I have two Eyes
Francis Bacon: The Advancement of Learning
Physically, why do people have two eyes? It is not to see more colors, or to see an image clearer. People have two sets of eyes so that they can gain depth perception. The Gutenberg printing press made it possible for Francis Bacon’s The Advancement of Learning to be reviewed, but Bacon understood the importance of having his work reviewed just as scientists today push to have their discoveries examined by a scientific board of review.
Historical Contextualization
Oral tradition did not leave much room for questioning a source, because there was a lack of comparison. In antiquity, whole societies depended on a single person to remember the oral history of their tribe. Generations upon generations of lineage, events, and records were memorized from one orator to the next. One of the problems with oral tradition is that there is very little room for review, because it is based on the memory of one person. Aristotle, Plato, Isaiah, and even Jesus Christ himself taught orally. It is not that oral tradition is bad, but simply that oral tradition is difficult to critique because it depended on the knowledge of the single informer.
After the Gutenberg printing press was invented, people were better able to question traditional ideas because they were able review ideas. Just over a hundred years before Bacon was born, Johannes Gutenberg invented the Gutenberg Printing Press. As books became more popular literacy increased. Instead of each village assuming that one man’s memory was accurate, people could write a letter to their cousin two towns away and ask what that town believed. Ideas no longer remained stagnant in one village but they moved across towns, regions, and kingdoms. Books were being printed by the hundreds, purchased, read, and more importantly talked about and reviewed by thousands. This is the generation Bacon was born into. In his book The Advancement of Learning Bacon challenges his audience to question traditional beliefs through the written word.
Critical Analysis
Bacon keeps his audience in mind while he is writing. The book opens with Bacon writing to the King. He complements the King’s intellect, judgment, and superiority first, and then Bacon asks the King to read and judge The Advancement of Learning with his own powerful intellect. Bacon does not plead with the King to think about the text, but rather, like any good entertainer, he invites the King to read the book. Think of two comedians on one stage. The first says, “You are the funniest person I know. I have this really good joke that I think you will like. Let me tell it to you,” and the other comedian says, “This is the funniest joke in the world, and I am going to tell it to you,” It could be the same joke, but naturally I know that I would rather hear the first comedian tell the joke. The idea that Bacon is writing to please his audience makes me believe that Bacon intended his book to be reviewed. From Bacon’s word choice it appears he understood that his audience was real and did not just care about facts and figures but wanted to be entertained as well.
In Bacon’s closing statements he encourages the reader to review and reread his text. In the last passage Bacon first tells the read that he would not be true to his argument if he was not willing to let the reader review and refine his text and ideas. He then goes on to state that if the reader has any questions they should reread his book. Push aside the idea that multiple people can review Bacon’s book for a moment and concentrate on the idea that a single reader can review his text over and over again word for word. It appears from his request that the reader should reread his text that Bacon did not want his book to be mobbed but reviewed by an individual willing to ask themselves if there are any falsities in The Advancement of Learning . Bacon closes his text by encouraging the reader to look inside his own thoughts and find out what his perception is on Bacon’s work.
The author continues to encourage the reader to review philosophies for truth by searching for pieces of truth in each philosophy and that the reader should not feel obligated to accept the philosophy as a whole. Bacon uses Aristotle’s idea that like children in their innocence call everyone mother, people in their ignorance calls every theory mother. However, as a child grows older he learns to recognize only one mother, and the same can be said for matured people who recognize only one truth. Although in this example Bacon assumes people can learn to recognize truth as easily as they recognize their own mother he does not deter from the importance of reviewing a theory. In this example he caution the reader not only to review but to break down a philosophy into pieces. From there Bacon encourages the reader to judge the individual ideas of the packaged philosophy. Bacon seems to believe the proper review of a philosophy will discover truth in the individual ideas and not the philosophy as a whole. In that sense he not only encourages the reader to review philosophies, but to strain the philosophies enough that the reader has to piece together his own.
Personal Reflection
I believe scientific review boards embody the message from Francis Bacon to review a study before considering it scientifically sound. Something that I learned in college was to not trust scientific studies published first in the local newspaper for the simple reason that they have not yet been reviewed by a scientific review board. I don’t type my question into Google without setting the search engine to “scholar” anymore. Today, I know I take the thousands and millions of people actively review each other’s publications. It should be incredible to me that I am instantly able to have thousands reviewed studies at my fingertips ready for me to read, review, and analyze as long as I have my laptop and a wireless connection. Truthfully, I rarely think about life without the internet; that would be like life without food in a refrigerator and pumping water. Only in my imagination can I depict a life without literature, international communication, and published books. It is remarkable for me to imagine someone publishing a book to tell people that they should question traditional beliefs when the world I live in only a little too mouse-click-happy about publishing the next big discovery on their blog for all to read. The amount of people who publish freely on the internet is why I think Francis Bacon’s message is important for me to read and understand. That it is important for me to realize that I should trust reviewed articles, because a reviewed article has be broken into pieces by multiple educated people each with their own perspective.
The message I was able to take from reading Francis Bacon was that it takes a group of people (able to communicate) to review a text, an idea, or a philosophy. At the same point that group cannot be a mob running into the study with their pitchforks or ready to smother the text with golden stars. A good review board seems to be composed of individuals who can effectively communicate their perception to the group. How does an individual gain depth perception? Well, we have two eyes for one reason; that reason is not so that we can see colors better or an image clearer but so that we can have depth perception. I think that I learned the importance of rereading and reviewing texts so that I can gain a better depth perception of what I believe and what I agree or disagree with in the text.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P {padding:0px;} .ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage {font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}
While Reading up on Daphnia we learned that many pet owners use Daphnia as fish food. We thought that it would be a practical experiment to see how extreme the living conditions a Daphnia fish can handle to improve or reduce shipping and storage cost. Daphnia females can reproduce parthenogenesis (asexually) during ideal conditions about every ten days. In the fall and winter the Daphnia reproduce sexually, and create what is called winter eggs. These winter eggs have an extra layer to them so that they can survive the winter and begin the cycle in the spring. We began to wonder if harsher living conditions would be better to cultivate Daphnia because it seemed to produce eggs that could survive more strenuous living conditions than eggs cultivated in ideal living conditions. After reading we learned that Daphnia’s heart rate increases when caffeine is introduced into their environment, and that we could count the Daphnia’ heart rate by watching the heart beat through a microscope. This gave us the idea to use change the amount of caffeine in the water and monitor the effects this difference has on the heart rate of the Daphnia. The higher the heart rate we are assuming the greater level of stress, which is the aspect that we will be testing. If the Daphnia are stressed they will being to reproduce sexual. When they are not stressed they produce asexual in a reproduction process that takes approximately ten days. The Daphnia eggs produced during higher stress levels should be the winter eggs (sexually produced eggs that have a harder outer shall) but if the Daphnia eggs are produced asexually they will not have the harder outer shall and therefore the eggs will die easier after being placed in harsh living conditions. After the Daphnia have had their heart beats reordered and assumed stress levels recorded for a period of ten day we will put the all of the colonies into the refrigerator to put all of the variables under the same strenuous living conditions. After a short period in the refrigerator (which supposable Daphnia can survive) we will take all of the colonies out and put them all into ideal living conditions with out the caffeine present. This period of time we will call the ideal period or spring period of time. During this spring time period we will observe the eggs that were frozen and record which ones colonies had the most eggs that hatched and from the eggs that hatched which of those Daphnia did not miserly hatch but lasting survival.
1 Shrimp net
2 Shallow tank
3 Water
4 Light
5 Thermometer
6 Microscope – low power, transmission
7 Petri dish
8 Small piece of cotton wool
9 Stop watch
10 Pasteur pipette
11 Caffeine powder
12 yeast
13 soy flour
14 hard-boiled egg
Maintenance of the Daphnia
Food (document how often each tank is feed)
1 package of dry active yeast w/ one cup of soy flour
¼ teaspoon of this dry mixture into a 1 cup of warm water 1 or 2X daily
Note: when water is clear again it is time to feed
Blending 1 hard-boiled egg in 500 cm3 of water
Caffeine powder
Harvest (document how often each tank is needed to be harvested)
Pour old water down the drain while using a shrimp net to filter out Daphnia
Refill tank with clean water
Water temperature
Keep water at room temperature; preferably 72 degrees F (if tank is close to floor)
Use a temperature tank; if not available to maintain water temperature put Daphnia tank in a larger tank that will help to slow the loss of heat. We will allow the water to vary slightly in degree, and will have the specific water temperature in the data and results.
Give them some light 24 hours a day
Shallow tank to ensure enough oxygen
Cleaning (document how often each tank is needed to be cleaned)
Take scum off surface of the water
Leave debris at the bottom – it is probably Daphnia eggs
Taking Heart Rate
1 Take cotton wool in Petri dish.
2 Transfer Daphnia onto cotton
3 Cover Daphnia in water
4 Observe Daphnia under microscope on low power. Locate heart on the dorsal side just
5 above the gut but in front of the brood pouch.
Note: Don’t count the flapping of the gills/movement of gut. The heart can only be seen with transmitted light.
6 Count heart beats in 3 periods of 20 seconds
Note: to count the heat beats the best tap a pencil for every heat beat during the 20 seconds and then count the number of pencil dots after the 20 seconds are up
7 Return Daphnia
While Reading up on Daphnia we learned that many pet owners use Daphnia as fish food. We thought that it would be a practical experiment to see how extreme the living conditions a Daphnia fish can handle to improve or reduce shipping and storage cost. Daphnia females can reproduce parthenogenesis (asexually) during ideal conditions about every ten days. In the fall and winter the Daphnia reproduce sexually, and create what is called winter eggs. These winter eggs have an extra layer to them so that they can survive the winter and begin the cycle in the spring. We began to wonder if harsher living conditions would be better to cultivate Daphnia because it seemed to produce eggs that could survive more strenuous living conditions than eggs cultivated in ideal living conditions. After reading we learned that Daphnia’s heart rate increases when caffeine is introduced into their environment, and that we could count the Daphnia’ heart rate by watching the heart beat through a microscope. This gave us the idea to use change the amount of caffeine in the water and monitor the effects this difference has on the heart rate of the Daphnia. The higher the heart rate we are assuming the greater level of stress, which is the aspect that we will be testing. If the Daphnia are stressed they will being to reproduce sexual. When they are not stressed they produce asexual in a reproduction process that takes approximately ten days. The Daphnia eggs produced during higher stress levels should be the winter eggs (sexually produced eggs that have a harder outer shall) but if the Daphnia eggs are produced asexually they will not have the harder outer shall and therefore the eggs will die easier after being placed in harsh living conditions. After the Daphnia have had their heart beats reordered and assumed stress levels recorded for a period of ten day we will put the all of the colonies into the refrigerator to put all of the variables under the same strenuous living conditions. After a short period in the refrigerator (which supposable Daphnia can survive) we will take all of the colonies out and put them all into ideal living conditions with out the caffeine present. This period of time we will call the ideal period or spring period of time. During this spring time period we will observe the eggs that were frozen and record which ones colonies had the most eggs that hatched and from the eggs that hatched which of those Daphnia did not miserly hatch but lasting survival.
1 Shrimp net
2 Shallow tank
3 Water
4 Light
5 Thermometer
6 Microscope – low power, transmission
7 Petri dish
8 Small piece of cotton wool
9 Stop watch
10 Pasteur pipette
11 Caffeine powder
12 yeast
13 soy flour
14 hard-boiled egg
Maintenance of the Daphnia
Food (document how often each tank is feed)
1 package of dry active yeast w/ one cup of soy flour
¼ teaspoon of this dry mixture into a 1 cup of warm water 1 or 2X daily
Note: when water is clear again it is time to feed
Blending 1 hard-boiled egg in 500 cm3 of water
Caffeine powder
Harvest (document how often each tank is needed to be harvested)
Pour old water down the drain while using a shrimp net to filter out Daphnia
Refill tank with clean water
Water temperature
Keep water at room temperature; preferably 72 degrees F (if tank is close to floor)
Use a temperature tank; if not available to maintain water temperature put Daphnia tank in a larger tank that will help to slow the loss of heat. We will allow the water to vary slightly in degree, and will have the specific water temperature in the data and results.
Give them some light 24 hours a day
Shallow tank to ensure enough oxygen
Cleaning (document how often each tank is needed to be cleaned)
Take scum off surface of the water
Leave debris at the bottom – it is probably Daphnia eggs
Taking Heart Rate
1 Take cotton wool in Petri dish.
2 Transfer Daphnia onto cotton
3 Cover Daphnia in water
4 Observe Daphnia under microscope on low power. Locate heart on the dorsal side just
5 above the gut but in front of the brood pouch.
Note: Don’t count the flapping of the gills/movement of gut. The heart can only be seen with transmitted light.
6 Count heart beats in 3 periods of 20 seconds
Note: to count the heat beats the best tap a pencil for every heat beat during the 20 seconds and then count the number of pencil dots after the 20 seconds are up
7 Return Daphnia
Francis Bacon The Advancement of Learning
Physically, why do people have two eyes? It is not so that they can see colors, or see pictures clearer. People have two sets of eyes so that they can gain depth perception. The Gutenberg printing press made it possible for Francis Bacon’s The Advancement of Learning to be reviewed, but Bacon understood the importance of having his work reviewed just as scientist today push to have their discoveries examined by a scientific board of review.
Historical Contextualization
Oral tradition made did not leave much room for questioning a source, because there is a lack of comparison. Traditionally societies learned by listening to orators, because there were few opportunities for literacy. In antiquity whole societies depended on a single person to remember the oral history of their tribe. Generations upon generations of linage, events, and records were memorized from one orator to the next. One of the problems with oral tradition is that there is very little room for review, because it is based on the memory of one person. Aristotle, Plato, Isaiah, and even Jesus Christ himself taught orally. It is not that oral tradition is bad, but simply that oral tradition is difficult to critique because it depended on the knowledge of the single informer.
After the Gutenberg printing press was invented people were better able to question traditionally ideas because they were able review their ideas with others. Just over a hundred years before Bacon was born Johannes Gutenberg invented the Gutenberg Printing Press. It was a miraculous invention because as books became more popular literacy grew. True, not everyone was able to read, but more people were able to read and write. Instead of everyone assuming that one man’s memories were accurate people could write a letter to their cousin two towns away to know what that town believed. Ideas no longer remained stagnant in one village but they moved across towns, regions, and kingdoms. Books were being printed by the hundreds, purchased, read, and more importantly talked about and reviewed by thousands. This is the generation Bacon was born into. In his book The Advancement of Learning Bacon challenges his audience to question traditional beliefs through the written word.
