Monday, January 24, 2011

REG #7

Joy Marie Prior
Honors Religion 211
Section 12
Feb 2, 2011
Feb 2, 2011
Spiritual Rebirth; Accepted in Samaria, Rejected in Nazareth
The idea of rebirth has always puzzled me. This week when I was sitting in sacrament I was reflecting on the reading and I wanted experience rebirth. I know that the sacrament is like being baptized again, but I wanted to embrace that feeling. So while I was sitting there I asked for more confirmation about my own spiritual rebirth. I felt a remarkable difference between my heart and motivations before I partook of the sacrament and afterwards. There was a sudden feeling in me that I was changed.
As I thought about how much better I felt about who I was and what I wanted to become I had a sneaking fear that if I did change I would become oddly different. That my friends would think that I was “not being” myself or that I was “rejecting” who I really was if I changed. This fear flaked off of me as I embraced the idea that I wanted to be changed, because if I was changed that could bring me closer to God. I was grateful for the reading and the confirmation that not only can I experience a rebirth but that I can embrace a new and changed self.

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