Sunday, October 2, 2011


The Holy Priesthood. This was not what I expected. when I saw the title I did not expect to learn the things that I learned from the reading. One of the things that i learned was that I should continually submerse myself in the study of the Book of Mormon. This semester I am taking Doctrine and Covenants, obviously, but my bishop chalanged us all to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the semester. I feel like I have kept up with the reading. I mean I am a little behind but roughly were I am supose to be in the reading. I realized though that I can not simply read the Book of Mormon if I want it to bless my life, I need to study the Book of Mormon. I need to seek to find the principles that i learn in the Book of Mormon in my life and apply the lessons that i am learning.
I feel a stronger feeling that I have more to do with the priesthood power than I ever believed before. One of the reasons for this is the more that i find out about the temple marriage the more that I am thinking that in temple marriage there is a unification of the priesthood. some sort of oath. This is only an idea though, and one that I almost feel guilty for thinking becuase i don't know how much of the temple i am suppose to over hear or to know about or to think about or the wonder... I do feel like there are many priesthood covenants that I will make in the temple though and I guess that I feel strongly that I should prepare for them.
One of the ways that I can prepare is to take the covenants that i made at Baptizum seriuosly. Some of these covenants were to take upon the name of Christ. I have been thinking recently how when I am living a Christ like life that my eyes glow with the light of Christ. My new idea is that this light of Christ is when I take his countance upon me- quite literally. I want to be worthy of Christ's name. I want to live worthy of Christ's countance upon me.