Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reg Prodigal Son

Thought Paper on “The Prodigal Son”

(by one of Bro. Ogden’s students some years ago)

For five years my own selfish pride and stubbornness couldn’t allow my heart to learn an extremely important eternal principle. I look back now and I just want to kick myself for wasting these past five years by nursing a wound that I thought greater than anyone else’s.
Five years ago, my oldest brother to whom I looked up and idolized so much made some very serious mistakes in his life. My family was devastated and I was definitely no exception. It’s hard to describe how heavy my heart felt, how disappointed I was in him. “How could he do such a thing after all Dad and Mom did for him?” The thought wouldn’t let my mind rest. It seemed like he just went further down hill after his first serious mistake, but it looked to me like his life when on while we were left in the dust, attempting to glue the pieces back together again. I had to live with a constant reminder of the grief my brother caused my parents. I still lived with them while they struggled financially after taking responsibility of debts my brother couldn’t pay off from his first marriage. The whole time I kept asking myself, “Where was that courageous and valiant oldest brother I had followed everywhere when I was younger?”
Those thoughts were the grains of salt I kept throwing into my disappointed heart. I wouldn’t let it heal. What about my brother? Did I ever stop to think of the pain and suffering through which he was going? Yes – often, but I wouldn’t open my eyes; I refused to look past my own grief to see his. . . .
“And Jesus answering said unto them; They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick” (Luke 5:31). . . .
I love my brother. I never stopped loving him. The Savior loves him too. I know this, but I only wish that my brother could know this also. Somehow I need to tell him that it’s never too late and that the Lord does not have exceptions when He gives his love. It may be a crowded doctor’s office, but a personal appointment with him need only be a matter of kneeling and pouring out the heart. The doctor’s bill? Payment is a humble heart. It is not too late for my brother and maybe I can be the nurse that helps the Physician!”

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