Monday, June 20, 2011

SFL 222 Newsletter page

I am Joy Marie Prior, and I am excited to be a part of your child’s learning experience this summer. A little about me is that I grew up on a Dairy Farm in Springville Utah. My summers were filled with days of running through fields of alfalfa and felling the mud squish between my toes. In the winters the snow-slush would fly into my eyelashes and the cold turned my already pink checks a fire engine red when I raced my older brother down the snow packed hill near our home. Compared to the constant blast of the train whistles and rattling of the tracks in front of our family farm the first day of Kindergarten seemed ridiculously quite. I liked my teacher well enough; she had chestnut brown hair that she kept in large curls close to her head. Naturally, I have always been a curious person but in Kindergarten I began to love school: the cheap pasted projects, the paperback books, and the pasty color of the #2 pencils. In all honesty I am as anxious to learn as much as I hope that your children are. I welcome your feedback and hope that we can develop a sense of trust as we all being to learn this semester.

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