Thursday, November 12, 2009

MOA Visit 2nd time

Art work has it's own language. I think that most people would agree with that. When my History class went to visit the MOA this past week I was somewhat unimpressed. I was impressed with the art work, but the class period was odd to me. We listened to someone explain and try to help us dig out the messages of God in the paintings. The only problem was that the art was speaking to me in an entirly different voice than it was speaking to the women giving the presentation. This caused me more to wonder why we were 'disagreeing' with the painting and simply not reading it.
There are many socological reasons I am sure that we did not see the same thing in the paints: social influances, ages, gender, personal experiances, and so on. In one idea I think that why we really saw different things in the painting is because we are humans with Godly insights.
For starts the nature of God is to see all things, and to know all things. I think that it is possible for a painting to represent more than just one thing, or idea. Why the women lecturing our class saw what she saw was because she took a logical aproach to anaylze the items in the painting. Someone elese would see something different in the painting because they aproached the painting differently. God sees every painting I am sure, and he probably aproaches each painting with a specificly and from all angles. When I imagine God anaylzing my life I believe that he sees all of the factors that affect me, and he understands how to aproach me (as the painting) in every possible perspective.
I think that this is important to understand, because towards the end of the visit I was so sick of being told what 'every one' saw in the painting that I forgot why I was looking at the paintings. With all of the different perspectives being poured onto the painting at once the art work took on this hog pog atitued. I wanted to sit down with one person and take a journy through the painting, and talk about their point of view and what they saw. Instead I felt like we through things at the painting and told it what it should become. Next time I visit the MOA I will strive to find myself on a journey through the art work.

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