Friday, October 1, 2010

SFL 240 reaction #5

SFL 240 Response #5 Parenting Pyramid
I added one more bottom layer to the Parenting Pyramid. Because of I believe that in order for me to become the best person that I can be I need to have a strong relationship with my Heavenly Father I added my relationship between God and Me onto the base of the Parenting Pyramid. In the original diagram’s last layer is the self relationship. How someone interacts with themselves and their personal beliefs and values. A self relationship is an important relationship to develop, but I know that I do not always have good judgment. Often times I underestimate virtues or I do not see the real problems I have within myself; either because I have over exaggeration or in diminished my thoughts and actions. I think that if there is something wrong with myself relationship that I can go down to the bottom layer of the Pyramid and solve the problems I am having a strong relationship with my Heavenly Father. He is all knowing and has perfect judgment. All the while my Heavenly Father loves me perfectly and will help me overcome my problems patiently.
The Parenting Pyramid is one of my favorite things that we have discussed in class so far, because I can see the practicality of this system. In the Parenting Pyramid diagram I think that the image of a pyramid better captures the message of the article than simply layers.
I am glad that the author chose to do the Parenting Pyramid and not the Parenting Layers. There are a few things different about a pyramid than a layer. For starters the Pyramid gets smaller at the top, but a layer does not. A pyramid is large at the bottom, and a layer is the same size top and bottom. In a pyramid divided horizontally the sections cannot be mixed up, but they have to go in the particular order or else the pyramid will no longer work. In a diagram that is layered the layers can be mixed up, reorganized, and scrabbled and the diagram’s shape will not change.
First, I believe that the author used the image of a pyramid so that the reader could not mix the order. Like I mentioned above in a pyramid divided horizontally the piece that goes at the top has to be at the top, and the piece that is the 3rd down cannot be moved to the top and have the pyramid balanced. By using a pyramid the author conveys the idea that the layers in the Parenting Pyramid have an order, and if those layers are not in order than the whole thing will be unbalanced.
The other thing that I think the author wanted the reader to understand was that the upper layers of the pyramid are smaller than the bottom layers of the pyramid because they are not as influential. I do not know if influential is the right word to use in this sentence, because yes taking control over your child’s life and restricting what they can and cannot do is not only very controlling, but is very influential on the child. I think that the more appropriate word would be effective. The bottom layers are more effective than the top layers. It is important to remember your goal as a parent while raising children, and then to adjust what you do as a parent to that goal. If the goal of a parent is to help their child learn self regulation than the Parenting Pyramid appears to be the most effective style, because it involves the parent teaching the child while the parent recognizes that they are still learning themselves.

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