Thursday, December 10, 2009

what I learned in English

Joy Prior
Professor Harris
December 14, 2009
Response #11

Main Entry: ed·it
Pronunciation: \ˈe-dət\
Function: increase student’s heart rate
Etymology: Brigham Young University Honors English 150
Date: 2009

1 a: to watch one’s sentence be stretched out like saltwater taffy to better able everyone to fit around it, while each pulls out their magnifying glass and says their professional opinion b: to carry one’s laptop to each apartment door in one’s complex and ask whomever answers the door to read one’s paper. 2 a: to cut one’s first, second, and third drafts into paper snowflakes while attempting to convince oneself the fourth and fifth drafts will not become Christmas decorations b: to collapse over the Harold B. Lee Library printer as a hot copy of one’s “final draft” pops out with a spelling error in the title c: to paste the word one thinks is correct into the Google search engine to ensure it is the desired word. 3 a: to lie on the linoleum floor wondering if the approximate 150 tiles on one’s kitchen ceiling could support one’s thesis b: to rock back and forth on the linoleum floor wondering if the approximate 50,400 holes in one’s kitchen ceiling would be better support for one’s thesis. 4 a: WORTH IT.

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