Sunday, October 16, 2011


"sanctification is explaind in the words that follow, that your inds become sing to God. OUr Lord had regard only to the glory of teh Father, when he undertook the salvation of man. To follow in His footsteps and to be able to say at all times, truthfully, Thine be the honor, is to be sactified; that is to be a Saint" Smith and Sjodahl
I have been thinking about perfection, about working, about getting things done, about being it all, and it has overwhelmed me. Then I was thinking about this idea today, and I came to a rerealization that it is simply Love. Things in life are so much easier if I just do them in love. Getting along with others- love. going to church- love. reading my scriptures- love. Even the hard things like being honest, taking my tests, doing homework are all easier with love. The things in life that I was struggling with all became so much simplier when I simply thought to myself I want to do this because I love that person, because I love all of God's children.
I had been thinking about who I want to be, and what I want to value and how I want to be valued. Then I started to think that it was simple... I had to show love. That I should treat each realtionship like it was its own... soul I guess. that it was living, and unique, and needed to be nurtured. that all relationship just need one thing, and that thing is love. That simply because a relationship is not eternal lmarriage that does not mean that the relationship can not be a love filled relationship, a relationship can be a loved filled realationship and be a friend relationship. I should give my love more, not lust mind you, but love, I want to give my love to everyone!

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