Wednesday, January 12, 2011

REG #2

Joy Marie Prior
Honors religion 211
Section 12
January 19, 2011
January 19, 2011
Prophecies of Messiah

Last semester I took an Isaiah class. While I was in the class I learned so much about how many prophecies there were about the Christ. This time while I was reading I was thinking of all of those prophecies and I was thinking about all of the time and energy and planning that went into the preparation of the Savior’s life. Then I started to think about the reason why there was so much preparation for His life, and I realized that it was not simply just to get Him here so that He could be here. It was so that He could fulfill His calling, and His calling was to serve. Just as my purpose to get to this earth in the particular time, and particular place that I am at is not simply so that I can be here to float around on this earth. I am here right now so that I can serve those around me, who need my God’s help and need to recognize His love.

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