utah

Brenda Findlay
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Brent Wesson
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Brian Urry
Viewmont High · Salt Lake City, Utah

Briana Crook
Provo, Utah

Brianna Hatch
BYU · Provo, Utah

Brianne Burraston
BYU · Lone Peak High School

Brianne Marie Marble
Salem, Utah

Britney Tourangeau
Paris, France

Britni Wing
Spanish Fork High

Brittney Karl
Madison Senior High School

Brooke Barbee

Brooke Comstock

Bruce Henriksen

Bryce Frost
BYU · Allen High School
Bryce Perkins
Americas High School
Bryce Prior
Caitlin Boden
Caitlin Morrison
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah
Caleb Prior
Provo, Utah
Cameron Fullmer
panish Fork High
Cameron Porcaro
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High
Cami Godfrey
BYU · Provo, Utah
Camille Christensen
rovo, Utah
Camille Sine
Utah Valley University
Cammy Watt
Camrie George
Candace Wride
Carl Prior
ark City, Utah
Carson Lindley
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High
Casey Kidman
Cassidy Darling

Catherine Kirk

Catie Nuckols

Celeste Lee
Rexburg, Idaho

Celina Cortez

Chad Losser
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Charles Denny
Orem, Utah

Charlotte Peterson Twitchell

Chase Hutchings
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Chase Michaelis
Payson, Utah

Chelsea Hatch
Spanish Fork High
Chelsea Kate Walker
Springville High
Chelsey Jensen
Spanish Fork High
Chelsey Rae Searl
Chris Brockbank
Provo, Utah
Chris Chevrier
Provo, Utah
Christie Anderson
Christina Heywood
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah
Christina Williams
Provo, Utah
Christopher Lawson
Christy Pray Ivie
Salem Hills High School · Ephraim, Utah
Claudia Milena Sandoval
Clayton Avery
BYU · Salt Lake City, Utah
Cody Anderson
Cody Austin Pike
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah
Cole Hunter
Spanish Fork, Utah
Collin Brown
BYU · Palm Desert High School
Conroy Saddleback
Courtney Wagner
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High
Dallan Brindley
Spanish Fork, Utah
Dallin Jack
Dana Kendall
Warren High · Provo, Utah
Dani Jones
Spanish Fork High
Dani Veatch
Draper, Utah
Danica Andersen
Daniel Arce
Provo, Utah
Danielle Jones
Danny Parker
BYU · Houston, Texas
Darin Warren
Ephraim, Utah
David Clare
David Howard
Henrico, Virginia
David Nester
Delanie Law
Delite Ful Orton
Salem Hills High School · Salem, Utah
Denna Lawrence
BYU · Wright Junior Senior High School
Derek Lemon
Salem, Utah
Devin Cope
Diallcy Rivera
Provo, Utah

Diana James
Springville High

Dolly Donovan
BYU · Forest Park Senior High School

Dom Bills
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Douglas Wirthlin
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

D-pac Malmgren
Centennial High School · Boise, Idaho

Earl Carlisle

Eden Demre Moss
BYU · Arlington High School

Eileen Luther
BYU · Provo, Utah

Eileen Prior
Salt Lake City, Utah

Elder B. Mitchell
Spanish Fork High

Elder Bryson Thomas Carrick

Elder Chase Kiracofe
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Elder Dallin Kimball
Columbus, Indiana
Elder Ethan Kalua'u
Spanish Fork High
Elder Hayden Christianson
Spanish Fork High · Havelu, Tongatapu, Tonga
Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
Sponsored Story

Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
Search Friends
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All Friends
Recently Interacted
Recently Added
Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
Search by Current City
Search by Hometown
Search by School
Search by Workplace
Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Elder Jacob Ray Banks
BahÃa Blanca, Buenos Aires

Elder Jared Forsyth
BYU · Westford Academy

Elder M. Blake Fisher
BYU · Allen High School

Elder Matt Sanchez
Rock Canyon High School · Managua, Managua

Elder Max Scott Livingston

Elder Rafael Belo Durtschi
Provo, Utah

Elder Ryan Hofstrand
Winters High · San Pedro Sula, Cortes

Elder Steven Yesel Rodriguez
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Elder Tanner Snow

