Monday, January 24, 2011

REG #6

Joy Marie Prior
Honors Religion 211
Section 12
January 31, 2011
January 31, 2011
Baptism and Temptations
The real wow factor in this passage was that Jesus Christ was continually being tempted by the Devil. For some reason I was under the false impression that after the Devil tempted him three times the old serpent gave up. The passages of scriptures that say He will be tempted in all manners and the quote from C.S. Lewis and the passages revealed to me that Jesus Christ was tempted on all different levels, and by all different temptations from the Devil. While I was pondering on the different methods that the Devil tempted Jesus Christ with I started thinking about the different methods that the Devil tempts me. In short I realized that all temptations come from the Devil. I also made the realization that these temptations are to distract me from who I truly am; if I follow the example of Jesus Christ I can overcome temptations by remembering who I am, and following the loving spirit of the Holy Ghost.

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