Critical Analysis
Bacon keeps his audience in mind while he is writing. The book opens with Bacon writing to the King. He develops the King’s intellect, judgment, and superiority first and then Bacon writes, “yet I may excite your princely cogitations to visit the excellent treasure of your own mind, and thence to extract particulars for this purpose, agreeable to your magnanimity and wisdom,” Bacon does not plead with the King to think about the text, but like any good entertainer he invites the King to read the book. Think of two comedians on one stage. The first says, “You are the funniest person I know. I have this really good joke that I think you will like. Let me tell it to you,” and the other comedian says, “this is the funniest joke in the world, and I am going to tell it to you,” It could be the same joke, but naturally I know that I would rather hear the first comedian tell the joke. The idea that Bacon is writing to please his audience makes me believe that Bacon intended his book to be reviewed. From Bacon’s word choice it appears he understood that his audience was real and did not just care about facts and figures but wanted to be entertained as well.
In Bacon’s closing statements encourages the reader to reviewed and reread his text. The last passage of Bacon’s book captures his message, “for I could not be true and constant to the argument I handle, if I were not willing to go beyond others; but yet not more willing than to have others go beyond me again,” It appears that Bacon is asking the reader to question his book. He then goes on to state that if the reader has any questions they should reread his book. Push aside the idea that multiple people can review Bacon’s book for a moment and concentrate on the idea that a single readers can review his text over and over again word for word. It appears from his request that the reader reread his text that Bacon did not want his book to be mobbed but reviewed by an individual willing to ask themselves if there are any falsies in The Advancement of Learning . Bacon closes his text by encouraging the reader to look insider their own thoughts and find out what their perception is on his work.
The author continues to encourages the review philosophies for truth by searching for pieces of truth in each philosophy. Bacon uses Aristotle’s idea that like children in their innocents call everyone mother people in their ignorance call every theory mother, but as a child grows older they learn to recognize only one mother and the same can be said for matured people who recognize only one truth. Although, in this example Bacon assumes that the individual will be able to identify the truth by simply recognizing the truth, this example does not deter from the idea that Bacon believes theories need to be reviewed before accepted as truth. He goes even further to caution the reader not to get caught up in the entire packaged philosophy but to break it down into pieces. Bacon seems to believe the proper review of a philosophy will discover truth in the individual ideas of a philosophy and not the philosophy as a whole. In that sense he not only encourages the reader to review philosophies, but to strain the philosophies enough that the reader has to piece together their own.
Personal Reflection
I believe scientific review boards embody the message from Francis Bacon to review a study before considering it scientifically sound. Something that I learned in college was to not trust scientific studies published first in the local news paper for the simple reason that they have not yet been reviewed by a scientific review board. I no type in my question into Google with out setting the search engine to scholar. It should be incredible to me that I am instantly able to have thousands reviewed studies at my finer tips ready for me to read, review, and analyze as long as I have my laptop and a wireless connection. Truthfully, I rarely think about life without the internet; that would be like life without food in a refrigerator and pumping water. Only on the stage of my imagination can I depict a life without literature, international communication, and published books. It is remarkable for me to imagine someone publishing a book to tell people that they should question traditional beliefs when the world I live in is a little mouse-click-happy about publishing the next big discovery on their blog spot for all to read it.
The message I was able to take from reading Francis Bacon was that it takes a group of people who are able to communicate to review a text, an idea, or a philosophy. At the same point that group can not be a mob running into the study with their pitchforks or ready to smoother the text with golden stars. A good review board seems to be composed of individuals who can effectively communicate their perception to the group. How does an individual gain depth perception? Well, we have two eyes for one reason; that reason is not so that we can see colors better or an image clearer but so that we can have depth perception. I think that I learned the importance of rereading, and reviewing texts so that I can gain a better depth perception of what I believe and what I agree or disagree with in the text.
Physically, why do people have two eyes? It is not so that they can see colors, or see pictures clearer. People have two sets of eyes so that they can gain depth perception. The Gutenberg printing press made it possible for Francis Bacon’s The Advancement of Learning to be reviewed, but Bacon understood the importance of having his work reviewed just as scientist today push to have their discoveries examined by a scientific board of review.
Historical Contextualization
Oral tradition made did not leave much room for questioning a source, because there is a lack of comparison. Traditionally societies learned by listening to orators, because there were few opportunities for literacy. In antiquity whole societies depended on a single person to remember the oral history of their tribe. Generations upon generations of linage, events, and records were memorized from one orator to the next. One of the problems with oral tradition is that there is very little room for review, because it is based on the memory of one person. Aristotle, Plato, Isaiah, and even Jesus Christ himself taught orally. It is not that oral tradition is bad, but simply that oral tradition is difficult to critique because it depended on the knowledge of the single informer.
After the Gutenberg printing press was invented people were better able to question traditionally ideas because they were able review their ideas with others. Just over a hundred years before Bacon was born Johannes Gutenberg invented the Gutenberg Printing Press. It was a miraculous invention because as books became more popular literacy grew. True, not everyone was able to read, but more people were able to read and write. Instead of everyone assuming that one man’s memories were accurate people could write a letter to their cousin two towns away to know what that town believed. Ideas no longer remained stagnant in one village but they moved across towns, regions, and kingdoms. Books were being printed by the hundreds, purchased, read, and more importantly talked about and reviewed by thousands. This is the generation Bacon was born into. In his book The Advancement of Learning Bacon challenges his audience to question traditional beliefs through the written word.
Critical Analysis
Bacon keeps his audience in mind while he is writing. The book opens with Bacon writing to the King. He develops the King’s intellect, judgment, and superiority first and then Bacon writes, “yet I may excite your princely cogitations to visit the excellent treasure of your own mind, and thence to extract particulars for this purpose, agreeable to your magnanimity and wisdom,” Bacon does not plead with the King to think about the text, but like any good entertainer he invites the King to read the book. Think of two comedians on one stage. The first says, “You are the funniest person I know. I have this really good joke that I think you will like. Let me tell it to you,” and the other comedian says, “this is the funniest joke in the world, and I am going to tell it to you,” It could be the same joke, but naturally I know that I would rather hear the first comedian tell the joke. The idea that Bacon is writing to please his audience makes me believe that Bacon intended his book to be reviewed. From Bacon’s word choice it appears he understood that his audience was real and did not just care about facts and figures but wanted to be entertained as well.
In Bacon’s closing statements encourages the reader to reviewed and reread his text. The last passage of Bacon’s book captures his message, “for I could not be true and constant to the argument I handle, if I were not willing to go beyond others; but yet not more willing than to have others go beyond me again,” It appears that Bacon is asking the reader to question his book. He then goes on to state that if the reader has any questions they should reread his book. Push aside the idea that multiple people can review Bacon’s book for a moment and concentrate on the idea that a single readers can review his text over and over again word for word. It appears from his request that the reader reread his text that Bacon did not want his book to be mobbed but reviewed by an individual willing to ask themselves if there are any falsies in The Advancement of Learning . Bacon closes his text by encouraging the reader to look insider their own thoughts and find out what their perception is on his work.
The author continues to encourages the review philosophies for truth by searching for pieces of truth in each philosophy. Bacon uses Aristotle’s idea that like children in their innocents call everyone mother people in their ignorance call every theory mother, but as a child grows older they learn to recognize only one mother and the same can be said for matured people who recognize only one truth. Although, in this example Bacon assumes that the individual will be able to identify the truth by simply recognizing the truth, this example does not deter from the idea that Bacon believes theories need to be reviewed before accepted as truth. He goes even further to caution the reader not to get caught up in the entire packaged philosophy but to break it down into pieces. Bacon seems to believe the proper review of a philosophy will discover truth in the individual ideas of a philosophy and not the philosophy as a whole. In that sense he not only encourages the reader to review philosophies, but to strain the philosophies enough that the reader has to piece together their own.
Personal Reflection
I believe scientific review boards embody the message from Francis Bacon to review a study before considering it scientifically sound. Something that I learned in college was to not trust scientific studies published first in the local news paper for the simple reason that they have not yet been reviewed by a scientific review board. I no type in my question into Google with out setting the search engine to scholar. It should be incredible to me that I am instantly able to have thousands reviewed studies at my finer tips ready for me to read, review, and analyze as long as I have my laptop and a wireless connection. Truthfully, I rarely think about life without the internet; that would be like life without food in a refrigerator and pumping water. Only on the stage of my imagination can I depict a life without literature, international communication, and published books. It is remarkable for me to imagine someone publishing a book to tell people that they should question traditional beliefs when the world I live in is a little mouse-click-happy about publishing the next big discovery on their blog spot for all to read it.
The message I was able to take from reading Francis Bacon was that it takes a group of people who are able to communicate to review a text, an idea, or a philosophy. At the same point that group can not be a mob running into the study with their pitchforks or ready to smoother the text with golden stars. A good review board seems to be composed of individuals who can effectively communicate their perception to the group. How does an individual gain depth perception? Well, we have two eyes for one reason; that reason is not so that we can see colors better or an image clearer but so that we can have depth perception. I think that I learned the importance of rereading, and reviewing texts so that I can gain a better depth perception of what I believe and what I agree or disagree with in the text.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Joy Prior
REL A 304
Section 003
I chose to do the creative project option, and I have decided that I would like to do an origami piece that I hope represents the sprit of the Holy Ghost, and how I come closer to the Spirit of Prophecy by doing the small and simple things. As soon as there was the option to do a creative project I jumped on it. Initially I wanted to do a sketch, but I did not feel confident enough in my abilities. Then I thought about doing a collage, and gluing hundreds of pictures on a design, but I had a hard time settling on a design that I thought would look good and still portray the feeling I get when I read Isaiah. After thinking about paper so much I felt like I had to do something that involved paper… origami. I realized that it would only take me a few tries to learn how to fold a pattern, and so I did not feel like a single origami object would stretch my abilities enough to learn from this project. Then I went to my friends single ward’s talent show. One of the girls there had an origami presentation, and I feel in love with all of her pieces. She used a method of origami that uses hundreds of triangle pieces and combines them to make three dimensional designs. I was fascinated, and consequently I decided that my project should be a triangle-origami-figuring. It is a strenuous style of origami that involves combining hundreds of paper triangles into a patter to create a three dimensional figuring.
After I settled on making a triangle-origami-figure I had to think of what type of figure I wanted to create. I focused on my audience. I wanted my audiance to be small: my professor, close friends, and my family. It was important to me that what ever my triangle-origami-figure was it told my family, friends, and professor what I learned while studying Isaiah. From there I started to brain storm of things that I wanted to tell my family. If there was just one thing that I could tell them what would it be.
I asked myself “What did I learn from studying the words of Isaiah?” and I brainstormed such ideas as: Isaiah was poetic, some prophesies are duel prophetic, and the majestic manner he portrays Jesus Christ. I tossed around the idea of pre-mortal life, and after turning that idea down I considered trying to do something that would depict the grace of God. The problem with all of these was that I could not think of something I could create out of paper that would be able to symbolize them. I just could not think of something I considered artistic that could represent duel prophetic. I asked my self over and over, “What have you learned from studying Isaiah?” and each time I thought of more things that I had learned while studying Isaiah, but nothing that I wanted to turn into a figuring. The question “What I learned from studying Isaiah?” was not really getting me any were further in my project.
I went back to my original question of what I wanted to tell my friends and family about Isaiah. If my older brother Caleb were standing in front of me what would I want him to know about Isaiah… I would want him to know how it filled me with emptiness. Not the kind of emptiness that describes the bowl after you finish the last spoonful of ice-cream, but the kind of emptiness that fills up spaces. The kind of emptiness that fills up the space between the ground and the clouds, the emptiness that fills up a meadow with sunlight, and a beach with salty air. When I feel the Holy Ghost the places were my organs should be is filled up with this specific type of emptiness; I guess a better word for it would be clean. There does not seem to be anything dirty inside of me, and so in away I guess that makes me fill empty from sin and simultaneously filled by some invisible-yet undeniable strong. I call it the full-emptiness-feeling. It seemed more important to me that my brother -Caleb- knows that Isaiah fills me with the Holy Ghost, because I know that if he reads the words of Isaiah the Holy Ghost can testify to him all of the truths that I could attempt to explain from what I learned this semester while reading Isaiah. My creative project needed to represent the sprit of the Holy Ghost. It made me smile when I finally thought of it; the origami figuring I am going to make will be a dove. I think that an origami dove would depict the Holy Ghost (the spirit I am filled with when I read the words of Isaiah) perfectly.
The life lesson that I took away from Isaiah is that the Spirit of Prophecy does not come to the well educated, rich, well versed, or detruncated, but the Spirit of Prophecy or the Holy Ghost comes by doing the small and simple things such as daily scripture study, morning prayers, and going to church. These are the types of things that will bring my closer to my God, and better able to feel His spirit and understand His impressions. This is what helps me to understand Isaiah. I admit full heartedly that I don’t understand everything about Isaiah; I hardly dear to claim I understand the surface of Isaiah. Yet, I can recognize the presence of the Holy Ghost when I read his words. The style of origami I am using is based on hundreds of small triangle pieces stuck together to form a single figure. I hope that this style of origami will depict how small and simple things develop my personal connection with the Holy Ghost.
Finally, I wanted to title my origami. When ever I see a piece of art work I look at it for a moment, and then I like to read the title of the piece. I feel like all good symbolic art has a good title that acts as a key to the symbolism for the on looker. I want to title this origami sculpture The Spirit of Prophecy.
REL A 304
Section 003
I chose to do the creative project option, and I have decided that I would like to do an origami piece that I hope represents the sprit of the Holy Ghost, and how I come closer to the Spirit of Prophecy by doing the small and simple things. As soon as there was the option to do a creative project I jumped on it. Initially I wanted to do a sketch, but I did not feel confident enough in my abilities. Then I thought about doing a collage, and gluing hundreds of pictures on a design, but I had a hard time settling on a design that I thought would look good and still portray the feeling I get when I read Isaiah. After thinking about paper so much I felt like I had to do something that involved paper… origami. I realized that it would only take me a few tries to learn how to fold a pattern, and so I did not feel like a single origami object would stretch my abilities enough to learn from this project. Then I went to my friends single ward’s talent show. One of the girls there had an origami presentation, and I feel in love with all of her pieces. She used a method of origami that uses hundreds of triangle pieces and combines them to make three dimensional designs. I was fascinated, and consequently I decided that my project should be a triangle-origami-figuring. It is a strenuous style of origami that involves combining hundreds of paper triangles into a patter to create a three dimensional figuring.
After I settled on making a triangle-origami-figure I had to think of what type of figure I wanted to create. I focused on my audience. I wanted my audiance to be small: my professor, close friends, and my family. It was important to me that what ever my triangle-origami-figure was it told my family, friends, and professor what I learned while studying Isaiah. From there I started to brain storm of things that I wanted to tell my family. If there was just one thing that I could tell them what would it be.