Elder Thomas Jace Brown
Spanish Fork High

Elder Zachary Williams
Orem, Utah

Elizabeth Meinhart Warby
Spanish Fork High

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University · Provo, Utah

Elyse Leinani Oldroyd
BYU · Provo, Utah

Emily Baer
Springville High

Emily Cookson

Emily Culp
Bothell Senior High School · Provo, Utah

Emily Hawkins

Emily Lloyd
BYU · Provo, Utah

Emily McDonald
BYU · Bothell Senior High School

Emily Smith

Emily Stoehr
BYU · Ralston Valley High School

Enos Ledezma
BYU · Utah Valley University

Eric John
Provo, Utah

Eric Nelson
Orem, Utah

Erica Mecham
Springville High

Erika Bird
Spanish Fork High

Erika Paice
Spanish Fork High

Erin Elizabeth MacPherson
Spanish Fork High

Erin Kendrick
El Paso, Texas

Ethan Taylor Marston
BYU · Macarthur High School

Eva Bighorse

Eva Joyce Burton
Fresno, California

Eva Marie Miller
Provo, Utah

Evan Anderson
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Eve Rackleff
BYU · Provo, Utah

Felicia Castillo
American Fork High

Ferry Fleurimond

Gabe Roberts
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Gabriel Roca
BYU · Provo, Utah

Georgi Reginato

Georgia Marie Lamb
Payson, Utah

Ginelle Jack
Provo, Utah

Ginger Christopher
Salt Lake City, Utah

Girish Giri
Kathmandu, Nepal

Greg Brooks
Spanish Fork High

Greg Forbush

Hadyn Richardson
Salem, Utah

Haley Richardson

Halie Augustus
BYU · Springville High

Hannah Carson
Spanish Fork High

Hannah Potter Harris

Hayden Jack Johnson
Spanish Fork High · Cedar City, Utah

Heather Bright
BYU · Benton Junior - Senior High

Heather Pepperdine

Heather Rowley
Spanish Fork High · Orlando, Florida

Helen Purser
Springville, Utah

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hey this is joy
the list

Houston Hiskey

Irene Lopez
Pearblossom, California

Isaac Potter
Rexburg, Idaho
181-240 of 630 friends
Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
Sponsored Story

Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
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All Friends
Recently Interacted
Recently Added
Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
Search by Current City
Search by Hometown
Search by School
Search by Workplace
Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Ivy Hazlett
Moab, Utah

Jacob Bracken
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Jacqui Bird
Madison Senior High School

Jamie Watchman
Utah Valley University · Lehi, Utah

Janae Miller
Pleasant Grove, Utah

JaNae Orton
Spanish Fork High

Janice Adams Lowe
Provo, Utah

Janice Kirk
Provo, Utah

Janie Endemano

Jared Frost
Mountain View High

Jared John Tuckett
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Jason Davies
Springville High · Provo, Utah

Jayden Griffiths
Spanish Fork High

Jayne Preciado
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jaysi Jorgensen

Jayson Shane Jorgensen

Jazlyn Unbedacht

Jeanne Pinegar Johnson
Moapa, Nevada

Jeannie Lynn Hawks
San Juan High · Provo, Utah

Jeff Compton
Salem Hills High School

Jeffrey Hammond
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jelly Otis
Provo, Utah

Jenessa Heckel
Wasatch High · Provo, Utah

Jenna Meryl Perry
BYU · Moon Valley High School

Jennifer Christine Mills
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah

Jennifer Lowe
Spanish Fork High

Jennifer Sepulveda-Folau
Provo, Utah

Jennifer Sivertsen Christensen

Jennifer Smith
Provo, Utah

Jennifer Stone Ainge
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Jennifer Tourangeau

Jennilyn Prior Jorgensen

Jerad Ernest Todacheenie
Provo, Utah

Jess Kimball
Spanish Fork High

Jesse Galovich
Spanish Fork High

Jesse Kelley
Provo, Utah

Jessica Bartlett
BYU · Franklin High School

Jessica Crandall
Spanish Fork, Utah

Jessica Dildine
Mountain View High School

Jessica Hoag
Kahuku High School · Provo, Utah

Jessica Hoffman
Spanish Fork High · Woodland Hills, Utah

Jessica Riley
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jessica Rose

Jessica Shea Allman
Salem Hills High School

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Jessica Stokes
Spanish Fork High

