Tuesday, June 21, 2011

REG assignment #2

My name is Joy Marie Prior and these are a two of my favorite things. Don’t worry, I will be able to feel the page quota because I want to do more than list off my favorite things in a question and answer form (I would find that a waste of time). I want to tell you why these are my favorite things, because I feel like that would be a better way to show you who I am. You see, my favorite things are my favorites because out of all the things I like these are what I like best, what I prefer.
Favorite Color: Yellow
I have a firm belief that people really only know someone when they can say what their favorite colors is. It is probably a biased opinion because I like colors, more than I like shapes or designs; I like colors. Last night I realized that I like the color purple; the bashful shade of purple that dusted the billowing edges of mandarin orange clouds when the sun was setting. When I got dressed I admitted to myself that I love the color turquoise because when I wear it my eyes pop out. After I got my rough draft back from my professor it reaffirmed my conviction that reds are probably my least favorite shades, but I have learned to like a shade of coral. In general I like all colors though.
Sometimes at the grocery store when I think no one is looking I go to the paint isle to look at the colors. If I am sure that no one is watching I pick out the samples that catch my eye. Sometimes I chose a pasty pinks, other times a toucan orange, often I get a daisy yellow. Last time I went to the store I was with two of my old friends from High School. We are all in college now and not much older than when we first meet, but after listening to their memories I realized that in their memories I am the slightly-crazier-than-you-but-not-dangerous-enough-to-worry-your-parents-friend. While, we recounted the time that the police pulled us over for walking across the picnic tables at the baseball park while Jace tried to tap a scavenger hunt clue on the underside of the roof I walked by the paint isle. Without thinking I turned and asked them if they wanted to pick out their favorite colors with me. That day I had to pick four colors: chocolate brown, electric orange, forest green, and ocean blue, because I just could not decided which one I liked more and which one fit my mood best. They laughed and babbled on about how cool this was, because it was so unexpected and odd that surly only people as unique as us would think to do such an odd thing. I smiled to myself; I take paint samples from the store far to often to even find it unique anymore.
My favorite color of yellow is the shade that circles the edge of the sun just before sundown. It is almost the shade of a ripe mango, but more creamy and less vivid. Some people mistake it as the same shade as a sunflower but the color of yellow that I like is more bright than that and less common.

Favorite Food: Cinnamon roll
A favorite food is a difficult choice because food varies from place to place and cook to cook. For the food I eat everyday I am kind-a a granola I like to eat spinach salads, black beans and rice, and cereal with a sliced banana. When I feel like a treat I put Adam’s Natural Peanut butter in between two gram crackers and pour myself a glass of whole milk. I also like to dip potato chips in Brigham Young University Vanilla ice-cream, but I don’t like to just eat potato chips alone.
A few weeks ago I visited Hawaii, and the family that I stayed with believed that food is the language of love. I had some of the best pastries I have ever had! This is significant because I dislike donates, I actually used to think that I hated donates but then I tried the ones in Hawaii and realized that some donates are ok, except for the chocolate covered donates. Gag! It is just not normal to like something that feels like mud and taste like lard that had water added to it and then was dyed brown. Maybe I like chocolate covered donates in South Africa… I have never been to South Africa and I don’t know if they have good chocolate donates or not. So, basically I like a lot of the donates in Hawaii, dislike the donates in the Provo bakery, and have never tired a chocolate covered donate from South Africa so I do not know if I like those kind or not.
My favorite food is cinnamon rolls. The kind of cinnamon rolls that my mother makes. Not the store bought ones that come in a package; you might as well just buy a pound of sugar and eat that. There are some bakery ones that I like, but sometimes the frosting is to heavy. My favorite cinnamon rolls are made from a light dinner roll dough and filled with cinnamon and sugar. I would rather have the curves of the dough to large than to thin. The frosting is the clear and light kind made from just powder sugar and a little melted butter. When I was little I used to help my mom cut the cinnamon rolls with a piece of mint dental floss that cut through the rolled up dough better than a knife. I am the youngest of nine, and now that everyone is married and has children of their own there can be fifty of us at a one family dinner my mom rarely makes homemade cinnamon rolls. Instead she makes cinnamon wands, which are basically strips of dough covered in cinnamon and sugar that are twisted instead of rolled. They taste just as good if not better because they have more room for more frosting, and they are quicker to make. I think that is why I like cinnamon rolls best though, because I know that when they are coming out of the oven hot and warm someone had to put in the extra time to slice the dough with dental floss.

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