Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reg #5

Joy Marie Prior
Honors religion 211
Section 12
January 24, 2010
January 24, 2010
I learned that in the Jewish culture at the age of 12 the children were expected to speak to the elders and to have them question them. I also learned that when Jesus was talking to the men in the temple those men would have had to be humble enough to question the boy sitting before them, and to listen to what he was saying. This really impressed me because sometimes I get the wrong idea of all of the church leaders in the time of Jesus and think that all of them were out to kill Him. What I had not thought of was that some of the church leaders listened to the Savior and followed what His council was. This was a new thought to me. I also realized that Jesus did not just sit around until it was time for his ministry to begin; He must have been actively involved in God’s work to help develop and prepare himself for the trials and tribulations that would were to happen during His ministry. Right now my life is fairly easy; I mean sometimes classes are hard, but really. This example helped me to realize that I need to be preparing myself for the trials and tribulations that are sure to enter my life.

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