Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Scripture and Revelation
I have been thinking a lot about what I want in life. I guess that it is a question that most people ask, and I just have started. I have been thinking about marriage, love, accomplishments, satisfaction, and how important that is to me that I do all of those things in life. Personally, I am a little disappointed in myself with how little I think about being a mother. Although I know it is important I spend little time thinking about family- simply marriage and dating and boys I guess… I am still young.
It surprises me how many fears I have, fears about my future. I was thinking about these fears earlier, and how they related to the reading. My heart was softened as I realized that I need to have faith in the Lord’s promises. It is not simply enough for me to believe in what He says, but I need to have faith that He will follow through with what he says. There is no reason to fear because when I am on the Lord’s side he can take care of me and I can accomplish all and everything.
This thought proses lead me to wonder what is important for me to do, and what will help me to accomplish my purpose in life. First, I think that I need to find my purpose. I believe that this should evolve as I grow up. When I was younger I had what I thought was my purpose, but it has changed slowly as I have matured. I think that although it is the most ambiguous that I should believe my purpose in this life is to become like God, and that He will take me through whatever journey to get me there.
I have been listening to a new music video called How To Love by Lil Wayne. I guess he is not a really normal singer for me to listen to. Infact I know that he is not what I have been listening to for most of my normal life, but I would like to describe the song to you. It starts with a women who is thinking about getting an abortion, and then she leaves. The baby is born and the father beats the mother. The song goes through the life of the little girl. She grows with her father going to jail. Then he sexual asults her when she is young (you don't see it, but you know) She is in high school with a creepy boy friend. Then she has her own babies and it looks like to earn money she starts to be a stripper on the side. She then discovers that she has HIV. At that moment the song and life go in rewind. It takes you back to the first time that you see the father beat the mother, and the mother leaves. She then get married to a nice looking man; the girl is in school, she graduates, she has a nice boyfriend, and her life is good. The song questions how we learn to love- it caused me to wonder about love, and learning how to love. I have been reviewing this concept over and over. The women in the film learned how to love, and became different- her entier life was different but not only that her responsiblity as a person was different. It caused me to wonder what my responsibility as an individual is- have faith in God's promises. I believe this relates... well not really I was just watching the music vedio but in my mind I can see clearer how imporant it is for me to continue to progress, because no matter were I start in life I can continue to grow. I can continue to know how to love, others, myself, and God.

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