Thursday, July 21, 2011

SFL 290 Assignment #3

Joy Marie Prior
Assignment #3

Part I: True/ False
1. true
2. false
3. false
4. false
5. false
6. true
7. true
8. false
10. false
Part II
1. (a) identify the independent: the developmentally appropriate level of the classroom and dependent: aggressive behavior defined by the number of aggressive acts performed during a ten minute period,
(b) decide how they were measured (categorical or continuous), iv: categorical and dv: continuous (possibly ratio)
(c) identify the appropriate statistical test ANOVAS
2. (a) identify the independent: Adolescent-parent communication and dependent: marital satisfaction, SES, and parents’ personality
(b) decide how they were measured (categorical or continuous) iv: continuous adolescent parent communication (continuous) dv: continuous marital satisfaction (continuous), SES(continuous), and parents' personality(continuous) on adolescent-parent communication
(c) identify the appropriate statistical test MANOVA
3. The purpose of the study was to compare the differences in eating habits of 60, 80, and 100 year olds. Researchers asked the respondents the number of dark green vegetables they had eaten in the past week. Results showed that 100 year olds ate significantly more dark green vegetables than 60 and 80 year olds.
(a) identify the independent: age and dependent: eating habits measured by number of dark green vegetables eaten in past week
(b) decide how they were measured (categorical or continuous) iv: categorical dv: continuous
(c) identify the appropriate statistical test unmatched t-test
4. (a) identify the independent: the twin A or B and dependent: level of observed sociability
(b) decide how they were measured (categorical or continuous) iv: categorical dv: continuous
(c) identify the appropriate statistical test matched t-test
5. (a) identify the independent: time in reviewing for the midterm exam and dependent: score on the midterm exam
(b) decide how they were measured (categorical or continuous) iv: continuous dv: continuous
(c) identify the appropriate statistical test t-test

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