Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reg #6

Joy Marie Prior
Honors religion 211
Section 12
January 31, 2010
January 31, 2010
B aptism and Temptations
I learned that John the Baptist was not just a wild man. For some reason the image that I idetified with John the Baptist was a man with a long unkept beard with leather skin and almost wildlike eyes. As I read this passage though Irealized that John the Baptists was among the chose, and that he probably was more "normal" than I had ever imagined. It put an entirely new thought into my heart and mind to imagine a dignified, well respected, man of the church looking into the Saviors eyes at the waters of baptisum. Suddenly the part were John tells that Savior that "He should be the one baptizing him" took on a whole new meaning. I tried to imagine Gordon B. Hinkley or Thomas S. Monson in the John the Baptists shoes, and my heart was softened.

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