Wednesday, February 16, 2011

REg Transfiguration

Often times I forget to think of the stories of Jesus literally. I mistakenly put a “once upon a time,” in front of the verse instead of, “and it came to pass.” This time when I read about the transfiguration I thought of the heavens literally opening, and Moses and Elijah literally standing next to Jesus Christ. This thought helped me to understand the value of my soul; my development and growth is so valuable to God that even in death I am interacting and progressing. When I die, I don’t simple go into a soul sleep, and remain in the earth. Instead I go on and progress through the atonement. The vision was literal, and so is the value and progression of all of God’s children. There is not a time when I will simply stay on the sidelines and just remain there until summoned. No, progression is always happening.

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