Jessica W Smith
Orem, Utah

Jessica Wright
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Jessie Gifford
BYU · Sidney High School

Jessie Pruden
Orem, Utah

Jitayma B. Alderete
Orem, Utah

Joanna McLaren Pace
BYU · SHAPE American High School

Jocelyn Waite
Spanish Fork High · Orem, Utah

Joe Denker

Johnny Christiansen
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Jolene Kirk

Jon Goddard
Springville High · Springville, Utah

Jon Neves
Spanish Fork, Utah

Jonathan Alan George
BYU · Yarmouth High School
Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
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Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
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Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
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Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Ivy Hazlett
Moab, Utah

Jacob Bracken
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Jacqui Bird
Madison Senior High School

Jamie Watchman
Utah Valley University · Lehi, Utah

Janae Miller
Pleasant Grove, Utah

JaNae Orton
Spanish Fork High

Janice Adams Lowe
Provo, Utah

Janice Kirk
Provo, Utah

Janie Endemano

Jared Frost
Mountain View High

Jared John Tuckett
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Jason Davies
Springville High · Provo, Utah

Jayden Griffiths
Spanish Fork High

Jayne Preciado
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jaysi Jorgensen

Jayson Shane Jorgensen

Jazlyn Unbedacht

Jeanne Pinegar Johnson
Moapa, Nevada

Jeannie Lynn Hawks
San Juan High · Provo, Utah

Jeff Compton
Salem Hills High School

Jeffrey Hammond
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jelly Otis
Provo, Utah

Jenessa Heckel
Wasatch High · Provo, Utah

Jenna Meryl Perry
BYU · Moon Valley High School

Jennifer Christine Mills
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah

Jennifer Lowe
Spanish Fork High

Jennifer Sepulveda-Folau
Provo, Utah

Jennifer Sivertsen Christensen

Jennifer Smith
Provo, Utah

Jennifer Stone Ainge
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Jennifer Tourangeau

Jennilyn Prior Jorgensen

Jerad Ernest Todacheenie
Provo, Utah

Jess Kimball
Spanish Fork High

Jesse Galovich
Spanish Fork High

Jesse Kelley
Provo, Utah

Jessica Bartlett
BYU · Franklin High School

Jessica Crandall
Spanish Fork, Utah

Jessica Dildine
Mountain View High School

Jessica Hoag
Kahuku High School · Provo, Utah

Jessica Hoffman
Spanish Fork High · Woodland Hills, Utah

Jessica Riley
BYU · Provo, Utah

Jessica Rose

Jessica Shea Allman
Salem Hills High School

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Jessica Stokes
Spanish Fork High

Jessica W Smith
Orem, Utah

Jessica Wright
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Jessie Gifford
BYU · Sidney High School

Jessie Pruden
Orem, Utah

Jitayma B. Alderete
Orem, Utah

Joanna McLaren Pace
BYU · SHAPE American High School

Jocelyn Waite
Spanish Fork High · Orem, Utah

Joe Denker

Johnny Christiansen
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Jolene Kirk

Jon Goddard
Springville High · Springville, Utah

Jon Neves
Spanish Fork, Utah

Jonathan Alan George
BYU · Yarmouth High School
Jonathan Brubaker
Academy for Math, Engineering & Science · LDSBC
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BYU Honors Program
Winter 2011 Closing social Dear All, Its been a great year! Come help us celebrate the close of this ac...
on Tuesday
Hannah + Justin = True Love!
Update Hello everyone! We are just a few weeks out from the wedding!!! To be exact,...
last Thursday
Danica Andersen
(no subject) We are playing a game. Someone proposed that we GIRLS do something special on...
about a month ago
this is the one that I liked
about a month ago
Dom's address Elder Dominic Jack Bills Ohio Cleveland Mission Provo Missionary Training C...
about a month ago
See All Messages 5 unread
Jeanne Pinegar Johnson, Lisa Christine Anderson, and 2 other friends wrote on the Wall for Lexi Marble Bridal Shower.
7 hours ago
Lynzi Kidman Coffey invited you to the event "Mamma K's 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt."
8 hours ago
Nick Sales asked you Of the three songs I've released on iTun...
18 hours ago
Kirsten Kay Wiscombe posted on your Wall.
on Tuesday
Kaye Neves invited you to the event "Lexi Marble Bridal Shower."
on Tuesday

