Friday, January 28, 2011

SFL Journal week 1

I went to the Kindergarten for the first time this week. It was so much fun. I forgot how much I enjoy working with children. For the hour I was responsible for the activity about the letter H, and the H sound. We were suppose to sing a song that was about Hot Cakes, but I could not really figure out the tune, and the kids really did not care to much about the song. Instead we really tried to list of lots of words with the H sound while we played Hot potato. Some of the children were thinking of words that I would not have even imagined that they would know, and other groups needed a little help to think of more than just the word hot or hotcake or hot potato. They were all really well behaved, and were really interested in the game. I got better at getting the students to think of H words and to interact in the game, but I struggled with developing a pattern to the short activity that went well with the timing of the session. Supposably each of the sessions was fifteen minutes but in my own opinion I think that the timings were all different and that they really did not stick strictly to a fifteen minute season, but then again I could be wrong.

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