I asked myself “What did I learn from studying the words of Isaiah?” and I brainstormed such ideas as: Isaiah was poetic, some prophesies are duel prophetic, and the majestic manner he portrays Jesus Christ. I tossed around the idea of pre-mortal life, and after turning that idea down I considered trying to do something that would depict the grace of God. The problem with all of these was that I could not think of something I could create out of paper that would be able to symbolize them. I just could not think of something I considered artistic that could represent duel prophetic. I asked my self over and over, “What have you learned from studying Isaiah?” and each time I thought of more things that I had learned while studying Isaiah, but nothing that I wanted to turn into a figuring. The question “What I learned from studying Isaiah?” was not really getting me any were further in my project.
I went back to my original question of what I wanted to tell my friends and family about Isaiah. If my older brother Caleb were standing in front of me what would I want him to know about Isaiah… I would want him to know how it filled me with emptiness. Not the kind of emptiness that describes the bowl after you finish the last spoonful of ice-cream, but the kind of emptiness that fills up spaces. The kind of emptiness that fills up the space between the ground and the clouds, the emptiness that fills up a meadow with sunlight, and a beach with salty air. When I feel the Holy Ghost the places were my organs should be is filled up with this specific type of emptiness; I guess a better word for it would be clean. There does not seem to be anything dirty inside of me, and so in away I guess that makes me fill empty from sin and simultaneously filled by some invisible-yet undeniable strong. I call it the full-emptiness-feeling. It seemed more important to me that my brother -Caleb- knows that Isaiah fills me with the Holy Ghost, because I know that if he reads the words of Isaiah the Holy Ghost can testify to him all of the truths that I could attempt to explain from what I learned this semester while reading Isaiah. My creative project needed to represent the sprit of the Holy Ghost. It made me smile when I finally thought of it; the origami figuring I am going to make will be a dove. I think that an origami dove would depict the Holy Ghost (the spirit I am filled with when I read the words of Isaiah) perfectly.
The life lesson that I took away from Isaiah is that the Spirit of Prophecy does not come to the well educated, rich, well versed, or detruncated, but the Spirit of Prophecy or the Holy Ghost comes by doing the small and simple things such as daily scripture study, morning prayers, and going to church. These are the types of things that will bring my closer to my God, and better able to feel His spirit and understand His impressions. This is what helps me to understand Isaiah. I admit full heartedly that I don’t understand everything about Isaiah; I hardly dear to claim I understand the surface of Isaiah. Yet, I can recognize the presence of the Holy Ghost when I read his words. The style of origami I am using is based on hundreds of small triangle pieces stuck together to form a single figure. I hope that this style of origami will depict how small and simple things develop my personal connection with the Holy Ghost.
Finally, I wanted to title my origami. When ever I see a piece of art work I look at it for a moment, and then I like to read the title of the piece. I feel like all good symbolic art has a good title that acts as a key to the symbolism for the on looker. I want to title this origami sculpture The Spirit of Prophecy.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
extra credit
Joy Prior
REL A 304
Section 003
Extra Credit
I invited my parents to come to the symbolism in the scriptures with me. First they took me to dinner (so really it was a great deal for me) and afterwards we went to listen to the lectures. We listened to the last two lectures, so we were there for two hours. The first was about Baptism as a sign of obedience verses the concept that Baptism washes away our sins. Personally, I enjoyed the second lecture the most. In the second lecture the orator talked about the parable of the trend of two son parables in the Bible, namely the prodigal son, the man with two sons He asked to work in the field, Cain and Able, Ishmael and Isaac, and Lamanites and Nephites. Most of the lecture was spent developing the parable of the two sons working in the vineyard and the Prodigal son.
I have attached the copy of my notes from the lecture of the Prodigal Son… I would like to have my notes back. The speaker took away my paradigm of what the Prodigal Son is about. Most of his observations were centered around mistranslation or I guess more appropriately translation difficulties in the King James version of the Bible. It was remarkable to see how a single word made all of the difference in the sentence. The speaker used the translations in the Greek version of the Bible. For example when the Prodigal son chooses to leave the pigs and go home he says, “I will arise,” but in the Greek translation the word used more translates more closely to “resurrection.” The parable was littered with translation variations. What I appreciated though was that the speaker did not state, “this is what it means, and this is right,” but He left the parable open for translation and personal revelation.
My favorite part about the lecture was learning how to understand parables. Like I said before the speaker was very clear to not state, “this is what it means.” Instead He helped me learn how to receive personal understanding to parables. The secret He said was to discover why Jesus would use a specific parable in each situation. It had never been pointed out to me that Jesus was answering specific questions, and not just giving good stories to make the congregation more moral. This is something that I hope to be able to apply to my future scripture study, and it was by far my favorite thing that I learned while attending the lecture.
REL A 304
Section 003
Extra Credit
I invited my parents to come to the symbolism in the scriptures with me. First they took me to dinner (so really it was a great deal for me) and afterwards we went to listen to the lectures. We listened to the last two lectures, so we were there for two hours. The first was about Baptism as a sign of obedience verses the concept that Baptism washes away our sins. Personally, I enjoyed the second lecture the most. In the second lecture the orator talked about the parable of the trend of two son parables in the Bible, namely the prodigal son, the man with two sons He asked to work in the field, Cain and Able, Ishmael and Isaac, and Lamanites and Nephites. Most of the lecture was spent developing the parable of the two sons working in the vineyard and the Prodigal son.
I have attached the copy of my notes from the lecture of the Prodigal Son… I would like to have my notes back. The speaker took away my paradigm of what the Prodigal Son is about. Most of his observations were centered around mistranslation or I guess more appropriately translation difficulties in the King James version of the Bible. It was remarkable to see how a single word made all of the difference in the sentence. The speaker used the translations in the Greek version of the Bible. For example when the Prodigal son chooses to leave the pigs and go home he says, “I will arise,” but in the Greek translation the word used more translates more closely to “resurrection.” The parable was littered with translation variations. What I appreciated though was that the speaker did not state, “this is what it means, and this is right,” but He left the parable open for translation and personal revelation.
My favorite part about the lecture was learning how to understand parables. Like I said before the speaker was very clear to not state, “this is what it means.” Instead He helped me learn how to receive personal understanding to parables. The secret He said was to discover why Jesus would use a specific parable in each situation. It had never been pointed out to me that Jesus was answering specific questions, and not just giving good stories to make the congregation more moral. This is something that I hope to be able to apply to my future scripture study, and it was by far my favorite thing that I learned while attending the lecture.
Joy Marie Prior
347 East Southfield Road
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660
(801) 921-3348
Fecha de nacimiento
12 de diciembre 1990
Objetivo Profesional
Una maestra por los niños
Preparación académica
2009 Universidad de Brigham Young, Provo, Utah
Maestría: Child development
2009 graduarme a la escuela secundario de Spanish Fork, Utah
Experiencia Profesional
2010 soy una secretaria en la oficina de la Universidad de Brigham Young
2009 pasantía en la infantil Acorns to Oaks
Experiencia adicional
2010 Billo en el grupo de Remembran Nos Cultura (ROC)
2009 Servir en el grupo de Abopt a Grandparent
Preparación Adicional
Mecanografía 60 palabras en 1 minuto
Dominio de inglés y entiendo español
Becas y premios
2009 Venturing Scout Silver en la programa de Boy Scouts of America
Sin que o baile, o comida, o libros soy morir.
347 East Southfield Road
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660
(801) 921-3348
Fecha de nacimiento
12 de diciembre 1990
Objetivo Profesional
Una maestra por los niños
Preparación académica
2009 Universidad de Brigham Young, Provo, Utah
Maestría: Child development
2009 graduarme a la escuela secundario de Spanish Fork, Utah
Experiencia Profesional
2010 soy una secretaria en la oficina de la Universidad de Brigham Young
2009 pasantía en la infantil Acorns to Oaks
Experiencia adicional
2010 Billo en el grupo de Remembran Nos Cultura (ROC)
2009 Servir en el grupo de Abopt a Grandparent
Preparación Adicional
Mecanografía 60 palabras en 1 minuto
Dominio de inglés y entiendo español
Becas y premios
2009 Venturing Scout Silver en la programa de Boy Scouts of America
Sin que o baile, o comida, o libros soy morir.
Provo Utah, 28 de septiembre 2010
Sr. Lee Wakefield
Directora de Biale
Richards Building, 246
La Universidad de Brigham Young
Provo, Utah 84660
Estimada Senor:
Atentamente me dirijo a usted para comunicarle me interés en el puesto de maestra de baile en la Universidad de Brigham Young. Para enviarle copia de mi currículo.
El reciente estudio a la Universidad de Brigham Young en Provo Utah. Durante mi tiempo en la Universidad tiene la oportunidad tocar muchos clases de baile. Me encanta el programa de baile en la universidad y me gustan los profesores. Espero que trabaje con ellos.
En cuanto a mi competencia a baile me gusta la baile de contemperado y cultura. Me prefiero que tenga la puesto de contemperado porque contemperado es el tiempo de baile conozco mas. Tengo experiencia en contemperado. Mi profesor Audrie dijo que baile muy bien. Me interesa este puesto con tal de que darme o los beneficios de los días feriados, o la licencia por enfermedad.
Le agradecería que me diera la oportunidad de visitar sus en la Universidad. Si tienes preguntas siempre y cuando que hablemos en personaje una vece tengo respuesta.
Joy Marie Prior
347 East Southfield Road
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660
(801) 921-3348
Sr. Lee Wakefield
Directora de Biale
Richards Building, 246
La Universidad de Brigham Young
Provo, Utah 84660
Estimada Senor:
Atentamente me dirijo a usted para comunicarle me interés en el puesto de maestra de baile en la Universidad de Brigham Young. Para enviarle copia de mi currículo.
El reciente estudio a la Universidad de Brigham Young en Provo Utah. Durante mi tiempo en la Universidad tiene la oportunidad tocar muchos clases de baile. Me encanta el programa de baile en la universidad y me gustan los profesores. Espero que trabaje con ellos.
En cuanto a mi competencia a baile me gusta la baile de contemperado y cultura. Me prefiero que tenga la puesto de contemperado porque contemperado es el tiempo de baile conozco mas. Tengo experiencia en contemperado. Mi profesor Audrie dijo que baile muy bien. Me interesa este puesto con tal de que darme o los beneficios de los días feriados, o la licencia por enfermedad.
Le agradecería que me diera la oportunidad de visitar sus en la Universidad. Si tienes preguntas siempre y cuando que hablemos en personaje una vece tengo respuesta.
Joy Marie Prior
347 East Southfield Road
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660
(801) 921-3348
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I stared at my high-pony-tailed-teacher as she repeated, “Nebo School District policy is abstinence, and that will be the base of our sexual education,” I thought Abstinence, what a big word and then the rollercoaster formally called sexual education began. My mind would never have fathomed that the material presented to me while I sat in my orange plastic chair had been debated across that nation for decades. The purpose of this paper is critique and analyze the article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education written by Kerby Anderson. In the article the sources were cited in the text but the article used outdated studies, overgeneralized results, and dismissed alternate explanations of findings; after taking the article in to consideration abstinence should be taught in schools to protect teachers, and to personalize the timing of an adolescent’s comprehensive sexual education.
The Article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education advocates for an abstinent-only sexual education program versus a comprehensive sexual education program. The author Kerby Anderson starts by defaming a study correlating the introduction of a student-based health clinic into a High school with the sudden decline in the number of student pregnancies. Then comprehensive sex education is defined as the philosophy that: children are sexual and sexually mis-educated, and that if mis-education is the problem sex education is the solution (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). Anderson goes on to address the unreliability of condoms against preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy. The article finishes with four reasons-complemented by various studies- that conclude implementing an abstinence sexual education program is the solution to the teenage pregnancy problem in the United States.
Critical Analysis
Cited in Text
Kerby Anderson cited his sources through out the text. The article mentioned what studies were, and who was responsible for the studies. It was convenient to be read the article and have so much information readily available about the presented information.
Outdated Studies
Many of the studies used in the School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education article were out dated. The most recent study mentioned in the article was from the early 90s and there was a studies from the 70s. Thirty years is a enough time to introduce cell phones, the internet, and change the statistics of teenage pregnancy. The two studies prevalently outdated were the students in DuSable High School and the study from Science Medicine journal.
Michael Schwartz Study
Michael Schwartz conducted a study from 1977 to 1979 to report the number of births in DuSable High School after the student clinic was opened (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). It was the first major study done on a school-based health clinic, and received national attention. Today the comprehensive sexual education program may no longer even supports school-based-clinks. The specific curriculum may also have been modified over the past thirty years to better teach the material. The outdated information used in the article does not inform the reader about the current comprehension sexual program and if it has any correlation to teenage pregnancy.
Social Science Medicine Condom Study
The study taken from Social Science Medicine mentioned in the article states that all research published prior to 1990 indicated condoms were 87 percent effective in preventing pregnancy and 69 percent effective in reducing the risk of contracting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (Anderson, 1998, p. 354). The outdated information assumes the brands and styles of condoms used today are comparable to condoms used 20 years ago; some of the brands and styles commonly used today could not have even been invented in the 90s. Also, the study stated it had compiled research published prior to 1990. The article left me wondering if the research compiled was taken from studies done eighty years or only two years prior to 1990. Because the article did not specify how far back the prior research went from 1990 I had no idea how much research was actually compiled in the study.
Overgeneralized Results
The author overgeneralized throughout the article by implying that cultural and area specific studies represent all teenagers, all Americans, or all girls. It would be impossible to question everyone so scientists use samples to represent the general population. Consequently scientist use randomly samples that can more accurately depict the general population than a biased sample. Kerby Anderson biased sample of the Southern Baptist convention pledging to be abstinent does not accurately depict the entire American population.
Southern Baptist Convention
It is an overgeneralization to assume that because in Washington Mall on July 1993 approximately 200,000 students signed “True Love Waits” pledge cards during the Southern Baptist Convention campaign for abstinence that Americans today want to learn about abstinence (Anderson, 1998, p. 357). Three things that made this claim an overgeneralization. First, it can not be assumed that because Americans wanted abstinence in the early 1990s Americans want to hear about abstinence now. Second, the author does not clarify were the student who signed the cards are from. The reader is unaware if students were from the United States or students attending Brigham Young University. Third, the campaign was done by the Southern Baptist Convention. Many of the “I pledge cards” were logically filled out and collected by members of the Southern Baptist Convention. The possibility that the Southern Baptist community had a biased sample selection needs to be considered while examining the data. Anderson ignores time, area, and culture biased in the sample selection and then makes an overgenerlization that because members of the Southern Baptist Convention campaign support abstinance all Americans support abstinence.
