Monday, July 25, 2011

Religion Assignment #13

Joy Marie Prior
Religion C 261 - Sister Kelly Summers

Assignment #13 – Family History Project – 60 pts

You may devote 6 hours to any family history project relating to indexing, temple attendance, creating a Book of Remembrance, etc. Any project is acceptable as long as there is a connection to family or temple. This project should take a minimum of 6 hours to complete.

Submit a written explanation of your project and how you spent your 6 hours. This project is due the last day of class.

For my six hour assignment I read a bibliography for one of my ancestors. I read a little throughout the semester and finished the book on the 24 of July. It is over 400 pages, and filled with the life, loves, and hardships of Carl A. Carlquist. I read an average of one page per minute and so I know that it took me a minimum of 6 hours to finish the entire book. While I read I feel in love with my ancestors, and would walk around my house reading some passages out loud to anyone who would listen. I still find it almost unbelievable that the book was about someone related to me. There were chapters that made me want to cry, and parts were I laughed out loud. Throughout the book there were pictures, poems, and news clippings.
I admired how much Carl loved his wife, and how much she loved him. Their lives seemed more like an adventure than a bibliography. Carl was born illegitimately and meet and became engaged to Hulda while serving his first mission. They both immigrated to America, had business failures and successes, worked hard to support Carl on his missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, cried at the deaths of their children, welcomed Swedish immigrants into their home, baked bread, and loved life, each other, and God. When I closed the book and put it away on my night stand I was overwhelmed to think that all lives are intricately filled by the hopes and dreams of the one living it.

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