Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Joy Prior
Andrea McAllister
Contemporary 240R
My point is looking a lot better, and I have it much more turned out. I can tell because the point does not simply end with my toe, but I can see it turning out my entire leg.
I do a good job on the warm up of mixing up my skip, and there is a greater diversity for the skip than for most of the other moves I make such as the run and the walk.
Sometimes I make my run look very similar to my walk, and I should mix that up a little more. I think that if I explore making my run fast but smooth I can experiment with a wider range of movements.
Although my arms are more in step then they were last time I watched myself I need to focus on sending energy out of my arms. There are times when my wrists are bent and my hands are just hanging out around my side. I think that if I continue to pull the energy out through my arms I will be able to have a better looking arms. There are a few times like when we stretch across sideways and I really do pull my arm out more. I noticed that at the times that I pull through my arms my core is more steady, and there is a lot more strength through out my entire body.
I need to remember to pull my body up on the turn and not to simply send my weight around in a circle. I can tell that I am not pulling my core up because when I come out of the turn I am wobbling a little, and I do not look strong. I am also hopping some on my straight leg (which is not entirely straight). I think that to fix this I will start with two things I will straighten my leg more and pull up through my core, by flexing and controlling my core muscles.
Timing, really I need to count, because I am always a half a count off, and not that counting is our main focus right now I can tell that simply counting inside my head would help me to control my movements more. It would also help me to do the sequences in order, and that would in turn help me to have better control of what I am doing and more specifically when I am moving.
I need to get my leg straight on the leap, my back leg. I need to send my focus on stretching that back leg, and then pulling it behind me. I plan to do this by thinking about pulling my leg straight instead of thinking that I need to get more height.

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