Sunday, November 1, 2009

Darwin and God

Putting God into Darwin was such an eye opening lecture for me. I have been turning the idea of evolution over in my mind for the past few months that I have been at BYU. Earlier this month I even asked my Book of Mormon professor if there was any doctrinal or quotes from church officials about evolution. He gave me a pamphlet that had several quotations emphasizing that God tells us why we were created, and that we were created, but he dose not explicitly say how or when. The basic idea was that these two things (how and when humans were created) did not relate to the plan of salvation. I agreed to the point that there are other doctrinal subjects more prevalent, and I should possibly spend more time studying them out. Yet, the theory of evolution remained on the edge of the thought, and today I feel like there were lots of answers.
First I appreciated the distinction between faith and science. I must clarify this point as not the superstition of science and faith, but the distinction. The last section of his slideshow he explained that we (mankind) has the rights to interpret scientific evidence how we want. In order to fully understand truth and in essence God instead of ignoring scientific evidence I need to interpret ate it.
I was so glad that he brought evidence to the table. The genetics slides that were explained on my thinking level, pictures of bones, era bones were from, fused human genetics, and the proper definition of Devine Intervention. There is no way to deny the facts, and I would not want to. Please understand that I was not anti-evolution prior to this lecture. I was completely lost.
There seemed to be no actual evidence for Devine Intervention. To top it off they lied. I understand that the lecturer’s perspective is that Devine Intervention is wrong, and so he want to portray them as wrong, but the various books changed the names and ignored evidence was embarrassing.
What struck me the most was the clarification of what a genetic mistake is. When the lecturer broke down a species would become extinct under the theory of evolution if it did not mutate, or evolve I realized that is a Godly principle. If something or more clearly someone does not evolve themselves to become better, enrich their life, and get ride of unneeded attributes they fall behind and become “extinct”. Evolution would fit into God’s plan. I still want to think it all out, because lets face it I got an entire life to think about it. I only listened to one very educated source today, and there are so many more places to learn about evolution and creation. Catch up with me in a few thousand years when I am a little more divine and I will let you know what I have figured out about the two theories.

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