Tuesday, July 26, 2011

SFL 290 application part 1

This past year I joined a multicultural dance group and we toured through Texas, I taught on the Navajo Reservation in both public and private school, I traveled through the Hawaiian Islands with a backpack for over two weeks living in different Latter Day Saints homes, and on Brigham Young University Campus I am an active member of the BYU Tribe of Many Feathers club (for the native American students) and take pictures for the Multicultural paper. I am Caucasian: I have blond hair, strawberry cream white skin, and sea blue eyes, but have learned to LOVE my physical differences the more that I learn and appreciate other people’s differences. I mention all of this because I enjoy talking to people, specifically people who know that they are different, but why I am so interested in this qualitative research is because the question is how do you deal with feeling different. This interreges me because instead of just talking about differences or how people treat each other because of our differences this research asks people to do something about it. I want to be apart of something that helps people to become empowered by discovering ways to positively (and negatively) handle differences.
Naturally, I am a talkative person and interviews and interviewing does not frighten me. Although I am sure that would have to learn how to do a scientific interview. I am comfortable with talking to a wide variety of people, and after class when you introduced the research topic all I could think of were people I would want to research. Both of my roommates are African American and grew up in Provo; they have some of the most interesting ways that they feel different. My best friend is Native American and grew up on the Navajo Reservation. My sister is six two, and has always felt out of place because of her height. Then I really would love to hear Emit’s life, Jennifer, Michael, Abe… I am sure that the actual research project would be organized and I could not just have a party with all of my friends, but that makes me all the more excited to be apart of the research. I want to know how other people handle their insecurities and what makes people feel different.

This research not only interests me, but I feel that I would be a positive and strong contributor to the research team. I would be willing to learn how to interview, enter in data, edit, because I want to learn and discover with a group of people who are interested in similar topics that I am. I believe that this would be the opportunity not only to learn more personally but to be apart of a team and group of people learning and growing together.

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