Dismissal of Explanations
The most prevalent flaw through out the article was lack of consideration to possible alternate explanations in a studies findings. Ironically, Kerby Anderson criticizes the media for assuming at DuSable High School the decline in students giving birth was due to the introduction of the new student-health-clinic without considering the possibility that the decline in the number of students giving birth was due to the decrease in overall student enrollment (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). The same critiques Anderson used against the DuSable High School articles could also be used against the San Marcos California Junior High, the Washington, D.C., and the Nathan Hale Middle School studies Anderson used later in School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education to imply that the decline in student births was due to the introduction of the abstinence program in the above mentioned schools. The article fails to look at the studies that suggest a correlation between abstinence-only programs and a decrease in teenage pregnancy with the same magnifying glass that found problems (decline in student enrolment, abortions, and unrecorded data prior to applying the program) in the study that suggested a correlation between comprehensive sexual education and a decrease in students giving birth.
Although I agreed with and started to analyze School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education criticizing the data caused me to question my impulsive opinion: abstinence is good, and anything that says sex before marriage is bad. I came to the distinct realization that when it comes to comprehensive or abstinent sexual education programs I know nothing except for what questions I want to ask. I formulated my opinion on the idea that the abstinence program protects teachers, and a set curriculum should determine if an adolescent is prepared for the responsibility of sexual knowledge, but I would like to further explore both perspectives before I concrete my opinion.
Teacher Responsibility
Considering the two extreme sexual education programs an abstinence sexual education appears to be a safe program for teachers. By teaching abstinence the teacher has only taught their students one way (a guarantied way) to decrease the likelihood of pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. If a student does become pregnant the student did not listen to their teacher, and no one can blame the teacher for misinforming the student on how to avoid pregnancy. The focus topic of sexual education is on the students, but the teacher is also important. The teacher must have confidence in their ability to teach fourteen-year-olds how to use a condom. A teacher is required to take on an unreasonable amount of responsibilities while teaching students a comprehensive sexual education system.
Curriculum Confinements
To teach sexual education within the confidents of a curriculum is also making the assumptions that every student in the classroom is responsible enough to handle the information. Briefly, the Information Processing Theory is the idea that the human brain works like a computer; once information is presented it is stored and when that information is needed it is pulled from the memory. If the input learned during adolescents is that when sexual desires are presented the correct out put is to remain abstinent until marriage then the out put will be abstinence until marriage. The principle is the same for comprehensive sexual education. If the input is that there are multiple ways to act on sexual desires including condoms, abstinence, positioning, or pills the adolescent has to make the choice as to what the out put will be. A set curriculum may not be the appropriate method for determining when to teach adolescents the multiple out puts to sexual desires there are. Parents, or guardians (even the adolescent themselves) should be responsible for determining the time and place to take on the responsibility that comes with sexual knowledge, not the settled school board curriculum.
In the article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education written by Kerby Anderson the sources were cited in the text but the article used outdated studies, overgeneralized results, and dismissed alternate explanations; abstinence-only curriculums are still supported to protect teachers, and to personalize the timing of an adolescent’s sexual education. There does not seem to be nearly this extensive of a debate concerning the math curriculum, because deciding on sexual education feels like a moral choice. It is important when analyzing a situation to sort out the moral dilemma from evidence by critically thinking through articles, data, and studies.
I stared at my high-pony-tailed-teacher as she repeated, “Nebo School District policy is abstinence, and that will be the base of our sexual education,” I thought Abstinence, what a big word and then the rollercoaster formally called sexual education began. My mind would never have fathomed that the material presented to me while I sat in my orange plastic chair had been debated across that nation for decades. The purpose of this paper is critique and analyze the article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education written by Kerby Anderson. In the article the sources were cited in the text but the article used outdated studies, overgeneralized results, and dismissed alternate explanations of findings; after taking the article in to consideration abstinence should be taught in schools to protect teachers, and to personalize the timing of an adolescent’s comprehensive sexual education.
The Article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education advocates for an abstinent-only sexual education program versus a comprehensive sexual education program. The author Kerby Anderson starts by defaming a study correlating the introduction of a student-based health clinic into a High school with the sudden decline in the number of student pregnancies. Then comprehensive sex education is defined as the philosophy that: children are sexual and sexually mis-educated, and that if mis-education is the problem sex education is the solution (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). Anderson goes on to address the unreliability of condoms against preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy. The article finishes with four reasons-complemented by various studies- that conclude implementing an abstinence sexual education program is the solution to the teenage pregnancy problem in the United States.
Critical Analysis
Cited in Text
Kerby Anderson cited his sources through out the text. The article mentioned what studies were, and who was responsible for the studies. It was convenient to be read the article and have so much information readily available about the presented information.
Outdated Studies
Many of the studies used in the School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education article were out dated. The most recent study mentioned in the article was from the early 90s and there was a studies from the 70s. Thirty years is a enough time to introduce cell phones, the internet, and change the statistics of teenage pregnancy. The two studies prevalently outdated were the students in DuSable High School and the study from Science Medicine journal.
Michael Schwartz Study
Michael Schwartz conducted a study from 1977 to 1979 to report the number of births in DuSable High School after the student clinic was opened (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). It was the first major study done on a school-based health clinic, and received national attention. Today the comprehensive sexual education program may no longer even supports school-based-clinks. The specific curriculum may also have been modified over the past thirty years to better teach the material. The outdated information used in the article does not inform the reader about the current comprehension sexual program and if it has any correlation to teenage pregnancy.
Social Science Medicine Condom Study
The study taken from Social Science Medicine mentioned in the article states that all research published prior to 1990 indicated condoms were 87 percent effective in preventing pregnancy and 69 percent effective in reducing the risk of contracting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (Anderson, 1998, p. 354). The outdated information assumes the brands and styles of condoms used today are comparable to condoms used 20 years ago; some of the brands and styles commonly used today could not have even been invented in the 90s. Also, the study stated it had compiled research published prior to 1990. The article left me wondering if the research compiled was taken from studies done eighty years or only two years prior to 1990. Because the article did not specify how far back the prior research went from 1990 I had no idea how much research was actually compiled in the study.
Overgeneralized Results
The author overgeneralized throughout the article by implying that cultural and area specific studies represent all teenagers, all Americans, or all girls. It would be impossible to question everyone so scientists use samples to represent the general population. Consequently scientist use randomly samples that can more accurately depict the general population than a biased sample. Kerby Anderson biased sample of the Southern Baptist convention pledging to be abstinent does not accurately depict the entire American population.
Southern Baptist Convention
It is an overgeneralization to assume that because in Washington Mall on July 1993 approximately 200,000 students signed “True Love Waits” pledge cards during the Southern Baptist Convention campaign for abstinence that Americans today want to learn about abstinence (Anderson, 1998, p. 357). Three things that made this claim an overgeneralization. First, it can not be assumed that because Americans wanted abstinence in the early 1990s Americans want to hear about abstinence now. Second, the author does not clarify were the student who signed the cards are from. The reader is unaware if students were from the United States or students attending Brigham Young University. Third, the campaign was done by the Southern Baptist Convention. Many of the “I pledge cards” were logically filled out and collected by members of the Southern Baptist Convention. The possibility that the Southern Baptist community had a biased sample selection needs to be considered while examining the data. Anderson ignores time, area, and culture biased in the sample selection and then makes an overgenerlization that because members of the Southern Baptist Convention campaign support abstinance all Americans support abstinence.
Dismissal of Explanations
The most prevalent flaw through out the article was lack of consideration to possible alternate explanations in a studies findings. Ironically, Kerby Anderson criticizes the media for assuming at DuSable High School the decline in students giving birth was due to the introduction of the new student-health-clinic without considering the possibility that the decline in the number of students giving birth was due to the decrease in overall student enrollment (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). The same critiques Anderson used against the DuSable High School articles could also be used against the San Marcos California Junior High, the Washington, D.C., and the Nathan Hale Middle School studies Anderson used later in School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education to imply that the decline in student births was due to the introduction of the abstinence program in the above mentioned schools. The article fails to look at the studies that suggest a correlation between abstinence-only programs and a decrease in teenage pregnancy with the same magnifying glass that found problems (decline in student enrolment, abortions, and unrecorded data prior to applying the program) in the study that suggested a correlation between comprehensive sexual education and a decrease in students giving birth.
Although I agreed with and started to analyze School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education criticizing the data caused me to question my impulsive opinion: abstinence is good, and anything that says sex before marriage is bad. I came to the distinct realization that when it comes to comprehensive or abstinent sexual education programs I know nothing except for what questions I want to ask. I formulated my opinion on the idea that the abstinence program protects teachers, and a set curriculum should determine if an adolescent is prepared for the responsibility of sexual knowledge, but I would like to further explore both perspectives before I concrete my opinion.
Teacher Responsibility
Considering the two extreme sexual education programs an abstinence sexual education appears to be a safe program for teachers. By teaching abstinence the teacher has only taught their students one way (a guarantied way) to decrease the likelihood of pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. If a student does become pregnant the student did not listen to their teacher, and no one can blame the teacher for misinforming the student on how to avoid pregnancy. The focus topic of sexual education is on the students, but the teacher is also important. The teacher must have confidence in their ability to teach fourteen-year-olds how to use a condom. A teacher is required to take on an unreasonable amount of responsibilities while teaching students a comprehensive sexual education system.
Curriculum Confinements
To teach sexual education within the confidents of a curriculum is also making the assumptions that every student in the classroom is responsible enough to handle the information. Briefly, the Information Processing Theory is the idea that the human brain works like a computer; once information is presented it is stored and when that information is needed it is pulled from the memory. If the input learned during adolescents is that when sexual desires are presented the correct out put is to remain abstinent until marriage then the out put will be abstinence until marriage. The principle is the same for comprehensive sexual education. If the input is that there are multiple ways to act on sexual desires including condoms, abstinence, positioning, or pills the adolescent has to make the choice as to what the out put will be. A set curriculum may not be the appropriate method for determining when to teach adolescents the multiple out puts to sexual desires there are. Parents, or guardians (even the adolescent themselves) should be responsible for determining the time and place to take on the responsibility that comes with sexual knowledge, not the settled school board curriculum.
In the article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education written by Kerby Anderson the sources were cited in the text but the article used outdated studies, overgeneralized results, and dismissed alternate explanations; abstinence-only curriculums are still supported to protect teachers, and to personalize the timing of an adolescent’s sexual education. There does not seem to be nearly this extensive of a debate concerning the math curriculum, because deciding on sexual education feels like a moral choice. It is important when analyzing a situation to sort out the moral dilemma from evidence by critically thinking through articles, data, and studies.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
first draft
I stared at my high-pony-tailed-teacher as she repeated, “Nebo School District policy is abstinence, and that will be the base of our sexual education,” I thought Abstinence, what a big word and then the rollercoaster formally called sexual education began. My mind would never have fathomed that the material presented to me while I sat in my orange plastic chair had been debated across that nation for decades. The purpose of this paper is critique and analyze the article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education written by Kerby Anderson. In the article the sources were cited in the text but the article used outdated studies, overgeneralized results, and dismissed alternate explanations of findings; after taking the article in to consideration abstinence should be taught in schools to protect teachers, and to personalize the timing of an adolescent’s comprehensive sexual education.
The Article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education advocates for an abstinent-only sexual education program versus a comprehensive sexual education program. The author Kerby Anderson starts by defaming a study correlating the introduction of a student-based health clinic into a High school with the sudden decline in the number of student pregnancies. Then comprehensive sex education is defined as the philosophy that: children are sexual and sexually mis-educated, and that if mis-education is the problem sex education is the solution (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). Anderson goes on to address the unreliability of condoms against preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy. The article finishes with four reasons-complemented by various studies- that conclude implementing an abstinence sexual education program is the solution to the teenage pregnancy problem in the United States.
Critical Analysis
Cited in Text
Kerby Anderson cited his sources through out the text. The article mentioned what studies were, and who was responsible for the studies. It was convenient to be read the article and have so much information readily available about the presented information.
Outdated Studies
Many of the studies used in the School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education article were out dated. The most recent study mentioned in the article was from the early 90s and there was a studies from the 70s. Thirty years is a enough time to introduce cell phones, the internet, and change the statistics of teenage pregnancy. The two studies prevalently outdated were the students in DuSable High School and the study from Science Medicine journal.
Michael Schwartz Study
Michael Schwartz conducted a study from 1977 to 1979 to report the number of births in DuSable High School after the student clinic was opened (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). It was the first major study done on a school-based health clinic, and received national attention. Today the comprehensive sexual education program may no longer even supports school-based-clinks. The specific curriculum may also have been modified over the past thirty years to better teach the material. The outdated information used in the article does not inform the reader about the current comprehension sexual program and if it has any correlation to teenage pregnancy.
Social Science Medicine Condom Study
The study taken from Social Science Medicine mentioned in the article states that all research published prior to 1990 indicated condoms were 87 percent effective in preventing pregnancy and 69 percent effective in reducing the risk of contracting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (Anderson, 1998, p. 354). The outdated information assumes the brands and styles of condoms used today are comparable to condoms used 20 years ago; some of the brands and styles commonly used today could not have even been invented in the 90s. Also, the study stated it had compiled research published prior to 1990. The article left me wondering if the research compiled was taken from studies done eighty years or only two years prior to 1990. Because the article did not specify how far back the prior research went from 1990 I had no idea how much research was actually compiled in the study.
Overgeneralized Results
The author overgeneralized throughout the article by implying that cultural and area specific studies represent all teenagers, all Americans, or all girls. It would be impossible to question everyone so scientists use samples to represent the general population. Consequently scientist use randomly samples that can more accurately depict the general population than a biased sample. Kerby Anderson biased sample of the Southern Baptist convention pledging to be abstinent does not accurately depict the entire American population.
Southern Baptist Convention
It is an overgeneralization to assume that because in Washington Mall on July 1993 approximately 200,000 students signed “True Love Waits” pledge cards during the Southern Baptist Convention campaign for abstinence that Americans today want to learn about abstinence (Anderson, 1998, p. 357). Three things that made this claim an overgeneralization. First, it can not be assumed that because Americans wanted abstinence in the early 1990s Americans want to hear about abstinence now. Second, the author does not clarify were the student who signed the cards are from. The reader is unaware if students were from the United States or students attending Brigham Young University. Third, the campaign was done by the Southern Baptist Convention. Many of the “I pledge cards” were logically filled out and collected by members of the Southern Baptist Convention. The possibility that the Southern Baptist community had a biased sample selection needs to be considered while examining the data. Anderson ignores time, area, and culture biased in the sample selection and then makes an overgenerlization that because members of the Southern Baptist Convention campaign support abstinance all Americans support abstinence.
