Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reg reading modern good samaritian

A Modern Good Samaritan

Buck McKeon (student in Fall '96 Isaiah class):

At times I struggle in putting others before myself. I feel like the priest in the Good Samaritan parable. Last Thursday, I didn't go to class. I woke up and wasn't feeling well, but went to my nine o'clock class anyway. As I returned home, I was thinking of the joys of a half-hour nap, and how that would help me be ready for my two afternoon classes and for work that evening.
My plans were soon interrupted. I saw a young man on the sidewalk who was shaking uncontrollably and a girl who had her arms around him trying to calm the sick boy. I passed them up, trying to justify that I had my two religion classes to go to and that I wouldn't be able to go if I helped. Besides, I might even have gotten sicker. About thirty feet after I had passed them, I felt a deep pain inside, thinking that I was going to leave one of Heavenly Father's children suffering so I could "more effectively" study Christ's life! What a hypocrite!
I quickly turned around and helped the poor boy for a couple of hours. I missed both religion classes, but that day I learned a lesson that I would not forget. The Lord refines us through trials, if we will put the kingdom of God first in our lives. That day the kingdom of God was Matt, the poor boy who was suffering seizures and needed the comfort of friends. As the priests, I had important business to do in my own life, but like the Samaritan, I learned that stopping and giving of myself was more important.
Those thirty feet greatly disturbed me this weekend. I wondered how many times I have continued in my will rather that turning around to do the Lord's.

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