Joy Prior
Community Books: Breadwinner, by Deborah Ellis
“The people who are buried here. Do you think they’d mind us digging them up?”
Shauzia leaned on her board. “Depends on the type of people they were. If they were nasty, stingy people, they wouldn’t like it. If they were kind and generous people, they wouldn’t mind.”
“Would you mind?”
Shauzia looked at her, opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again and returned to her digging. Parvana didn’t ask her again.
Page 107
The Talib kept looking down at her. Then he put his hand inside his vest. Keeping his eyes on Parvana, he drew something out of his vest pocket…
He shook his head and held out his hand for the letter. Parvana folded it and gave it back to him. His hands trebled as he put the letter back in the envelope. She was a tear fall from his eye. It rolled down his cheek until it landed on his beard….
Parvana took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Up until then, she had seen Talibs only as men who beat women and arrested her father. Could they have feelings of sorrow, like other human beigns?
Page 77
Golden lines
Finally, she stuck her whole head under the tap, hoping the cold water would wash the images of what she had done all day out of her head.
Page 113
He was holding up a rope strung with four severed hands, like beads on a necklace.
Page 122
How likely is it that Parvana will see her family again? What would have happened to her family?
Will Parvana continue to be a boy? When will she start dressing/acting like a girl again?
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