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Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
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Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
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All Friends
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Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
Search by Current City
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Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Edit Lists
hey this is joy
the list

Jonathan Goodman
Salem, Utah

Jono Suave
Valencia High School

Jordan D. Johnson
Provo, Utah

Jory Christian Brown
Spanish Fork, Utah

Josett Weinert
BYU · Provo, Utah

Josh Kamuela Roberts

Josie Osborn
Southern Utah · Cedar City, Utah

Joy Dutosme Repaja
Mandaue City

Julia Helen Lowe
Springville High · Provo, Utah

Julia Kovacikova
Spanish Fork High

Juliana Reynolds
Provo, Utah

Julie Elizabeth Lee
Springville, Utah

Julienne Weight

Justin H. Crandall
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Justin Ryan
BYU · CSU San Bernardino

Justin Sly
Salem Hills High School · Cedar City, Utah

Kai Hansen

Kailey Taylor
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah

Kaitlin Shepherd

Kalama Kaluhiokalani

Kaley Cook

Kaley Jo Thomas
Spanish Fork High

Kaloni Taylor
Provo High · Provo, Utah

Kamryn Spendlove

Kanani Roberts
Provo, Utah

Karalyn Prestwich
BYU · Lassiter High School

Karen Marie Shaw
BYU · Springville High

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High · Ephraim, Utah

Kassidi Johnson
Spanish Fork, Utah

Kassie Crook
Spanish Fork High

Kat Stoutsenberger

Katie Cable
Cedar City, Utah

Katie Clove
Desert Hills High School

Katie Shields
BYU - ID · Hudson High School

Katt Malloy
Valencia, California

Kawehi Kaa
Kamehameha Schools Maui

Kaydee O'Brien
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Kaye Neves
Spanish Fork, Utah

Kayla Jo Spurlock
E. Kentucky

Kayla Neves
Spanish Fork, Utah

Kaylee Elquist
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Kayleen Kidman

Kaylie Houseman

Kaylie Marchbanks Packard
Springville High

Kayson Spendlove
Phoenix, Arizona

Kela Bello
BYU · Provo, Utah

Kelcie Curlee
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Kelli Waite
BYU · Provo, Utah

Kelsi Lambourne
Ephraim, Utah

Ken Frei
BYU · Provo, Utah

Kendra Creer Hill
Spanish Fork High · Springville, Utah

Kenna Christensen

Kennadi Prior
Park City, Utah

Kenneth Dunn
BYU · Provo, Utah

Keoki Leong
BYU · Provo, Utah

Kevin Cope
Utah State · Logan, Utah

Kevin Pooley

Kevin-Nikole Kirk

Kiera Cook
Provo, Utah

Kiersta Spendlove
Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
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the list

Kimberly Anne Myler
Liahona Academy

Kimberly Mullins

Kimmer Tourangeau

Kirsten Kay Wiscombe
American Leadership Academy · United States Air Force

Kirsten Sly-Bradford

Kori Pritchett
Spanish Fork High · Orem, Utah

Krista McEntire
Kristen Blunck
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Kristi Putnam Prior
North Las Vegas, Nevada

Krysta Temple
Layton, Utah

Kyle Jesse Crotts
Spanish Fork High

Kyle Tuft
BYU · Springville High

Kyle Weight
Salem, Utah
Kyler Gilstrap
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah
Kylie Annah Smith
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah
La Blonde
Lacey Long
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah
Lara Nelson
Gooding High School · Provo, Utah
Laura Davis
Provo, Utah
Laura Hutchings
Spanish Fork, Utah
Lauren Barney
Salem Hills High School
Leann Arce
Spanish Fork, Utah
Leilani Roberts
BYU · Elandslaagte, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah
Lexi Page Marble
BYU · Salem Hills High School
Lexy Lou Who
Spanish Fork High
Linda Moulton Andrus
Lake Shore, Utah
Lindsay Soderberg Voelkl
Lindsay Tuckett
Spanish Fork High
Lindsey Maine Paradis
hite River High School · Salt Lake City, Utah

