Monday, January 25, 2010

Do you Know Me?

Do you know me? To know who I am you would have to try enjoying mud squishing between your toes. You would think that you looked your best in a white summer dress, with your golden hair pulled up in a lose ponytail, and a toe ring on your pinkie-toe. To know who I am, it would help to spend a summer picking up rocks, tightening barbwire fences, and shoveling manure with your Dad. Don’t forget to spend an entire summer night jumping on a trampoline to Spanish music blaring from the milk barn, and a day attaching train cars with your older brothers. You would need to go outside in a snow storm and catch snowflakes on your tongue, and let the large flakes fall on your eyelashes. To know who I am next time you are sharing a piece of double chocolate cake don’t take the last bite, but leave it for your friend. Next time you see a penny pick it up, heads or tails try thinking that it is your lucky day for simply finding a penny at all. Your best friends are the people standing next to you in your family picture. One of your favorite things would be to watch your shadow move when you dance under a street lamp after it rains. If you really want to know me you would understand that when I look at the moon it walks through my bones.

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