Wednesday, February 9, 2011

REG Sermon on the Mount

Joy Prior
Honors Religion 211
Section 12
February 9, 2011
February 9, 2011
Sermon on the Mount
To understand the Sermon on the Mount I had to memorize more than just the Be attitudes. Originally, I thought that the entire Sermon on the Mount was just about the Be attitudes, but after talking about it in class I am overwhelmed by the value of the entire section. I particularly enjoyed the concept that we came to earth to not only get a body, but to learn how to master our bodies and the physical wants, needs, or desires. As I thought about the different commandments, murder, stilling, and even fasting all require someone to have a physical body. The interesting thing about The Sermon on the Mount is that the Savior clarifies that if we want to physically keep the commandments then we must control our thoughts, because our thoughts direct our actions. Although, I have heard this before the idea flowered in my head as I thought over the importance of synergy with my spirit and body.

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