Thursday, November 12, 2009


I did not know that writing could feel like drilling a screwdriver through my skull until I came to Brigham Young University, and now I have the pleasure of screwdrivers drilling into my brain everyday. The lecture of finding humility, charity, clarity, and stick-to-ity in writing was what I needed to here. This week I turned in the first draft of my Freshman research paper. When I got it back I had a difficulty finding my paper through all of the red markings. While I listened to her speak about the power of writing I came to the conclusion that it is not simply ok for me to need to re-write my paper, but essential to learning how to write well.
Re-writing my paper will take time and energy. Like the quote used in the lecture hard work is the only answer. I researched and researched and put all of my facts into folders that I never will read again on my computer. All of the research that I did was hard work, but there is a difference between working to obtain information and sharing information. Writing is sharing all of the information that I learned, and it feels harder to me than retaining. Hard work researching is important, but I also need to work hard at writing all of the information I researched out.
It is going to take me a long to learn how to write well, probably longer than simply just four years at Brigham Young University. Re-writing my paper might take some hard work, but that is part of growing. The growth that comes from writing is not simply so that I can get a better grade, but so that I can help God spread truth. God wants the best, and so I must be continually striving to reach for the best. Sometimes re-drafts and even re-re-drafts are needed to make the best paper I can possibly write.

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