Tuesday, January 11, 2011

GEOG Journal Globalization #1

Joy Prior
January 12, 2011
Otterstorm, Samuel M
Section 001
Geographic Change Revealed, Journal #1
what specific aspects (economic, political, cultural, environmental, etc.) of globalization impact the event/situation? Has globalization had a negative or positive impact?
The article, entitled Clinton Visits Yemen, Seeking Broader Ties, that I read was taken from The New York Times under the world affairs. It was written by Mark Landler and published in January 11, 2011. It was an ideal example of the impact globalization has on politics, and economics in North America.
Mrs. Clinton's visit was a politically oriented. She was the first secretary of state to visit Yemen in almost two decades. The article specified that the reason for her visit was to address the terrorists operating in Yemen. It was remarkable to read the article with globalization in mind, because I could not help but to think of all the global politics relating to this one visit. For starters Terrorists attack internationally, not just the United States. It was also interesting to me that Mrs. Clinton visited a foreign nation to discuss Islamic extremism that would help to protect American citizens.
Throughout the article there were signs of how influential the United States economy is in Yemen’s developing economy. Mrs. Clinton said that the high amount of terrorism scares away tourists and investors from Yemen. It was interesting to read how the United States economy, tourists, and business investors have a global influence. I could not help but to think of cultural imperialism. The attitude of the article was that through western culture (capitalism and the United Nations allies) other countries like Yemen can overcome poverty.
I was also shocked by the amount millions of dollars sent to Yemen. Apparently in 2008 the United States sent $17 million dollars to Yemen in nonmilitary aid, and this past year the United States sent another $130. Not to mention the additional $170 million sent in military aid. I felt a little suspicious about all of the money that was sent, because I do not know if the United States expects Yemen to pay back the debt, or if the United States is benefiting substantially from the donation in other ways such as oil, or availability to other natural resources. I also wondered if this money is not simply an attempt to help the country, but also an attempt to help civilize the nation. It reminded me of colonialism. Originally the European countries sent just enough aid and people to help make an area civilized, and in short under their control. While I read the article I could not help but to wonder if instead establishing settlements the United States is sending money to civilize Yemen, and in short have control in the country. On the other hand the money sent to Yemen could be a generous donation or simply a kind-hearted-jester.

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