Monday, September 26, 2011

EL ED Alternative book report Breadwinner

Alternative Book Report Project for Joy Prior number 25- three poems about the characters, place, or themes in the book.

They Burned His Blood

By: Joy Prior

Based on Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis

Burned his blood into the blank sheets of my brain,

Screaming makes rocks jump and pebbles topple down stairs,

Drops of rubies charred in Hell-


Vanes dripping from my chin,

Pooling, even earth does not want to drink this blood,

Rotting oil and fish left, my eyes water,

Left to burn in the sun,

They burned his blood,

Free Silk

By: Joy Prior

Based on Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis

The free silk is locked in the cupboard,

Tasting like honey, dancing sunbeams through the crakes in the closed shutters,

The free silk is locked in the cupboard,

Rippling like waves, bathing raindrops nursing the drought killed streets,

The free silk is locked in the cupboard,

Smelling like a breeze, rustling through the leaves on the hedges in the labyrinth of ideas,

The free silk is locked in the cupboard,

With my brother, father, sisters, mother, and me.

But I take it out, I put it on,

Am I free?


By: Joy Prior

Based on Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis

It will swish against my shoulder blades when I walk- again,

It will shimmer like hot coffee, swirling browns and blacks- again,

It will smell like cream and cinnamon- again,

Papa will kiss my skin with his callused fingers- again,

Papa will push open the wood panel door- again,

Papa will smell like dusty street venders- again,

My hair will grow back,

Papa will come back,

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