Tuesday, August 2, 2011

rel indexing write up

I actually loved doing the indexing portion. After taking this class I learned a lot about how to research for family history. I learned how to look up names, and enter dates. I also learned that it is not enough for me to know the names and dates of my ancestors, but I should know about my ancestors- enough and more to know that they are people who lived, and loved, and died. Why I loved the indexing so much is because when I do indexing I feel like I am finding old friends. It is a little odd to explain I guess, but unlike research indexing is an easy way to make new friends on the other side of the vial. If I could compare it to something I would say that indexing feels like going to a ward social. You talk a little with the people around you, and then you go home and they go home and you both feel like you have a new friend. Research is exhausting- like sharing your testimony at stake conference is exhausting. I like indexing, and feel like I could continue, and I believe that I will continue to index.

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