Thursday, February 25, 2010

get out of that chair

I consider myself relatively healthy. The last few years health has been a big conversation in my family. I am the youngest of nine siblings and everyone seems to be on the lookout for the perfect health plan. When I did come to college I was pretty health conscious. I have never been over weight, and I live a relatively active lifestyle. My current goal is twenty minutes every day, and I am taking a technique dance class three times a week for an hour and a half. When it comes to diet I eat fruits and vegetables, and I don’t eat a lot of meat. Of course I feel like there is room for improvement in my diet and exercise lifestyle, and the lecture gave me realistic motivation to improve and continue living in a healthy lifestyle.
For starters I am thankful that I don’t want to be a doctor, because the video of the people taking all of the man’s fat in his blood system was just about enough to make me want to start the starvation diet. I remember one time my friend and I were eating a piece of cake. She put a huge scoop of frosting on her spoon and said imagine all of this going through your blood. I gagged. It was the same feeling today, and I felt acutely aware of how false the idea that what goes into my body comes out. Rarely do I stop to ponder how what I consume goes into my veins, heart, and organs. During the clip I wondered what my insides look like now, but I spend most of the time wondering what my insides will look like in fifty years. Health is a lifelong processes, and what I consume now will influence my future. So not only should I avoid eating chocolate cake every day, but I should eat foods that will help to clean and maintain my body.
I liked the quote that “Life is an athletic event and everyday is a game,” because it made health seem more fun. What is the purpose of exercising… so you don’t die. That sounds motivational, but not really fun; I mean I don’t imagine someone saying that with a party hat on and streamers. The idea that life is a game though, and that I should stay in physical shape to keep playing gives more than just motivation but expectation to what type of healthy lifestyle I want to be living. I enjoyed this quote and plan to use it because I want to be an active and involved player in the game of life, and in order to do that I realize that I have to have active and involved training. Consequently my exercise plan will be based on my high expectations to be an active member of the game of life.

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