Lindsey McMurdie
BYU · Provo, Utah

Linnea Maria Torriente
Lone Peak High School · Provo, Utah

Lisa Christine Anderson

Lisa Rose

Lisa Schafer
BYU · Overland High School

Liz Flores
BYU · Timpview High School

Logan Ashkii Miller

Loni Spendlove
Spanish Fork, Utah

Loren Paul Begay
BYU · Provo, Utah

Loren Roundy
Houston, Texas

Lori Poulsen
Salem Hills High School · Woodland Hills, Utah

Lucia Moeun Jeong

Luke Besendorfer
Spanish Fork High

Lynzi Kidman Coffey
Spanish Fork, Utah

Maele Sue Porter
Aalborg, Denmark

Mallory Denning

Mandy Elsmore

Marcie'n'joe Potter

Marcus Hunt
Salem, Utah

Maren Clayton
Kelly Walsh High School · Provo, Utah

Maria Anderson

Marie Olsen
BYU · Mountain View High

Maris Colorado Arce

Mark Adam Keele
Spanish Fork, Utah

Marlen Craig Rice
Provo, Utah

Marlena Marie Smith
BYU · Eastlake High

Martha Bachler Prior
Springville, Utah

Martha Guerrero

Mary Jacobson
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Matt Lawson
Matt Moon
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Matt Smith
Provo, Utah

Matthew Anderson

Matthew Cole
Spanish Fork High

Matthew Vance
Logan, Utah

Max Speed

McKenna Lauren Lawson
Chandler, Arizona

Megan Fisher
Spanish Fork High · Hettlingen, Switzerland

Megan Nuttall
BYU · Highland High School

Megan Schmidt
Springville High · Utah State

Meggen Smith
Spanish Fork High · Salem, Utah

Meggie Holden

Melinda Kidman McBride

Melissa Crandall Neary

Melissa Henrie

MeMe Vallett

Mercy Johnson

Micaela Ericka Rubio
Utah Valley University · Grand Forks, North Dakota

Michael J. Crane
Spanish Fork, Utah

Michael Murdock

Michele Waite
Spanish Fork, Utah

Michelle Applegate Olsen
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Michelle Jayne Clare

Mike Scott
Pinkerton Academy · Chester, New Hampshire

Miranda Littleton
Springville High

Mitchell Cobb
BYU · Provo, Utah

Molly Corinne Miner
BYU - ID · Springville High

Monica Alvarez

Monica Aubrie Anderson
Salem, Utah

Monica Hawkes
BYU · Viewmont High

Morgan Hales
Spanish Fork High · Salem, Utah

Morgan Hansen
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Morgan Homan
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Nachelle Stewart Mackie

Nana Pereyra
Provo, Utah

NaRhea Juchau
American Leadership Academy · Provo, Utah

Natalie Anderson
Spanish Fork High · Salem, Utah

Natalie Eliza
Provo, Utah

Natalie M. Hall
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Natalie McVey
Spanish Fork High · Provo

Natalie Stewart
Spanish Fork High

Nataly Arce
Spanish Fork High

Natesa Stephens
Provo, Utah

Nathan Anderson
Spanish Fork High

Nathan Kimball
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Nathanael Sackett
American Leadership Academy

Nelson Jared Orton
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Nicholas Devin Ricky Skinner
Riverton High School · Fort Drum, New York