Dismissal of Explanations
The most prevalent flaw through out the article was lack of consideration to possible alternate explanations in a studies findings. Ironically, Kerby Anderson criticizes the media for assuming at DuSable High School the decline in students giving birth was due to the introduction of the new student-health-clinic without considering the possibility that the decline in the number of students giving birth was due to the decrease in overall student enrollment (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). The same critiques Anderson used against the DuSable High School articles could also be used against the San Marcos California Junior High, the Washington, D.C., and the Nathan Hale Middle School studies Anderson used later in School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education to imply that the decline in student births was due to the introduction of the abstinence program in the above mentioned schools. The article fails to look at the studies that suggest a correlation between abstinence-only programs and a decrease in teenage pregnancy with the same magnifying glass that found problems (decline in student enrolment, abortions, and unrecorded data prior to applying the program) in the study that suggested a correlation between comprehensive sexual education and a decrease in students giving birth.
Although I agreed with and started to analyze School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education criticizing the data caused me to question my impulsive opinion: abstinence is good, and anything that says sex before marriage is bad. I came to the distinct realization that when it comes to comprehensive or abstinent sexual education programs I know nothing except for what questions I want to ask. I formulated my opinion on the idea that the abstinence program protects teachers, and a set curriculum should determine if an adolescent is prepared for the responsibility of sexual knowledge, but I would like to further explore both perspectives before I concrete my opinion.
Teacher Responsibility
Considering the two extreme sexual education programs an abstinence sexual education appears to be a safe program for teachers. By teaching abstinence the teacher has only taught their students one way (a guarantied way) to decrease the likelihood of pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. If a student does become pregnant the student did not listen to their teacher, and no one can blame the teacher for misinforming the student on how to avoid pregnancy. The focus topic of sexual education is on the students, but the teacher is also important. The teacher must have confidence in their ability to teach fourteen-year-olds how to use a condom. A teacher is required to take on an unreasonable amount of responsibilities while teaching students a comprehensive sexual education system.
Curriculum Confinements
To teach sexual education within the confidents of a curriculum is also making the assumptions that every student in the classroom is responsible enough to handle the information. Briefly, the Information Processing Theory is the idea that the human brain works like a computer; once information is presented it is stored and when that information is needed it is pulled from the memory. If the input learned during adolescents is that when sexual desires are presented the correct out put is to remain abstinent until marriage then the out put will be abstinence until marriage. The principle is the same for comprehensive sexual education. If the input is that there are multiple ways to act on sexual desires including condoms, abstinence, positioning, or pills the adolescent has to make the choice as to what the out put will be. A set curriculum may not be the appropriate method for determining when to teach adolescents the multiple out puts to sexual desires there are. Parents, or guardians (even the adolescent themselves) should be responsible for determining the time and place to take on the responsibility that comes with sexual knowledge, not the settled school board curriculum.
In the article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education written by Kerby Anderson the sources were cited in the text but the article used outdated studies, overgeneralized results, and dismissed alternate explanations; abstinence-only curriculums are still supported to protect teachers, and to personalize the timing of an adolescent’s sexual education. There does not seem to be nearly this extensive of a debate concerning the math curriculum, because deciding on sexual education feels like a moral choice. It is important when analyzing a situation to sort out the moral dilemma from evidence by critically thinking through articles, data, and studies.
I stared at my high-pony-tailed-teacher as she repeated, “Nebo School District policy is abstinence, and that will be the base of our sexual education,” I thought Abstinence, what a big word and then the rollercoaster formally called sexual education began. My mind would never have fathomed that the material presented to me while I sat in my orange plastic chair had been debated across that nation for decades. The purpose of this paper is critique and analyze the article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education written by Kerby Anderson. In the article the sources were cited in the text but the article used outdated studies, overgeneralized results, and dismissed alternate explanations of findings; after taking the article in to consideration abstinence should be taught in schools to protect teachers, and to personalize the timing of an adolescent’s comprehensive sexual education.
The Article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education advocates for an abstinent-only sexual education program versus a comprehensive sexual education program. The author Kerby Anderson starts by defaming a study correlating the introduction of a student-based health clinic into a High school with the sudden decline in the number of student pregnancies. Then comprehensive sex education is defined as the philosophy that: children are sexual and sexually mis-educated, and that if mis-education is the problem sex education is the solution (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). Anderson goes on to address the unreliability of condoms against preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy. The article finishes with four reasons-complemented by various studies- that conclude implementing an abstinence sexual education program is the solution to the teenage pregnancy problem in the United States.
Critical Analysis
Cited in Text
Kerby Anderson cited his sources through out the text. The article mentioned what studies were, and who was responsible for the studies. It was convenient to be read the article and have so much information readily available about the presented information.
Outdated Studies
Many of the studies used in the School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education article were out dated. The most recent study mentioned in the article was from the early 90s and there was a studies from the 70s. Thirty years is a enough time to introduce cell phones, the internet, and change the statistics of teenage pregnancy. The two studies prevalently outdated were the students in DuSable High School and the study from Science Medicine journal.
Michael Schwartz Study
Michael Schwartz conducted a study from 1977 to 1979 to report the number of births in DuSable High School after the student clinic was opened (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). It was the first major study done on a school-based health clinic, and received national attention. Today the comprehensive sexual education program may no longer even supports school-based-clinks. The specific curriculum may also have been modified over the past thirty years to better teach the material. The outdated information used in the article does not inform the reader about the current comprehension sexual program and if it has any correlation to teenage pregnancy.
Social Science Medicine Condom Study
The study taken from Social Science Medicine mentioned in the article states that all research published prior to 1990 indicated condoms were 87 percent effective in preventing pregnancy and 69 percent effective in reducing the risk of contracting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (Anderson, 1998, p. 354). The outdated information assumes the brands and styles of condoms used today are comparable to condoms used 20 years ago; some of the brands and styles commonly used today could not have even been invented in the 90s. Also, the study stated it had compiled research published prior to 1990. The article left me wondering if the research compiled was taken from studies done eighty years or only two years prior to 1990. Because the article did not specify how far back the prior research went from 1990 I had no idea how much research was actually compiled in the study.
Overgeneralized Results
The author overgeneralized throughout the article by implying that cultural and area specific studies represent all teenagers, all Americans, or all girls. It would be impossible to question everyone so scientists use samples to represent the general population. Consequently scientist use randomly samples that can more accurately depict the general population than a biased sample. Kerby Anderson biased sample of the Southern Baptist convention pledging to be abstinent does not accurately depict the entire American population.
Southern Baptist Convention
It is an overgeneralization to assume that because in Washington Mall on July 1993 approximately 200,000 students signed “True Love Waits” pledge cards during the Southern Baptist Convention campaign for abstinence that Americans today want to learn about abstinence (Anderson, 1998, p. 357). Three things that made this claim an overgeneralization. First, it can not be assumed that because Americans wanted abstinence in the early 1990s Americans want to hear about abstinence now. Second, the author does not clarify were the student who signed the cards are from. The reader is unaware if students were from the United States or students attending Brigham Young University. Third, the campaign was done by the Southern Baptist Convention. Many of the “I pledge cards” were logically filled out and collected by members of the Southern Baptist Convention. The possibility that the Southern Baptist community had a biased sample selection needs to be considered while examining the data. Anderson ignores time, area, and culture biased in the sample selection and then makes an overgenerlization that because members of the Southern Baptist Convention campaign support abstinance all Americans support abstinence.
Dismissal of Explanations
The most prevalent flaw through out the article was lack of consideration to possible alternate explanations in a studies findings. Ironically, Kerby Anderson criticizes the media for assuming at DuSable High School the decline in students giving birth was due to the introduction of the new student-health-clinic without considering the possibility that the decline in the number of students giving birth was due to the decrease in overall student enrollment (Anderson, 1998, p. 352). The same critiques Anderson used against the DuSable High School articles could also be used against the San Marcos California Junior High, the Washington, D.C., and the Nathan Hale Middle School studies Anderson used later in School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education to imply that the decline in student births was due to the introduction of the abstinence program in the above mentioned schools. The article fails to look at the studies that suggest a correlation between abstinence-only programs and a decrease in teenage pregnancy with the same magnifying glass that found problems (decline in student enrolment, abortions, and unrecorded data prior to applying the program) in the study that suggested a correlation between comprehensive sexual education and a decrease in students giving birth.
Although I agreed with and started to analyze School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education criticizing the data caused me to question my impulsive opinion: abstinence is good, and anything that says sex before marriage is bad. I came to the distinct realization that when it comes to comprehensive or abstinent sexual education programs I know nothing except for what questions I want to ask. I formulated my opinion on the idea that the abstinence program protects teachers, and a set curriculum should determine if an adolescent is prepared for the responsibility of sexual knowledge, but I would like to further explore both perspectives before I concrete my opinion.
Teacher Responsibility
Considering the two extreme sexual education programs an abstinence sexual education appears to be a safe program for teachers. By teaching abstinence the teacher has only taught their students one way (a guarantied way) to decrease the likelihood of pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. If a student does become pregnant the student did not listen to their teacher, and no one can blame the teacher for misinforming the student on how to avoid pregnancy. The focus topic of sexual education is on the students, but the teacher is also important. The teacher must have confidence in their ability to teach fourteen-year-olds how to use a condom. A teacher is required to take on an unreasonable amount of responsibilities while teaching students a comprehensive sexual education system.
Curriculum Confinements
To teach sexual education within the confidents of a curriculum is also making the assumptions that every student in the classroom is responsible enough to handle the information. Briefly, the Information Processing Theory is the idea that the human brain works like a computer; once information is presented it is stored and when that information is needed it is pulled from the memory. If the input learned during adolescents is that when sexual desires are presented the correct out put is to remain abstinent until marriage then the out put will be abstinence until marriage. The principle is the same for comprehensive sexual education. If the input is that there are multiple ways to act on sexual desires including condoms, abstinence, positioning, or pills the adolescent has to make the choice as to what the out put will be. A set curriculum may not be the appropriate method for determining when to teach adolescents the multiple out puts to sexual desires there are. Parents, or guardians (even the adolescent themselves) should be responsible for determining the time and place to take on the responsibility that comes with sexual knowledge, not the settled school board curriculum.
In the article School-Based Health Clinics and Sex Education written by Kerby Anderson the sources were cited in the text but the article used outdated studies, overgeneralized results, and dismissed alternate explanations; abstinence-only curriculums are still supported to protect teachers, and to personalize the timing of an adolescent’s sexual education. There does not seem to be nearly this extensive of a debate concerning the math curriculum, because deciding on sexual education feels like a moral choice. It is important when analyzing a situation to sort out the moral dilemma from evidence by critically thinking through articles, data, and studies.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I interviewed my friend Enos Ledezma. He is currently a in the advertising program at Brigham Young University. I believe that he was a good person for me to interview because his focus is advertisements for children, and families. While I am working as a teacher with children I will be aware of what media and advertisements have on children. I also thought that he would be a good person to interview because we are both interested in child development; his focus being child development through advertising, and mine in the cognitive development.
Joy: Hi, Enos. How are you doing?
Enos: I am good, and how about you Joy?
Joy: I am doing well.
Enos: Are you having a good day?
Joy: Yep
Enos: Were did you go today?
Joy: I had my child development class. I like that class. You like Children?
Enos: I love children! My favorites are my nieces and nephews. I have a lot of nieces and nephews.
Joy: I agree nieces and nephews are the best. They are so cute. Are all of your nieces and nephews little?
Enos: All of them are really young, and I love it because in their eyes I am like the perfect person. When they are getting to fussy I just hand them over to their Mom or Dad and say, “Here you go.”
Joy: Is all of your family here in the United States?
Enos: Most of them are. I went to one of my nieces birthday parties this weekend, and a lot of my family was there. I have lived in the US for a long time now. My English accent was better before I went on my mission, but what can you do?
Joy: I have never noticed your accent, so don’t worry about it.
Enos: Well thanks, but it is all about emersion.
Joy: what do you mean emersion?
Enos: You know that program that takes children who have emigrated to the United States out of the classroom and into that special class. Well it is no good. For starters it takes the child out of emersion which is how you learn a language any way, by speaking and hearing it. Then it makes the child feel like they are more of an out cast because they are not with their other friends.
Joy: I can see what you are say. Were you in the emersion program? Or did you have a special class when you first came to the US?
Enos: I was in the class, but I did this internship in High School in the elementary schools and well that was when I wanted to be a sycologist before I wanted to go into advertising. Any way there was this little girl in the class and she was in first grade reading at a fifth grade reading level, but she was reading in Spanish. The teacher had no idea what to do with her. So I just kept on talking to her in English and telling her to go and talk to her friends. By Christmas she was not only caught up with the class, but even ahead. It’s emersion! Just living and being forced to talk in that language helps.
Joy: If you like children so much what got you interested in advertising?
Enos: Well that is what got me interested in adverting? You see kids need to see good shows, and there are good things out there, but they just have really sucky advertising. I want to make people want to buy those good things. So that they have an actual choice: something good and wholesome or something not. That is what we need to give people is choices, and that is what advertising can do.
Joy: Wow! I have never thought of it that way. That is really true. Well, thanks for sharing.
Joy: Hi, Enos. How are you doing?
Enos: I am good, and how about you Joy?
Joy: I am doing well.
Enos: Are you having a good day?
Joy: Yep
Enos: Were did you go today?
Joy: I had my child development class. I like that class. You like Children?
Enos: I love children! My favorites are my nieces and nephews. I have a lot of nieces and nephews.
Joy: I agree nieces and nephews are the best. They are so cute. Are all of your nieces and nephews little?
Enos: All of them are really young, and I love it because in their eyes I am like the perfect person. When they are getting to fussy I just hand them over to their Mom or Dad and say, “Here you go.”
Joy: Is all of your family here in the United States?
Enos: Most of them are. I went to one of my nieces birthday parties this weekend, and a lot of my family was there. I have lived in the US for a long time now. My English accent was better before I went on my mission, but what can you do?
Joy: I have never noticed your accent, so don’t worry about it.
Enos: Well thanks, but it is all about emersion.
Joy: what do you mean emersion?
Enos: You know that program that takes children who have emigrated to the United States out of the classroom and into that special class. Well it is no good. For starters it takes the child out of emersion which is how you learn a language any way, by speaking and hearing it. Then it makes the child feel like they are more of an out cast because they are not with their other friends.
Joy: I can see what you are say. Were you in the emersion program? Or did you have a special class when you first came to the US?
