Monday, September 28, 2009

Learning by faith lecture

I wanted to see if I really learn something new every day. My goal this weekend was to write in my journal one thing that I learned from that day. Friday came and went; Saturday went just as quickly, and then before I knew it I was sitting at my laptop Sunday night wondering what I had learned. The weekend felt like it had rushed by so quickly there was no possible way I could have learned something. So I started writing down what I had done step by step.
According to Bloom’s Taxonomy I was stuck in the “knowledge” level of thinking. As my list grew I recalled details. Most of them were about myself. How I felt? Why I reacted the way that I did? It did not take long for these questions to evolve into: What I could have done differently? What I handled well? Before I knew it I was learning hundreds of things. My weekend that had seemed so meaningless began to unfold ideas and that is when I started learning.
It was then that I realized I had learned at least one thing a day. I finally made the connection that seeking learning by study and with faith requires reflection. That is why the prophets encourage me to keep a journal. If I want to learn from my experiences I need to take the time to ponder and have a personal reflection. Inviting the spirit to be actively involved in my reflection will also benefit.
When Joseph Smith recorded the first vision he mentions that he read in King James and then pondered the things in his heart. He held a personal reflection. Just as the lecture on Thursday focused on learning, or the ability to obtain light and truth, with faith Joseph Smith learned by pond ringing and studying the verse in his heart.
The idea of studying things out in my heart rang true as I realized that life gives me a new lesson everyday. If I really want to learn from the events of that day though I need to reflect upon them. I learned a lot this weekend not because I did a lot, but because I studied them out in my heart.

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