Nichole Schofield
Utah Valley University · Spanish Fork High

Nick Sales
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah

Nicole Egan
Greater Latrobe Senior High School · Provo, Utah

Nicollette Dedrickson Anderson
Spanish Fork High

Nora Camille Wilmarth
Highland High School · Seattle, Washington

Nyssa Silvester
BYU · Oak Ridge High

Olivia Darling Nielsen
BYU - ID · Spanish Fork High

Olivia Lee Lessard
Provo, Utah

Palmer Christensen

Pamela Tyler Tuft
Provo, Utah

Pamella Ann McConnell
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah

Parker Davis
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BYU Honors Program
Winter 2011 Closing social Dear All, Its been a great year! Come help us celebrate the close of this ac...
on Tuesday
Hannah + Justin = True Love!
Update Hello everyone! We are just a few weeks out from the wedding!!! To be exact,...
last Thursday
Danica Andersen
(no subject) We are playing a game. Someone proposed that we GIRLS do something special on...
about a month ago
this is the one that I liked
about a month ago
Dom's address Elder Dominic Jack Bills Ohio Cleveland Mission Provo Missionary Training C...
about a month ago
See All Messages 5 unread
Jeanne Pinegar Johnson, Lisa Christine Anderson, and 2 other friends wrote on the Wall for Lexi Marble Bridal Shower.
7 hours ago
Lynzi Kidman Coffey invited you to the event "Mamma K's 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt."
8 hours ago
Nick Sales asked you Of the three songs I've released on iTun...
18 hours ago
Kirsten Kay Wiscombe posted on your Wall.
on Tuesday
Kaye Neves invited you to the event "Lexi Marble Bridal Shower."
on Tuesday

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Memorable Status Updates

Nicole EganI was shooting for stars, On a saturday night They say what goes up, Must come down But don't let me fall

Nicole Egan
"I made a list of goals. they arent real goals just things like learn to sew. I ...was going to put learn to cook on it but I thought i should stick to realistic things" -AndiSee More
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Elder Matt Sanchez likes Expedia.

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Hiring Web Designers

Our client portfolio is rapidly growing and we are looking for a web designer! Apply online. $12 per hour. View Details by clicking.
Goldsmith Co. Jewelers

Getting Engaged? Come by our showroom and see the largest selection of engagement rings and weddings sets in Utah County.
Like · Kanani Roberts likes this.
Centennial Apartments

Only $207 a month, swimming pool and year-round spa. BYU housing near Gold's Gym and Seven Peaks Waterpark.
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All Friends
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Recently Added
Spanish Fork High
Spanish Fork, Utah
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Search by Interest

Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School

Andrew Prior

Bob Kindmark

Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University

Ferry Fleurimond

Irene Lopez

Jessica Spencer
BYU · Centerville High School

Kaley Cook
BYU · BYU Hawaii

Karina Russon
Spanish Fork High

Kiersta Spendlove

Kimmer Tourangeau

Leisl Cope
Spanish Fork High · Eastern Utah

Linda Moulton Andrus

Patrese Atine

Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State

Sandra Macias

Sarahanne Prior Lawson

Shaela Willie Avery

Shauny Talk

Shelby Willie

Edit Lists
the list
hey this is joy
the list

Patrese Atine
BYU · Washington, District of Columbia

Patrick N' Jewels Parsons
Pleasant Grove, Utah

Praja Yuda

Rachael Mach
Proctorville, Ohio

Rachael Morley
BYU · Victor Senior High School

Rachel Bair
BYU · Los Angeles, California

Rachel Leishman

Rachel Lyn Button
Spanish Fork, Utah

Rachel Mae Shively
Ephraim, Utah

Rachel Marie Kimball
BYU · Spanish Fork High

Rachel Moake
Cedar City, Utah
Rachel Tourangeau
Orem, Utah
Rachel Wood
Provo, Utah
Raj Sitaula