Enos: I was in the class, but I did this internship in High School in the elementary schools and well that was when I wanted to be a sycologist before I wanted to go into advertising. Any way there was this little girl in the class and she was in first grade reading at a fifth grade reading level, but she was reading in Spanish. The teacher had no idea what to do with her. So I just kept on talking to her in English and telling her to go and talk to her friends. By Christmas she was not only caught up with the class, but even ahead. It’s emersion! Just living and being forced to talk in that language helps.
Joy: If you like children so much what got you interested in advertising?
Enos: Well that is what got me interested in adverting? You see kids need to see good shows, and there are good things out there, but they just have really sucky advertising. I want to make people want to buy those good things. So that they have an actual choice: something good and wholesome or something not. That is what we need to give people is choices, and that is what advertising can do.
Joy: Wow! I have never thought of it that way. That is really true. Well, thanks for sharing.
Monday, September 20, 2010
reaction #3
Reaction Note #3 Positive Parenting
Wednesday; in class we acted out situations and then parenting methods of how to deal with those situations. My group was in charge of physical punishment and non-physical punishment. The former style of punishment was composed of mostly reasoning and sitting down with the child to explain why and what behavior is expected. I could not help but to think about how frightening physically punishment can be.
Our group skit (although poorly preformed) included a two identical situations with the children “drawing on the white board” i.e. two college students imitating toddlers and drawing on the white board. I would like to think about the second situation first; the mother (other college student acting) came into the room and explained that until they were old enough to know how to use markers they could not use them, and that she would like to have them give her back the markers. While we were walking out of class a group of students and I made our way down the hall laughing at all of the things we remember being too young to know how to use: glue guns, paint brushes, and knives just to name a few. At the same time we laughed at the specific times and days that we were finally, finally old enough to use those items.
The first mother on the contrary came in screaming and yelling and told her daughter that she was going to have to give her, “like five spankings” because she was drawing on the wall. When the first mother said “like five spankings” the entire class started to laugh. It sounded so odd. The group of students I walked out with commented on how ridiculous this all sounded.
The ironic thing was that in our little mock skit both of the stage parents were reacting to the same situation, but all of us viewed the one mother’s response as ridiculous and the other mother’s response as practical. It really did get me thinking about adult relationships. The idea of how I would feel if another adult who I trusted came up and started beating me.
Questions like: what would church be like if the Bishop beat all of those members who confessed to him their sins? What would the testing center look like if every time you failed a test someone was just waiting at the bottom of the stairs to pound some sense into you? The truth of the matter is that if I know the Bishop was going to beat me after I confessed something to him I would just not confess, and you can forget about taking the stairs out of the testing center I would just jump out that little window on the second floor. There are lots of things that I would do to avoid someone beating me up, and more over I would avoid that person who I thought was beating me up. There is no way you would catch me walking right up to my bishop with a question about Isaiah if I know that the last kid who went into his office came out with a black eye. I imagine that children do the same, and that they would avoid their parents if they felt threatened by them.
I also started to think about proportions. Imagine how large a parent’s hand is to a child’s hand. Personally I am not a very aggressive person, and it is hard enough for me to imagine myself fighting with someone my own size, but I cannot even begin to imagine how frightening it would be to get in a fight with someone three times my height and four times my weight. Let’s see I am about five feet and six inches and I weigh about 135 pounds… that puts me getting beat up by someone who would be sixteen feet and six inches tall; they would weigh 540 pounds. That is huge! If I saw someone walking down the street that was that big I think that I would automatically be in the fight or flight mood and they would not even have to do anything.
The somewhat ridiculous skit that we did in class really did get me thinking about the actual fright that physically punishment can have on a child. In sharp contrast as mad as I was at my parents when they took the scissors from me and told me that I could not use them until I was older I can still remember when I was considered old enough to handle the scissors by myself; I felt so grown up and mature because I knew that only big-kids could use the scissors. The “punishment” of taking the scissors away with an explanation was naturally followed by the “reward” of becoming mature enough to use scissors.
Wednesday; in class we acted out situations and then parenting methods of how to deal with those situations. My group was in charge of physical punishment and non-physical punishment. The former style of punishment was composed of mostly reasoning and sitting down with the child to explain why and what behavior is expected. I could not help but to think about how frightening physically punishment can be.
Our group skit (although poorly preformed) included a two identical situations with the children “drawing on the white board” i.e. two college students imitating toddlers and drawing on the white board. I would like to think about the second situation first; the mother (other college student acting) came into the room and explained that until they were old enough to know how to use markers they could not use them, and that she would like to have them give her back the markers. While we were walking out of class a group of students and I made our way down the hall laughing at all of the things we remember being too young to know how to use: glue guns, paint brushes, and knives just to name a few. At the same time we laughed at the specific times and days that we were finally, finally old enough to use those items.
The first mother on the contrary came in screaming and yelling and told her daughter that she was going to have to give her, “like five spankings” because she was drawing on the wall. When the first mother said “like five spankings” the entire class started to laugh. It sounded so odd. The group of students I walked out with commented on how ridiculous this all sounded.
The ironic thing was that in our little mock skit both of the stage parents were reacting to the same situation, but all of us viewed the one mother’s response as ridiculous and the other mother’s response as practical. It really did get me thinking about adult relationships. The idea of how I would feel if another adult who I trusted came up and started beating me.
Questions like: what would church be like if the Bishop beat all of those members who confessed to him their sins? What would the testing center look like if every time you failed a test someone was just waiting at the bottom of the stairs to pound some sense into you? The truth of the matter is that if I know the Bishop was going to beat me after I confessed something to him I would just not confess, and you can forget about taking the stairs out of the testing center I would just jump out that little window on the second floor. There are lots of things that I would do to avoid someone beating me up, and more over I would avoid that person who I thought was beating me up. There is no way you would catch me walking right up to my bishop with a question about Isaiah if I know that the last kid who went into his office came out with a black eye. I imagine that children do the same, and that they would avoid their parents if they felt threatened by them.
I also started to think about proportions. Imagine how large a parent’s hand is to a child’s hand. Personally I am not a very aggressive person, and it is hard enough for me to imagine myself fighting with someone my own size, but I cannot even begin to imagine how frightening it would be to get in a fight with someone three times my height and four times my weight. Let’s see I am about five feet and six inches and I weigh about 135 pounds… that puts me getting beat up by someone who would be sixteen feet and six inches tall; they would weigh 540 pounds. That is huge! If I saw someone walking down the street that was that big I think that I would automatically be in the fight or flight mood and they would not even have to do anything.
The somewhat ridiculous skit that we did in class really did get me thinking about the actual fright that physically punishment can have on a child. In sharp contrast as mad as I was at my parents when they took the scissors from me and told me that I could not use them until I was older I can still remember when I was considered old enough to handle the scissors by myself; I felt so grown up and mature because I knew that only big-kids could use the scissors. The “punishment” of taking the scissors away with an explanation was naturally followed by the “reward” of becoming mature enough to use scissors.
Monday, September 13, 2010
SFL #1
Reaction Note #1 Parents Are Important
On the first day of my SFL 240 class my professor purposed the question, “Are parents important?” to the class. My professor pulled us out of our shock her seemingly ridicules question by explaining that researchers across the world purposing that parents matter very little in a child’s development, and even if parents matter at all. All I could do is sit at my desk and wonder what the parents of the researchers who stated that parents don’t matter were thinking. Do those researchers have children of their own? and if they did what kind-of parents are they? I believe that children are influenced by their parents because children watch their parents to learn how to act in public.
After the hour class I went to work. I am a secretary at Seven Peaks (a local water park) In short I sale season passes to people, and file customer complaints. At first, I was horrified by the countless stroller-pushing-mothers who screamed at me (the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk) usually cursing at me over price differences of five or six dollars. After thinking if parents matter or not for a whole class period, and then going to work with such a lovely group of dipper-bag-carrying-people I wanted to stand up on my desk and scream, “Stop yelling at me! Don’t you know your child is watching you?” It is a good think I have self control because I don’t think that my fake wooden desk would have been able to hold me up if I stood on it. The truth was though that their children were watching them, and more than that their children were mirroring them.
Children come to the water park front office to pound on the fish tank, put their buggers on the wall, and kiss the windows while their parents try to sort out purchases and rentals. To the children there the office is a torture chamber between them and a water park. To their parents the office is a torture chamber between savings and poor credit. Remember, I am just the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk. When I can not give a customer what they want they say, “I wanna speak to your manager. Who can I speak to? You go and get them,” I will translate for you, “you-powerless-little-idiot. Get me someone who can give me what I want, and I want it now,” The remarkable thing is I find parents who scream at me in this manner also scream at their children when they are not behaving how they want them to behave, “you powerless little idiot. Get me someone who can give me what I want, and I want it now,” Typically the child speaks the same way to their parent when their parent can not give them what they want. Now I know that I am acting biased. My translations are exaggerated, but are they really?
The truth of the matter is that sometime I feel like I am dealing with an overgrown child when I have to explain that prices change and the basic component of a company is that a company sales things to people who will buy them in order to make money. There can be a practical normal family purchasing a season pass in the desk next to me. All of that families children are putting on sunscreen, and tossing their towels in the air while the lady purchasing a season pass at my desk is screaming at me to get my manager and her children are screeching that they want to go inside the water park now. I would call temper tantrums like this… in Freud’s words a little to much id.
Every day I see parents come in to purchase season passes for their children. There is a theme, Parents who scream at me the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk are more likely scream at their children in the same way. It has caused me to reflect on more than one occasion about the influence parents have on their children. There have been sometimes when a costumer has screamed at me so much that I would not even be able to tell them what is up and what is down let alone what their id number is and their personal billing information. The power that such language has to diminish me to truly feel I am just a powerless-little-idiot, and the only way I could ever accomplish anything is if I got my manager is powerful. The effect of being screamed at you-powerless-little-idiot let me pick you up off the counter because the only way you will ever be able to get down is if one of your superiors helps you; you-powerless-little-idiot don’t put the sunscreen on your nose like that, let me rub it in for you because the only way you will ever be able to do anything is if one of your superiors helps you; you-powerless-little-idiot don’t roll the towel up like that, let me do it for you because you can’t figure anything out unless someone superior does it for you. If just a few minutes of me being screamed at across a counter that I am a powerless-little-idiot from a complete stranger is enough for me to check how much I am worth I can only imagine how often those children are reflect on their own self worth.
On the first day of my SFL 240 class my professor purposed the question, “Are parents important?” to the class. My professor pulled us out of our shock her seemingly ridicules question by explaining that researchers across the world purposing that parents matter very little in a child’s development, and even if parents matter at all. All I could do is sit at my desk and wonder what the parents of the researchers who stated that parents don’t matter were thinking. Do those researchers have children of their own? and if they did what kind-of parents are they? I believe that children are influenced by their parents because children watch their parents to learn how to act in public.
After the hour class I went to work. I am a secretary at Seven Peaks (a local water park) In short I sale season passes to people, and file customer complaints. At first, I was horrified by the countless stroller-pushing-mothers who screamed at me (the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk) usually cursing at me over price differences of five or six dollars. After thinking if parents matter or not for a whole class period, and then going to work with such a lovely group of dipper-bag-carrying-people I wanted to stand up on my desk and scream, “Stop yelling at me! Don’t you know your child is watching you?” It is a good think I have self control because I don’t think that my fake wooden desk would have been able to hold me up if I stood on it. The truth was though that their children were watching them, and more than that their children were mirroring them.
Children come to the water park front office to pound on the fish tank, put their buggers on the wall, and kiss the windows while their parents try to sort out purchases and rentals. To the children there the office is a torture chamber between them and a water park. To their parents the office is a torture chamber between savings and poor credit. Remember, I am just the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk. When I can not give a customer what they want they say, “I wanna speak to your manager. Who can I speak to? You go and get them,” I will translate for you, “you-powerless-little-idiot. Get me someone who can give me what I want, and I want it now,” The remarkable thing is I find parents who scream at me in this manner also scream at their children when they are not behaving how they want them to behave, “you powerless little idiot. Get me someone who can give me what I want, and I want it now,” Typically the child speaks the same way to their parent when their parent can not give them what they want. Now I know that I am acting biased. My translations are exaggerated, but are they really?
The truth of the matter is that sometime I feel like I am dealing with an overgrown child when I have to explain that prices change and the basic component of a company is that a company sales things to people who will buy them in order to make money. There can be a practical normal family purchasing a season pass in the desk next to me. All of that families children are putting on sunscreen, and tossing their towels in the air while the lady purchasing a season pass at my desk is screaming at me to get my manager and her children are screeching that they want to go inside the water park now. I would call temper tantrums like this… in Freud’s words a little to much id.
Every day I see parents come in to purchase season passes for their children. There is a theme, Parents who scream at me the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk are more likely scream at their children in the same way. It has caused me to reflect on more than one occasion about the influence parents have on their children. There have been sometimes when a costumer has screamed at me so much that I would not even be able to tell them what is up and what is down let alone what their id number is and their personal billing information. The power that such language has to diminish me to truly feel I am just a powerless-little-idiot, and the only way I could ever accomplish anything is if I got my manager is powerful. The effect of being screamed at you-powerless-little-idiot let me pick you up off the counter because the only way you will ever be able to get down is if one of your superiors helps you; you-powerless-little-idiot don’t put the sunscreen on your nose like that, let me rub it in for you because the only way you will ever be able to do anything is if one of your superiors helps you; you-powerless-little-idiot don’t roll the towel up like that, let me do it for you because you can’t figure anything out unless someone superior does it for you. If just a few minutes of me being screamed at across a counter that I am a powerless-little-idiot from a complete stranger is enough for me to check how much I am worth I can only imagine how often those children are reflect on their own self worth.
SFL 240 paper #1
Do parents have an influence?
On the first day of my SFL 240 class my professor purposed the question, “Are parents important?” to the class. My professor pulled us out of our shock her seemingly ridicules question by explaining that researchers across the world perposing that parents matter very little in a child’s development, and even if parents matter at all. All I could do is sit at my desk and wonder what the parents of the researcher who stated that parents are not important were thinking. Do those researchers have children of their own? and if they did what kind-of parents are they? I believe that children are influenced by their parents because children watch their parents to learn how to act in public.
After the hour class I went to work. I am a secretary at Seven Peaks (a local water park) In short I sale season passes to people, and file customer complaints. At first, I was horrified by the countless stroller-pushing-mothers who screamed at me (the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk) usually cursing at me over price differences of five or six dollars. After thinking if parents matter or not for a whole class period, and then going to work with such a lovely group of dipper-bag-carrying-people I wanted to stand up on my desk and scream, “Stop yelling at me! Don’t you know your child is watching you?” It is a good think I have self control because I don’t think that my fake wooden desk would have been able to hold me up if I stood on it. The truth was though that their children were watching them, and more than that their children were mirroring them.
