Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tree of life

Tree of Life
Fruit, why fruit? Why not vegetables? Or grain? No, God chose to use a fruit tree for his example. Lehi could have reached down and pulled a pure white tasty carrot out of the ground. Yet, I don’t think that would be the right representation.
Inspiration stuck me when I realized that the tree was one plant that produced a lot of fruit. There was enough fruit for everyone, relating to how the atonement is for everyone. Even if there was an endless field of white wheat each of the strands would stand alone. Although Lehi would have still enjoyed eating the good tasting wheat it would not be the proper representation of our dependence on the one and true living Jesus Christ. Then again a lot of potatoes and pumpkins grown from one vine.
Could you imagine the difference in Lehi’s vision if he had to dig through the ground for white potatoes? No, that would not due. The atonement is a gift, not something that we should feel that we have to earn or obtain. This idea is not to over estimate the hardships that come from repentance, but it helped to expand my own thoughts into the reality of how simple true repentance is. That still did not solve the problem as to why Lehi did not see cucumber vines in his vision. There are lots of cucumbers on one vine, and they are above the ground.
For me it boiled down to the idea that trees have deep roots, much deeper roots than any vegetable. Unless of course we are talking about Jake and the Bean Stalk, which we’re not. We are talking about the Savoir of man kind. This realization wrapped my soul in heavenly beauty, because my Lord and Redeemer is immovable. I may sin, and I may change but he will never lose his integrity.

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