Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ENG notes for writing down the bones

"turst in whwat you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go" and don't worry too much about security. you will eventually have a deep security when you begin to do what you want.
1. beginners' minds, pen and paper: get a pen that flows, paper that is big, then small, open notebooks, try the computer, learn what you write best on
2. fist thoughts: trust your first thought, before you question it
a) keep your hand moving
b) don't cross out
c) don't worry about spelling, puncutation, grammer
d) lose control
e) don't think. don't get logical
f) go for teh jugular
"I cut the daisy from my throat" fist thought, but second thought is locial and politeness takes over
3. writing as a practice: the more you do it the better you get at it
4. composting: it is hard to write about a city we just moved to; it's not yet in our body. it is hard to write about love in the midst of a mad love affair- we have no perspective
5. Artistic stability: I am artistic; I am raw human; I am exploring the world
6. list of topics for writing pracits: make a list of things you notice daily for the times when you are short of thoughts when it happens
a) light coming through window- and how you presive it even if the words come to you at 2am
b) start with "I remember"

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