Children come to the water park front office to pound on the fish tank, put their buggers on the wall, and kiss the windows while their parents or parent try to sort out purchases and rentals. To the children there the office is the torture chamber between them and a water park. To their parents the office is a torture chamber between savings and poor credit. Remember, I am just the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk. When I can not give a costomer what they want they say, “I wanna speak to your manager. Who can I speak to? You go and get them,” I will translate for you, “you powerless little idiot. Get me someone who can give me what I want, and I want it now,” The remarkable thing is that when a parent try to explain to their child why they can not go into the water park today the typical response is, “Why? Mom, we can jus‘ walk through the gate,” I will translate for you, “you powerless little idiot. Get me someone who can give me what I want, and I want it now,” Typically the child speaks the same way to their parent when their parent can not give them what they wanted as their parent spoke to me when I could not give them what they wanted. Now I know that I am acting biased. My translations are exaggerated, but are they really?
The truth of the matter is that sometime I feel like I am dealing with an overgrown child when I have to explain that prices change and that the bases component of a company is that they sale things to people who will buy them in order to make money. There can be a practical normal family purchasing a season pass in the desk next to me. All of that families children are putting on sunscreen, and tossing their towels in the air while the lady purchasing a season pass in at my desk is screaming at me to get my manager and her children are screeching that they want to go inside now. Every day I see parents come in to purchase season passes for their children. There is a theme, Parents who scream at me the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk are more likely to have “mis-behaved” children-even if there is a collected and calm family standing right beside them. Neither family seems to be influence by the other family, but individual families seem to be entirely enthroned in what is going on with their purchases. I think that it is just an everyday observation, but one that I believe Hart would agree points out that children learn how to act in public from their parents behavior and not from the behavior of those around them.
On the first day of my SFL 240 class my professor purposed the question, “Are parents important?” to the class. My professor pulled us out of our shock her seemingly ridicules question by explaining that researchers across the world perposing that parents matter very little in a child’s development, and even if parents matter at all. All I could do is sit at my desk and wonder what the parents of the researcher who stated that parents are not important were thinking. Do those researchers have children of their own? and if they did what kind-of parents are they? I believe that children are influenced by their parents because children watch their parents to learn how to act in public.
After the hour class I went to work. I am a secretary at Seven Peaks (a local water park) In short I sale season passes to people, and file customer complaints. At first, I was horrified by the countless stroller-pushing-mothers who screamed at me (the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk) usually cursing at me over price differences of five or six dollars. After thinking if parents matter or not for a whole class period, and then going to work with such a lovely group of dipper-bag-carrying-people I wanted to stand up on my desk and scream, “Stop yelling at me! Don’t you know your child is watching you?” It is a good think I have self control because I don’t think that my fake wooden desk would have been able to hold me up if I stood on it. The truth was though that their children were watching them, and more than that their children were mirroring them.
Children come to the water park front office to pound on the fish tank, put their buggers on the wall, and kiss the windows while their parents or parent try to sort out purchases and rentals. To the children there the office is the torture chamber between them and a water park. To their parents the office is a torture chamber between savings and poor credit. Remember, I am just the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk. When I can not give a costomer what they want they say, “I wanna speak to your manager. Who can I speak to? You go and get them,” I will translate for you, “you powerless little idiot. Get me someone who can give me what I want, and I want it now,” The remarkable thing is that when a parent try to explain to their child why they can not go into the water park today the typical response is, “Why? Mom, we can jus‘ walk through the gate,” I will translate for you, “you powerless little idiot. Get me someone who can give me what I want, and I want it now,” Typically the child speaks the same way to their parent when their parent can not give them what they wanted as their parent spoke to me when I could not give them what they wanted. Now I know that I am acting biased. My translations are exaggerated, but are they really?
The truth of the matter is that sometime I feel like I am dealing with an overgrown child when I have to explain that prices change and that the bases component of a company is that they sale things to people who will buy them in order to make money. There can be a practical normal family purchasing a season pass in the desk next to me. All of that families children are putting on sunscreen, and tossing their towels in the air while the lady purchasing a season pass in at my desk is screaming at me to get my manager and her children are screeching that they want to go inside now. Every day I see parents come in to purchase season passes for their children. There is a theme, Parents who scream at me the under-paid-powerless-person-behind-the-desk are more likely to have “mis-behaved” children-even if there is a collected and calm family standing right beside them. Neither family seems to be influence by the other family, but individual families seem to be entirely enthroned in what is going on with their purchases. I think that it is just an everyday observation, but one that I believe Hart would agree points out that children learn how to act in public from their parents behavior and not from the behavior of those around them.
science paper one
There is something frightening to me about science, and I think it comes from the misfortunate reputation science has of being too difficult to understand. I enjoyed reading this article because it helped me reconstruct my paradigm of what science is.
For starters who does not like a good story, and like the author points out what makes a better story than science. At first, I felt hesitant. Apollo the Greek God being a scientific explanation? According to the author this “story” is scientific. What? To answer this question I had to break down the definition of science the author provides and Greek mythology. If science is simply a story that explains the natural world, and the Greeks just wanted to explain why the sun rose and set. I guess the observation would be the rising and setting of the sun, and the explanation would be a God pulling it across the sky. After I read that I felt like I could be a scientist; I like to tell stories.
Simplicity, one of the seven scientific storytelling rules Bickmore and Grandy listed. This one stuck out to me the most. How could one of the RULES of science be that it is simple? As I read on I discovered that what the authors truly mean is not that science it’s self is simple, but that science is searching for a simple answer. That means that everything around me has an explanation, and not just any explanation but an explanation that I can understand and further more one that I can discover. Initially all I could think was that Bickmore and Grandy put a lot of confidence in human intelligence by stating that nature is “simple” enough for us to understand. It was a good thing that I kept on reading because I don’t think that is what the authors were trying to say at all.
Science is simple not because it is easy. Aristotle’s common sense said that when he drop a pen it fell to the earth because it wanted to go down, and fire went up because it wanted to go up. I always feel a little guilty when I bash on ancient philosophers and scientist. So, I will use an example from my own life, and we can make Aristotle look good. Up until I was twelve years old my common sense told me that there were so many rocks in the world because rocks had babies… then I took a Jr. High geology class and learned that non-living things don’t have babies. When Bickmore and Grandy say one of the rules of science is Simplicity they don’t me I am being scientific when I start a blog on the internet about all of my personal scientific explanations. Instead I believe they mean to say that science is the search for simplicity, and personally I believe that is what makes science difficult.
I think science is difficult, but that is what I think draws me to it. Please know that when I say I think science is difficult I don’t mean it in a negative way. Lots of good things are difficult. Some mornings getting out of my bed and out into the cold morning air is difficult. Science is difficult because in order for me to understand nature I have to construct and then-more importantly- reconstruct my scientific theories or stories. For example the black box experiment we did in class. After every experiment I had to draw a new picture; I had to think of a new possibility; I had to reconstruct what I believed could explain the black box. The hardest step of science might not be to construct an theory, but to demolish an old theory in order to make room for a more accurate one. This semester I think I am off to a great start at becoming a scientist. I already have one of my theories demolished; science means calculations and charts, and I have constructed a new theory; science is a story that uses calculations and charts like novels use characters and story plots.
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For starters who does not like a good story, and like the author points out what makes a better story than science. At first, I felt hesitant. Apollo the Greek God being a scientific explanation? According to the author this “story” is scientific. What? To answer this question I had to break down the definition of science the author provides and Greek mythology. If science is simply a story that explains the natural world, and the Greeks just wanted to explain why the sun rose and set. I guess the observation would be the rising and setting of the sun, and the explanation would be a God pulling it across the sky. After I read that I felt like I could be a scientist; I like to tell stories.
Simplicity, one of the seven scientific storytelling rules Bickmore and Grandy listed. This one stuck out to me the most. How could one of the RULES of science be that it is simple? As I read on I discovered that what the authors truly mean is not that science it’s self is simple, but that science is searching for a simple answer. That means that everything around me has an explanation, and not just any explanation but an explanation that I can understand and further more one that I can discover. Initially all I could think was that Bickmore and Grandy put a lot of confidence in human intelligence by stating that nature is “simple” enough for us to understand. It was a good thing that I kept on reading because I don’t think that is what the authors were trying to say at all.
Science is simple not because it is easy. Aristotle’s common sense said that when he drop a pen it fell to the earth because it wanted to go down, and fire went up because it wanted to go up. I always feel a little guilty when I bash on ancient philosophers and scientist. So, I will use an example from my own life, and we can make Aristotle look good. Up until I was twelve years old my common sense told me that there were so many rocks in the world because rocks had babies… then I took a Jr. High geology class and learned that non-living things don’t have babies. When Bickmore and Grandy say one of the rules of science is Simplicity they don’t me I am being scientific when I start a blog on the internet about all of my personal scientific explanations. Instead I believe they mean to say that science is the search for simplicity, and personally I believe that is what makes science difficult.
I think science is difficult, but that is what I think draws me to it. Please know that when I say I think science is difficult I don’t mean it in a negative way. Lots of good things are difficult. Some mornings getting out of my bed and out into the cold morning air is difficult. Science is difficult because in order for me to understand nature I have to construct and then-more importantly- reconstruct my scientific theories or stories. For example the black box experiment we did in class. After every experiment I had to draw a new picture; I had to think of a new possibility; I had to reconstruct what I believed could explain the black box. The hardest step of science might not be to construct an theory, but to demolish an old theory in order to make room for a more accurate one. This semester I think I am off to a great start at becoming a scientist. I already have one of my theories demolished; science means calculations and charts, and I have constructed a new theory; science is a story that uses calculations and charts like novels use characters and story plots.
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Reaction Note #2 Parenting Principles
The principle of parenting I believe is the most important is Autonomy. One of the most desirable characteristics someone can develop is the ability, not simply the belief, but the physical ability to let other people make their own choices. I am a firm believer in life after death; a Heaven, and a Hell. I only mention my belief in Heaven and Hell because I want to emphasize that when I get to Heaven or Hell I will have chosen my eternal residency as consciously as I can chose to turn right at a stop light. Which leads me to the reason why I believe autonomy is the most important characteristic a parent helps their child to develop. For me teaching my children how to make choices is a responsibility that will change their eternity.
I grew up in a family that was very religious, and every Sunday we would march down the cracked sidewalks of Springville Utah to the brown bricked church house. I sat on the wooden chapel’s pews; I sat in sunlight peaking through the curtains in my Sunday school row; and I sat on the singing time’s carpet floor. I sat, and did a lot of thinking about right and wrong. One Sunday morning while we were learning about the difference between Heaven and Hell. My round-faced-teacher asked the simple question, “what is your favorite thing to do?” Swimming! I shot my right hand up and gripped the edge of my chair with the other hand to keep from losing my balance and falling over.
It took no time at all to fill the brown chalk board with the list of all my class’s favorite things to do: monkey bars, teeter-totter, coloring, blocks, swimming, riding my bike. My teacher turned to us and smiled, “now when you go to heaven you do that every day, forever,” Back up, this was heaven? In my mind Heaven transformed from a light filled paradise to a never ending swimming pool. All I could imagine was endless waves, and me in the middle of pumping my tiered arms, endlessly swimming; forever. The line “now when you go to heaven you do that every day, forever,” echoed in my soul as my mind replayed sunrises and sunsets and stroke after stroke and my ageing body pruning up, but never, never being able to stop swimming.
Well all of these suckers sitting in their plastic chairs can go to Heaven and do monkey bars forever, and draw in their color books forever. Not me; I’m going to Hell. I remember begging with God please, please, please, I will be good. I won’t kill anyone, or lie every again, and I will stop picking on my brother, but please, please don’t send me to heaven. After this desperate plea I remember being embraced, as if by the most joyous laughter, and something assured me that I would like Heaven. Being the person I am I followed the sudden comfortable feeling right up with I don’t have to swim everyday? Because I promise you I’m not going to Heaven if I have to.
I still hold to that statement; if I have to swim in Heaven everyday I am not going. That type of Heaven, the type were I am forced to do something (even something I love) with out having the choice is Hell and I will not go there. My idea of Heaven is an eternity of progression and dynamic choices. For my future children I don’t want to make my home a Hell on earth. I want them to feel like their home is a little piece of Heaven, a place were they can make their own choices.
To make a choice is an action and just like every action it has to be learned. Babies learn to walk, they learn to talk, they learn to eat, they learn to make choices. These are all actions, and all of them are mastered progressively. It would be improbably for me to imagine that my baby can walk the week after he or she is born. It would also be just as improbably for me to fancy that my child can make all of his or her own choices. Even if my new born baby wanted to make the choice to change their dipper they lack the physical ability to change their dipper. The ability to make a choice is learned, and I am responsible for teaching it to my children. I thought that some of the examples used to teach children how to make a choice were idyllically in their simplicity: instead of saying eat your vegetables say would you like to eat corn, peas, or carrots, but you have to eat one of those vegetables; you can take out the trash now or after school; put five toys away now, and you can keep two toys out to play with, but you chose which five. Oh! How easy it is for me to be a parent while I am not one. How easy it is for me to say what should be done, even before I know what the problem is. That a side, I do know I want my children to learn how to make their own choices, and I believe that I am responsible for teaching that to them.
The principle of parenting I believe is the most important is Autonomy. One of the most desirable characteristics someone can develop is the ability, not simply the belief, but the physical ability to let other people make their own choices. I am a firm believer in life after death; a Heaven, and a Hell. I only mention my belief in Heaven and Hell because I want to emphasize that when I get to Heaven or Hell I will have chosen my eternal residency as consciously as I can chose to turn right at a stop light. Which leads me to the reason why I believe autonomy is the most important characteristic a parent helps their child to develop. For me teaching my children how to make choices is a responsibility that will change their eternity.
I grew up in a family that was very religious, and every Sunday we would march down the cracked sidewalks of Springville Utah to the brown bricked church house. I sat on the wooden chapel’s pews; I sat in sunlight peaking through the curtains in my Sunday school row; and I sat on the singing time’s carpet floor. I sat, and did a lot of thinking about right and wrong. One Sunday morning while we were learning about the difference between Heaven and Hell. My round-faced-teacher asked the simple question, “what is your favorite thing to do?” Swimming! I shot my right hand up and gripped the edge of my chair with the other hand to keep from losing my balance and falling over.
It took no time at all to fill the brown chalk board with the list of all my class’s favorite things to do: monkey bars, teeter-totter, coloring, blocks, swimming, riding my bike. My teacher turned to us and smiled, “now when you go to heaven you do that every day, forever,” Back up, this was heaven? In my mind Heaven transformed from a light filled paradise to a never ending swimming pool. All I could imagine was endless waves, and me in the middle of pumping my tiered arms, endlessly swimming; forever. The line “now when you go to heaven you do that every day, forever,” echoed in my soul as my mind replayed sunrises and sunsets and stroke after stroke and my ageing body pruning up, but never, never being able to stop swimming.
