Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reg sermon on the mount #2

Joy Prior
Honors Religion 211
Section 12
February 9, 2011
February 9, 2011
Sermon on the Mount
I am continually learning about the importance of Temple covenants. While thinking about the importance of swearing by an oath, and to avoid swearing by my head, the heavens, or earth I realized that these are all God’s and that they would be pointless for me to swear by because I have no control over them. God is the ruler overall and He is the one who has power over heaven, earth is His footstool, and even my body is a gift from Him. It suddenly seemed so ridiculous to swear to someone on something that was not even my own. As I studied out this idea I realized that when I make a promise to someone that I am promising them my will in a mild way; I promise them that I will do something, and they are given my will. When I applied this same idea to temple covenants it made them become the only valuable things that I can offer to God.

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