Wednesday, April 6, 2011

REg last one

I have heard and learned about the resurrection countless times in Sunday school, during sacrament, but there have only been a few times when I have read the account by myself. While I read I was overcome by the feeling of peace, and it filled me for the entire day. Throughout the chapters I read the word peace over and over. The angles said it to Mary, the risen Lord said it to his apostles, and I can feel the Holy Ghost say it to me. In all of the joy and glory of the resurrection I often forget to recognize the simple peace of the resurrection. His resurrection brings peace. My favorite account included when the men were walking with Jesus and they did not even recognize him, but after he left they asked each other did we not feel a burning in our hearts. How often do I try and recognize the spirit by what I see instead of by how peaceful I feel? For me to believe in the resurrection I must rely on the peaceful assurance I feel as I read and study the testimonies that he lives. I have heard and learned about the resurrection countless times in Sunday school, during sacrament, but there have only been a few times when I have read the account by myself. While I read I was overcome by the feeling of peace, and it filled me for the entire day. Throughout the chapters I read the word peace over and over. The angles said it to Mary, the risen Lord said it to his apostles, and I can feel the Holy Ghost say it to me. In all of the joy and glory of the resurrection I often forget to recognize the simple peace of the resurrection. His resurrection brings peace. My favorite account included when the men were walking with Jesus and they did not even recognize him, but after he left they asked each other did we not feel a burning in our hearts. How often do I try and recognize the spirit by what I see instead of by how peaceful I feel? For me to believe in the resurrection I must rely on the peaceful assurance I feel as I read and study the testimonies that he lives.

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