Well all of these suckers sitting in their plastic chairs can go to Heaven and do monkey bars forever, and draw in their color books forever. Not me; I’m going to Hell. I remember begging with God please, please, please, I will be good. I won’t kill anyone, or lie every again, and I will stop picking on my brother, but please, please don’t send me to heaven. After this desperate plea I remember being embraced, as if by the most joyous laughter, and something assured me that I would like Heaven. Being the person I am I followed the sudden comfortable feeling right up with I don’t have to swim everyday? Because I promise you I’m not going to Heaven if I have to.
I still hold to that statement; if I have to swim in Heaven everyday I am not going. That type of Heaven, the type were I am forced to do something (even something I love) with out having the choice is Hell and I will not go there. My idea of Heaven is an eternity of progression and dynamic choices. For my future children I don’t want to make my home a Hell on earth. I want them to feel like their home is a little piece of Heaven, a place were they can make their own choices.
To make a choice is an action and just like every action it has to be learned. Babies learn to walk, they learn to talk, they learn to eat, they learn to make choices. These are all actions, and all of them are mastered progressively. It would be improbably for me to imagine that my baby can walk the week after he or she is born. It would also be just as improbably for me to fancy that my child can make all of his or her own choices. Even if my new born baby wanted to make the choice to change their dipper they lack the physical ability to change their dipper. The ability to make a choice is learned, and I am responsible for teaching it to my children. I thought that some of the examples used to teach children how to make a choice were idyllically in their simplicity: instead of saying eat your vegetables say would you like to eat corn, peas, or carrots, but you have to eat one of those vegetables; you can take out the trash now or after school; put five toys away now, and you can keep two toys out to play with, but you chose which five. Oh! How easy it is for me to be a parent while I am not one. How easy it is for me to say what should be done, even before I know what the problem is. That a side, I do know I want my children to learn how to make their own choices, and I believe that I am responsible for teaching that to them.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Bio 100 annotated text of Discourse on method
first, will be found various considerations touching the Sciences
second, the principal rules of the Method which the Author has discovered,
third, certain of the rules of Morals which he has deduced from this Method;
fourth, the reasonings by which he establishes the existence of God and of the Human Soul,
fifth, the order of the Physical questions which he has investigated,
sixth, what the Author believes to be required in order to greater advancement in the investigation of Nature than has yet been made,
Chapter 1
Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed;
the power of judging aright and of distinguishing truth from error... is by nature equal in all men;
diversity of our opinion not because larger share of reason than other
diversity of our opinion we conduct our thoughts along different ways
fallen in with certain tracks which have conducted me to considerations excellent and important, it is that which I have chosen.
solely to describe the way in which I have endeavored to conduct my own
childhood, I have been familiar with letters; and as I was given to believe that by their help a clear and certain knowledge of all that is useful in life might be acquired, I was ardently desirous of instruction.
I believed that I had already given sufficient time to languages
On the other hand, when too much time is occupied in traveling, we become strangers to our native country; and the over curious in the customs of the past are generally ignorant of those of the present.
I was especially delighted with the mathematics, on account of the certitude and evidence of their reasonings; but I had not as yet a precise knowledge of their true use;
I revered our theology, and aspired as much as any one to reach heaven: but being given assuredly to understand that the way is not less open to the most ignorant than to the most learned,I did not presume to subject them to the impotency of my reason;
Of philosophy I will say nothing,
Chapter 2
single architect more elegant
old walls serve for purposes for which they were not originally built
nations starting from a semi-barbarous state and advancing to civilization
true religion, the ordinances of which are derived from God, must be incomparably superior to that of every other.
I farther concluded that it is almost impossible that our judgments can be so correct or solid as they would have been, had our reason been mature from the moment of our birth, and had we always been guided by it alone.
pull down houses to rebuilding them differently
start thoughts totaly a new the fall of such is always disastrous.
first: more than a due confidence in their own powers
second: modesty to determine that there are others who excel them in the power of discriminating between truth and error
speaking w/o judgment when we are ignorant, than in the investigation of the unknown
first: never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such;
second: divide difficulties under examination into parts to solve
third: conduct thoughts simplest and easiest to know,by little by little,
fourth: complete/general, that I might be assured that nothing was omitted.
I found nothing certain
Chapter 3
Morals to conduct thoughts
first: obey/laws and customs of my country (educated from childhood)
regulate practice to opinions of i live w/
there are few disposed to speak exactly as they believe
many are not aware of what it is that they really believe
second: firm and resolute in my actions as I was able
not to wander from side to side
not stay in one place, but proceed constantly towards the same side in
no delay is permissible
third: to conquer myself rather than fortune
change my desires rather than the order of the world
except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power
consider external beyond power, no more regret the absence of exteranl things
fourth: review different occupations of men how to make best choice
w/o wishing to offer any remarks on the employments of others
daily discovered truths of which other men were generally ignorant
the reasons that led me to doubt of many of those things that by others are esteemed certain
Chapter 4
first meditations: it is sometimes necessary to adopt, as if above doubt,
some men err in reasoning: rejected as false all the reasonings
whilst I think all was false,suppose that I had no body, no world nor any place in which I might be; I was not;
I was a substance whose whole essence or nature consists only in thinking, and which, that it may exist, has need of no place, nor is dependent on any material thing; so that " I," that is to say, the mind by which I am what I am, is wholly distinct from the body,
I see very clearly that in order to think it is necessary to exist,
the nature of God, or other natures that were not wholly perfect, their existence depended on his power in such a way that they could not subsist without him for a single moment.
triangle,is at least as certain that God, who is this Perfect Being, is, or exists, as any demonstration of geometry can be.
senses must prove God and of the soul, but: in order to hear sounds or smell odors, they strove to avail themselves of their eyes; unless indeed that there is this difference, that the sense of sight does not afford us an inferior assurance to those of smell or hearing; in place of which, neither our imagination nor our senses God sent dreams because our reasonings are never so clear or so complete during sleep as when we are awake,
Chapter 5
I found means to satisfy myself in a short time on all the principal difficulties which are usually treated of in philosophy, but I have also observed certain laws established in nature by God in such a manner, it appears to me that I have discovered many truths more useful and more important than all I had before learned, or even had expected to learn.
light; if God were now to create somewhere in the imaginary spaces matter sufficient to compose one,clearer and more intelligible,
light in the sun and the stars also produce light
God formed the body of man wholly like to one of ours: beyond kindling in the heart one of those fires without light,God to have created a rational soul,
reason is an universal instrument that is alike available on every occasion, these organs, on the contrary,
little is required to enable a person to speak; nor must it be thought with certain of the ancients, that the brutes speak, although we do not understand their language. For if such were the case, since they are endowed with many organs analogous to ours, they could as easily communicate their thoughts to us as to their fellows.
Chapter 6
I perceived it to be possible to arrive at knowledge highly useful in life;
we might be enabled to enjoy without any trouble the fruits of the earth,\science of medicine: now contains few things remarkable: but it has potential; I designed to employ my whole life in the search after so necessary a science,
I want to conduct experiments
order: first, I have essayed to find in general the principles,
second I study particular, it to be impossible for the human mind to distinguish the forms or species unless we rise to causes through their effects,experiments.
principles had discovered.
neither my hands nor my income, though it were a thousand times larger than it is, would be sufficient for them all;
change my opinion, and to think that I ought indeed to go on committing to writing all the results which I deemed of any moment,
habit: seeking first what is easy, and then passing onward slowly and step by step to the more difficult, will benefit them more than all my instructions.
one man is not equal to the task of making them all
curiosity=desire of learning, of their own accord, find other's ill described, or even false
two reasons to give public some account of my doings
first; if I failed to do so,people imagine the reasons a don't are poor
in this way readers seeing both at once will more easily determine where the truth lies;
"Dioptrics"/"Meteorics" should offend because I call them hypotheses
I want to prevent a certain class of minds from building some extravagant philosophy upon what they may take to be my principles, and my being blamed for it.
nor boast of being the earliest discoverer of any of them, but adopted them
And if I write in French, which is the language of my country, in preference to Latin, which is that of my preceptors, it is because I expect that those who make use of their unprejudiced natural reason will be better judges of my opinions than those who give heed to the writings of the ancients only;
first, will be found various considerations touching the Sciences
second, the principal rules of the Method which the Author has discovered,
third, certain of the rules of Morals which he has deduced from this Method;
fourth, the reasonings by which he establishes the existence of God and of the Human Soul,
fifth, the order of the Physical questions which he has investigated,
sixth, what the Author believes to be required in order to greater advancement in the investigation of Nature than has yet been made,
Chapter 1
Good sense is, of all things among men, the most equally distributed;
the power of judging aright and of distinguishing truth from error... is by nature equal in all men;
diversity of our opinion not because larger share of reason than other
diversity of our opinion we conduct our thoughts along different ways
fallen in with certain tracks which have conducted me to considerations excellent and important, it is that which I have chosen.
solely to describe the way in which I have endeavored to conduct my own
childhood, I have been familiar with letters; and as I was given to believe that by their help a clear and certain knowledge of all that is useful in life might be acquired, I was ardently desirous of instruction.
I believed that I had already given sufficient time to languages
On the other hand, when too much time is occupied in traveling, we become strangers to our native country; and the over curious in the customs of the past are generally ignorant of those of the present.
I was especially delighted with the mathematics, on account of the certitude and evidence of their reasonings; but I had not as yet a precise knowledge of their true use;
I revered our theology, and aspired as much as any one to reach heaven: but being given assuredly to understand that the way is not less open to the most ignorant than to the most learned,I did not presume to subject them to the impotency of my reason;
Of philosophy I will say nothing,
Chapter 2
single architect more elegant
old walls serve for purposes for which they were not originally built
nations starting from a semi-barbarous state and advancing to civilization
true religion, the ordinances of which are derived from God, must be incomparably superior to that of every other.
I farther concluded that it is almost impossible that our judgments can be so correct or solid as they would have been, had our reason been mature from the moment of our birth, and had we always been guided by it alone.
pull down houses to rebuilding them differently
start thoughts totaly a new the fall of such is always disastrous.
first: more than a due confidence in their own powers
second: modesty to determine that there are others who excel them in the power of discriminating between truth and error
speaking w/o judgment when we are ignorant, than in the investigation of the unknown
first: never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such;
second: divide difficulties under examination into parts to solve
third: conduct thoughts simplest and easiest to know,by little by little,
fourth: complete/general, that I might be assured that nothing was omitted.
I found nothing certain
Chapter 3
Morals to conduct thoughts
first: obey/laws and customs of my country (educated from childhood)
regulate practice to opinions of i live w/
there are few disposed to speak exactly as they believe
many are not aware of what it is that they really believe
second: firm and resolute in my actions as I was able
not to wander from side to side
not stay in one place, but proceed constantly towards the same side in
no delay is permissible
third: to conquer myself rather than fortune
change my desires rather than the order of the world
except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power
consider external beyond power, no more regret the absence of exteranl things
fourth: review different occupations of men how to make best choice
w/o wishing to offer any remarks on the employments of others
daily discovered truths of which other men were generally ignorant
the reasons that led me to doubt of many of those things that by others are esteemed certain
Chapter 4
first meditations: it is sometimes necessary to adopt, as if above doubt,
some men err in reasoning: rejected as false all the reasonings
whilst I think all was false,suppose that I had no body, no world nor any place in which I might be; I was not;
I was a substance whose whole essence or nature consists only in thinking, and which, that it may exist, has need of no place, nor is dependent on any material thing; so that " I," that is to say, the mind by which I am what I am, is wholly distinct from the body,
I see very clearly that in order to think it is necessary to exist,
the nature of God, or other natures that were not wholly perfect, their existence depended on his power in such a way that they could not subsist without him for a single moment.
triangle,is at least as certain that God, who is this Perfect Being, is, or exists, as any demonstration of geometry can be.
senses must prove God and of the soul, but: in order to hear sounds or smell odors, they strove to avail themselves of their eyes; unless indeed that there is this difference, that the sense of sight does not afford us an inferior assurance to those of smell or hearing; in place of which, neither our imagination nor our senses God sent dreams because our reasonings are never so clear or so complete during sleep as when we are awake,
Chapter 5
I found means to satisfy myself in a short time on all the principal difficulties which are usually treated of in philosophy, but I have also observed certain laws established in nature by God in such a manner, it appears to me that I have discovered many truths more useful and more important than all I had before learned, or even had expected to learn.
light; if God were now to create somewhere in the imaginary spaces matter sufficient to compose one,clearer and more intelligible,
light in the sun and the stars also produce light
God formed the body of man wholly like to one of ours: beyond kindling in the heart one of those fires without light,God to have created a rational soul,
reason is an universal instrument that is alike available on every occasion, these organs, on the contrary,
little is required to enable a person to speak; nor must it be thought with certain of the ancients, that the brutes speak, although we do not understand their language. For if such were the case, since they are endowed with many organs analogous to ours, they could as easily communicate their thoughts to us as to their fellows.
Chapter 6
I perceived it to be possible to arrive at knowledge highly useful in life;
we might be enabled to enjoy without any trouble the fruits of the earth,\science of medicine: now contains few things remarkable: but it has potential; I designed to employ my whole life in the search after so necessary a science,
I want to conduct experiments
order: first, I have essayed to find in general the principles,
second I study particular, it to be impossible for the human mind to distinguish the forms or species unless we rise to causes through their effects,experiments.
principles had discovered.
neither my hands nor my income, though it were a thousand times larger than it is, would be sufficient for them all;
change my opinion, and to think that I ought indeed to go on committing to writing all the results which I deemed of any moment,
habit: seeking first what is easy, and then passing onward slowly and step by step to the more difficult, will benefit them more than all my instructions.
one man is not equal to the task of making them all
curiosity=desire of learning, of their own accord, find other's ill described, or even false
two reasons to give public some account of my doings
first; if I failed to do so,people imagine the reasons a don't are poor
in this way readers seeing both at once will more easily determine where the truth lies;
"Dioptrics"/"Meteorics" should offend because I call them hypotheses
I want to prevent a certain class of minds from building some extravagant philosophy upon what they may take to be my principles, and my being blamed for it.
nor boast of being the earliest discoverer of any of them, but adopted them
And if I write in French, which is the language of my country, in preference to Latin, which is that of my preceptors, it is because I expect that those who make use of their unprejudiced natural reason will be better judges of my opinions than those who give heed to the writings of the ancients only;
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