Monday, June 20, 2011

Rel Assignment #1

Religion C 261 – Sister Kelly Summers

Assignment #1 – Introduction Letter – 5pts

Please include the following elements as a part of your letter:
1. Name
Joy Marie Prior
2. Brief background of yourself
I am currently a student at Brigham Young University. I’m the average height of five feet and five inches but in my family I am about six inches shorter than the rest. My hair is what I like to call a honey blond, my eyes are a vivid blue, and my skin is more of a strawberry milk cream color than actually white. Truthfully, I like clothes more than I have ever liked to do my hair or makeup. I like to get dressed and I have an odd obsession with matching my outfit with my mood. When I introduce myself I always say, “I am from Spanish Fork, and that is about twenty minutes south from Provo. I grew up on a dairy farm out there. I’m the youngest of nine.” And if their eyes bug up when I say that I am the youngest of nine (as if that is too large of a family even by Mormon standards) I add, “I come from a mixed family.” I usually don’t like to add this last part because it makes my life sound more complicated than it actually is, and I don’t like to think of my siblings as anything than my siblings.
3. General knowledge of your ancestry
I guess that if you want my heritage background I am a regular European-middleclass-American-mutt, but I like myself that way. My ancestors came from England, Ireland, Swedish, and a little Welch. My grandfather’s sister wrote a book about of family heritage, and I read it during High school but have not looked at it again. Once in a while I have logged onto the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint website to figure out if I should do family history work, but from what I can understand on the website the names, dates, and work have been filled out.
4. Why are you taking this class?
Question number 3 leads to my response for this question. I don’t know how I am supposed to fulfill this commandment. After reading the scriptures and being inspired by the words of the prophets I understand that it is important that I do family research I just do not know how to or what I should do. My prayer is that this class will teach me the foundations and give me the insights that will help me to know how to do my own family research.

Submit your letter to me at:

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