Monday, January 31, 2011

Essay #2

Originally, I wanted to drop out of BYU, go to Chicago, and become a famous designer… at the time that idea did not sound quite that stupid. I grew up on farm, and was adjusting to living in an apartment with more people living in one complex than who lived in my entire neighborhood back home. She was from the Navajo Nation, a place that I had never heard of, and yet I felt drawn to it, all because she said it had irrigation ditches. Before we visited her family for the first time she teased me, bring your visa because this place is not like the rest of the United States. I laughed, but nothing could have prepared me for the life changing experience the visit would have.
The second night of my visit I wrapped myself in the cotton blankets and watched the shadows move across the floor as my reality crumbled. There were people who did not have the same opportunities that I did: education, running water, housing, and even family. I guess I had always known that, but it was “stuff” for national geographic articles and not for the pages of my own life. On the drive home I began to rewrite my life goals.
Currently, I am applying for Early Childhood Education major at BYU and I know that the classes at BYU will prepare me to reach my life goals. While taking notes in class I have begun to understand that I need to teach students that they are lovable, and that they can and should love. I don’t just want to learn how to stand in front of a classroom and talk; I want to learn how to help children kindle a fire for learning and I know that my BYU education can teach me how do that.

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