Wednesday, January 12, 2011

REG #3

Joy Marie Prior
Honors religion 211
Section 12
January 19, 2011
January 19, 2011
Meridian of Time- Historical Backgrounds
This was really interesting to me, because only this Christmas have I begun to understand that part of the majestic of the Christmas story is that there is no once upon a time and there is no the end to the story. It is a story that is still happening, and it is a story that started long before Christ’s Birth. It got me thinking about my own story, and how my life did not start at birth, and how through the atonement my life does not end after death. This was really influential to me. While I was reading about the Meridian of Time and Historical Backgrounds I was about to think about how my life story is as connected and influenced by the thousands of lives that came before me. It was remarkable to realize that the friends I have, and the person that I am is not just simply because I was born, but because thousands of people, even millions of people, and dare I say billions of people were born, came to earth, and lived. Their stories and lives effect mine and I feel so much more grateful and responsible to make sure that my life influences those that come after me, and because I can do temple work for the dead I can even influence those who have come before me.

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