Monday, March 7, 2011

REG In the Temple

I am not endowed. My roommate is preparing for her mission, and about to receive her endowment. We got onto the discussion of the temple and being ready for the temple. She told me that she did not feel like anyone could ever truly be ready to enter the temple, but they could be prepared to enter the temple. This thought has been crisscrossing my brain, because I don’t understand. John chapter 10 really helped me to cut through some of the confusion in my heart and mind about the preparation for the temple. In this chapter Christ uses the image of a good shepherd. He calls his sheep by name and welcomes them into the protection of His pasture. This comforted me heart because I felt that preparing for the temple is not simply about accomplishing a check off list, but it is about coming into the fold of Christ. When I enter into sacred covenants I am numbered as one of His sheep, and protected as one of his fold. That is a great blessing!

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