Rebecca Abbott
Provo, Utah

Rebecca Engebretsen

Rebecca Kaspar
BYU · Pacific Collegiate School
Renee Dillman
Lake Shore, Utah
Rhett Nance
BYU · Salem Hills High School
Rick Stone
BYU · Provo, Utah
Rob Lowe
Spanish Fork High · Utah State
Rob Miller
Robby Reid
BYU · Alpharetta High School
Robyn Davis
Provo, Utah
Roman Cortez
Utah Valley University
Ronald Guevara
Spanish Fork, Utah
Ronnie Harward
Orem, Utah
Ryan Barker
Viewmont High · Provo, Utah
Ryan Heywood
Wasatch High · Heber City, Utah
Ryan Hyatt
Provo, Utah
Sadie Fielding
Utah State · Provo, Utah
Saeko Yamashita Logsdon
Sam Raleigh
Spanish Fork High · Spanish Fork, Utah
Sam Riddle
Sam Roberts
Lake Shore, Utah
Sami Gardner
Samuel Broomhead
Spanish Fork High · Provo, Utah
Samuel Egbert
Salem Hills High School · Provo, Utah
Sandra Macias
Orem, Utah
Sara Ashley Peterson
Lone Peak High School · Provo, Utah
Sara Chronister
BYU · Catalina Foothills High School
Sara Williams
Sarah AndJeremy
BYU · Springville High
Sarah Ann Alanis
Salem Hills High School · Larchmont, New York
Sarah Anne Hakes
Provo, Utah
Sarah Callison
Provo, Utah
Sarah Clark
Provo, Utah
Sarah Johnson
Sarah Kay Benson
Springville High · Provo, Utah
Sarah Snow
BYU · Collierville High School
Sarahanne Prior Lawson
Chandler, Arizona
Scot LeFevre
Spanish Fork High
Sean Allsop
Springville High
Se'epa Ete
Spanish Fork High
Seth Jenson
Provo, Utah
Seth Potter
Lindon, Utah
Shadley LeFevere
Spanish Fork High
Shaela Willie Avery
Shannon Obrigawitch
Provo, Utah
Shantel Rindlisbacher Flores
Ally Cuneo
BYU · Roswell High School
Andrew Prior
Bob Kindmark
Elizabeth Tinti
Utah Valley University
Ferry Fleurimond
Irene Lopez
Jessica Spencer
Kaley Cook
Karina Russon
Kiersta Spendlove
Kimmer Tourangeau
Leisl Cope
Linda Moulton Andrus
Patrese Atine
Rob Lowe
Sandra Macias
Sarahanne Prior Lawson
Shaela Willie Avery
Shauny Talk
Sharisa Nay
Sharona Eskeets
Sharyn Lyn Eaves
Sharyti Doril Henriksen
Shauny Talk
Shawna Fincher
Shayla Johnson
Shaylene Prior
Sheii K. Lindley
Shelbie Lynn Hone
Shelby Cardoza
Shelby Jackson
Shelby Morgan Thurgood
Shelby Randquist
Shelby Willie
Sheridan Merkley
Shiloh Potter
Shirsten Larsen
Sidney Boman
Silvie Santos
Since Yesterday
Skjelse Smith
Skylar Call
Skylar Neilson
Skyler Hardman
Sonja Ponis LeFevre
Sonnett Davies Anderson
Sophie Crowley
Spanish Fork High Choir
Spencer Keele
Stephanie Griffiths
Stephanie Nelson
Stephen Hoffman
Stevanie Anderson
Steven Douglas McVey
Stevie Crook
Summer Giles
Susana Ete
Swen Prior
Sydnee Anderson
Sydney Renner
Sydnie Landeen
Taalin Rasmussen
Tamara Carter
Tamara Hansen
Tanner Ivan Snow
Tanner Mahoney Holt
Tara Peck
Tasha Newman
Tava Reid
Taylor Anderson
Taylor Baker
Taylor Reed Thompson
Tenika Dennis
Teressa Davies Murie
Tess Kelly
Tessa Kaiulani Roberts
Thomas G Plummer
Tiffany Webb
Timothy Langlois
Andrew Prior
Bob Kindmark
Elizabeth Tinti
Ferry Fleurimond
Irene Lopez
Jessica Spencer
Kaley Cook
Karina Russon
Kiersta Spendlove
Kimmer Tourangeau
Leisl Cope
Linda Moulton Andrus
Patrese Atine
Rob Lowe
Sandra Macias
Sarahanne Prior Lawson
Shaela Willie Avery
Shauny Talk
Shelby Willie
Tishna Lynn Campbell
Toph Knutson
Tori Linde
Tori Snow
Tori Vinson
Torie Redshirt
Trent N. Taylor
Trenton Argyle
Tressa Betts
Trever Jorgensen Kreutzer
Trevor Anderson
Troy Cressman
Tucker Pinder
Tyler Brinkerhoff
Tyler Gebert
Tyler Nicosia
Tyler Toronto
Tyson Galovich
Tyson Smith
Unpc Voa
Val Cope
Vic Pereyra
Whitney Dixon
Whitney Nicole Dawe
Whitney Sanders
Whitney Shuman
Willis Virginia Burton
Witney Wilson
Zachary Pratt Gunderson
Zackary Stewart
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