Thursday, January 6, 2011

REG #1 scripture reading

It struck me while I was reading that one of the effects of Christ's Atonement being eternal is that that the sins I comitted in the pre-mortal life were forgiven before I entered this mortal state. When I came to earth I did not remember the pre-mortal life, and the sins and transgressions I commited there were forgiven. This enabled me to have a fresh start; I was inocent again. The Atonement had never encompoused so much to me. I used to believe that it mierly covered up the sins I committe in this life, but now I can see that the Atonement is truly eternal. I have always believed in a pre-mortal, a mortal, and an after life. In the pre-mortal life I understood that there were opertunities to sin, because of the third of the hosts of heaven who chose the to leave God's precence and join the devil. From my experiences on earth I was fully aware that there are many opertunities to sin. I aslo assumed that there are chances to sin in the after life becuase I have heard it will take thousands of years after this life to reach perfection. I had never made the conection though that the Atonement had influencial power in all of these realms of sin. In my mind the Atonement was this white wash of forgiveness that just covered everything up. It was aw stricking to realized that when I entered this life I was litterally re-born throught the Atonement; it was not some sloppy cover up job, but a complete transformation of my soul. As my understanding of the majesty of the Atonement increases I can feel my faith strengthen.

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