Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Timing. That is what I learned from this chapter. God has timing. He has his own timing. All things it seems will happen: the second coming, Christ entering the world, everyone will hear the truth, but it is all depending on God's time.
That has been a central theme He has been trying to send me lately. The devotional was on prayer; trusting in the answers that God gives and not praying to have the answer that we want.
There have been three times this week that I have been struck with the lesson about asking questions: the first time was when I went to Church instead of going to the normal Sunday School class I went to the Mission Prep class and the lesson was on what types of questions to ask the Lord and that He wishes us to ask Him questions, the second time was when I was studying for my Physics test the article was on how religion and science are a kin to each other because they are based on asking and discovering true answers, the third time was at the form today on campus (the speaker's entire talk was about asking and testing the gospel to know if it is true) That leads me to believe that part of a growing testimony is constantly questioning my testimony to expound upon the knowledge that I know. I have been wondering why I have been impressed with so many talks about questions: is there a question that God needs me to ask right now. I guess that I am more wondering if there is an answer He is trying to give me right now. Most of all I believe that it starts with asking questions; I need to ask God more questions about truth. I focus on asking questions about me, my life, my problems. This may be a point in my life when I need to start to learn how to ask questions for others, enabling me to help them in their eternal progression. How this process begins I am not quite sure... does it relate to the whole time thing? I am sure that it does.
Some questions I can begin on my list:
In the timing of God what can I do to prepare myself now for the life that is going to come?
When is a time that I was a ware that God was preparing me for something that came later in life?
How have other people's lives been blessed because I was prepared?
Things that I know I want to be prepared for: temple marriage, being a loving wife, being a loving mother, the second coming, trials that will surly come (making the Savior my rock), maintaining an organized and clean home, teaching... I feel that sometime shortly I should read my blessing and learn of the things that I know I can begin to prepare for now in my life. When God's timing is these things will surly come to pass.

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