Monday, June 20, 2011

Rel devotional quote

“It is our responsibility to strive to find where we can make a contribution to our fellowman—an area where we have some interest and abilities and where we can, at the same time, provide for our own.
“I am glad Beethoven found his way to music, Rembrandt into art, Michelangelo into sculpturing, and President David O. McKay into teaching. To find your proper niche and do well at it can bless you, yours, and your fellowmen. If you need help in finding your career, it is available: Ponder and pray about it; study closely your patriarchal blessing; consider what you do well; take some vocational and interest tests; and get acquainted with various professions to see what is available” (The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 484-485).
The art of leaving behind a legacy

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